I'm voting for Trump

Sorry, I don't agree, I think he means he is bringing law and order back to the streets, he talked about high crime statistics and how Obama is to blame. He claimed it will end when he is President.

Yep, he believes he is the answer to finally out an end to the high crime rates of Obama, sorry, Nova, he thinks he is the law and order man, Cheeto Jesus, come to save you!

Well, then we do agree.....I thought you meant Trump would end all crime and all violence in or on the particular day he was sworn in....
my point was fighting crime and actually ending crime are two different things.....
NO man can just end all crime or all violence.....Trump says he will fight those things with more passion than Obama has done.....

Sorry if I took you post differently.....
I don't agree with Trumps ideas on many things except keeping dirty stinking muslimes out of our country. But if people don't understand the sentiment. There is a reason Donald Trump is where he is. And that is because know it all like Thingy and Rancid live in their little ideological bubbles and look with disdain on their fellow Americans who don't share their political beliefs. Over the last forty years the left has turned politics into a WWE event where anything goes as long as they get their way. When they don't, then all of a sudden we gotta play by the rules. Couple that with the GOP who at best are incompetent in stopping the left or at worst complicit in growing gobblement and you get a recipe for Donald J Trump. The Donald J Trumps of the world don't happen in a vacuum.

What is laughable is that the same lefties who can't understand Trump were swooning over Obama in 2008 with "Hope and Change". Remember when Obama said he was going to "fundamentally change America"? You all cheered. So spare me this "you think America is great" crap. You lefties hate what this country stands for and the principles it was founded on.

If you and republican's like Cawacko get landed with Trump you can look into a mirror to find the reason why.
So, I want to know, how will he do all these things, like stop the unrest in the streets and the killing of police? Will outlawing protests be a way to end street violence? Where will he get all his money to implement his policies? Will he invade the cities where crime has increased with a militarized police and enforce Marshall Law? He makes a lot of promises, but how does he plan to implement them? Do you think Pence will be good at making foreign policy decisions? There are so many questions about Trump because he is very short on details.
I'm scouring your posts, USF - I'm trying to find a better, more sophisticated rejoinder than "whatever."

Still coming up empty. Some lively candidates above, but really, just not my style.
Using homosexual prison slang?
Why am I not surprised.

Are you suggesting that the use of it in todays music, means they're making a reference to homosexual prison slang?
But what is more intriguing, is how you're aware of this being homosexual prison slang. :eek2:

Not that there's anything wrong with what ever lifestyle you have; because it's your choice. :good4u:
I'm scouring your posts, USF - I'm trying to find a better, more sophisticated rejoinder than "whatever."

Still coming up empty. Some lively candidates above, but really, just not my style.

Are you suggesting that the use of it in todays music, means they're making a reference to homosexual prison slang?
But what is more intriguing, is how you're aware of this being homosexual prison slang. :eek2:

Not that there's anything wrong with what ever lifestyle you have; because it's your choice. :good4u:

You are the one who used it, racist douche bag.
Are you suggesting that the use of it in todays music, means they're making a reference to homosexual prison slang?
But what is more intriguing, is how you're aware of this being homosexual prison slang. :eek2:

Not that there's anything wrong with what ever lifestyle you have; because it's your choice. :good4u:

Leon says a lot about himself without realizing it.