Income Inequality?


So while the President runs around talking about helping the poor, and screwing the wealthy, here is the truth. So here is the question for liberals and especially black, or Hispanic, even the idiotic trolls on this site whom are liberal, Really? Do us all a favor and stfu about how great liberals are at helping the poor. They help themselves and give less to charity than conservatives.
Well, well, well 22 views not one Libtard response. Duped by the Obamster should be stamped on your foreheads so ya can't ever vote again.
Look it up for yourselves commies, Hope and change meant he hoped he could do this, and leave you the change. Face reality
So while the President runs around talking about helping the poor, and screwing the wealthy, here is the truth. So here is the question for liberals and especially black, or Hispanic, even the idiotic trolls on this site whom are liberal, Really? Do us all a favor and stfu about how great liberals are at helping the poor. They help themselves and give less to charity than conservatives.

What have the Republicans done for the poor or the middle class?
The RINOs in Congress just helped Obamanomics out with another debt ceiling hike, bless their little cowardly hearts!
So while the President runs around talking about helping the poor, and screwing the wealthy, here is the truth. So here is the question for liberals and especially black, or Hispanic, even the idiotic trolls on this site whom are liberal, Really? Do us all a favor and stfu about how great liberals are at helping the poor. They help themselves and give less to charity than conservatives.

But don't you get it Patriot? It's okay to be a wealthy Liberal as long as you claim you care more than anyone else in the world.

Besides, rich Liberals like Pelosi and Obummer declare that they would be happy to forgo their wealth if they are legally forced to. LMAO
What have the Republicans done for the poor or the middle class?

Fascinating; five years of this Presidency and the low information fools who elected him still think this is a Republican issue.

A better question would be what has Obummer not done to destroy jobs in this country. Oh wait, he hasn't been able to pass anymore job killing massive tax and spend bills since Republicans controlled the House.
What have the Republicans done for the poor or the middle class?

Repeatedly tried to yank any financial safety net out from under any one of them who becomes unemployed.

It's the "Christian" thing to do for them, don't ya know.
The RINOs in Congress just helped Obamanomics out with another debt ceiling hike, bless their little cowardly hearts!

One can only wonder what it is like living in a fantasy Alice in Wonderland world like you do. It must be similar to dimentia; where every day is like groundhog day and you can make the same stupid arguments and stupid claims believing that they are the first time they've been made over and over again and that no one can answer them because tomorrow it starts all over again.

You really are more like a Liberal in that regard.
Repeatedly tried to yank any financial safety net out from under any one of them who becomes unemployed.

It's the "Christian" thing to do for them, don't ya know.

That's amusing; of course it never occurs to dunces like you why the budget for such things has massively increased since Obummer took office has it?

Yet dunces like you who rail about how many poor and unemployed there are today claiming Republicans want to cut their benefits also praise all the jobs Obummer has created and this booming economy. Unfortunately, because you are dumber than a rock, the irony and inconsisty of such arguments never occurs to you. Simply because you really are THAT stupid.
Hey listen, will you sweep the factory I'm making more on my stocks than your salary.
I agree dude...yesterday was a pretty good day... I bet you and I made more in the market yesterday than most of these right wing douchebags make in a quarter! ;)
I agree dude...yesterday was a pretty good day... I bet you and I made more in the market yesterday than most of these right wing douchebags make in a quarter! ;)

LMAO; lookie here, two repugnant leftist dunces putting down working people while pretending they are rich.
What have the Republicans done for the poor or the middle class?

That wasn't my question, try to keep up, be honest and tell me what has happened to the poor under Obama, I am a conservative not a republican, republicans in many cases are democrat lite.
I agree dude...yesterday was a pretty good day... I bet you and I made more in the market yesterday than most of these right wing douchebags make in a quarter! ;)

Did you run right out and give it to a poor person? nope bought more weed for yourselves.