Income Inequality?

Did you run right out and give it to a poor person? nope bought more weed for yourselves.

My charitable giving is very structured.... I don't "run out" and do anything. Like I have said, I tithe at my church and, beyond that, my wife and I have set up a charitable trust that is exclusively aimed at feeding the hungry in Central Maine.
My charitable giving is very structured.... I don't "run out" and do anything. Like I have said, I tithe at my church and, beyond that, my wife and I have set up a charitable trust that is exclusively aimed at feeding the hungry in Central Maine.

Well what do ya know a charitable Democrat who is charitable with his own money. So tell me where do you suppose God will think of you when you supported the party of abortion, and homosexuality?
But your question was actually "where will he think of me" (odd question) and my answer to that is.... I would imagine he'd be sitting right on my shoulder.
That wasn't my question, try to keep up, be honest and tell me what has happened to the poor under Obama, I am a conservative not a republican, republicans in many cases are democrat lite.

Off hand I can't think of anything negative that has happened to the poor as a result of anything the president has done.

So, then what have conservatives done for the poor?
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Off hand I can't think of anything negative that has happened to the poor as a result of anything the president has done.

So, then what have conservatives done for the poor?

LMAO; yep, Obummer has nothing to do with the increasing poverty. It's all Bush's fault dontchyaknow.
One can only wonder what it is like living in a fantasy Alice in Wonderland world like you do. It must be similar to dimentia; where every day is like groundhog day and you can make the same stupid arguments and stupid claims believing that they are the first time they've been made over and over again and that no one can answer them because tomorrow it starts all over again.

And of course in your very next post you’re gonna enlighten us all about all of the exciting and relevant issues and arguments you’ve produced here that were something other than idiot insults at the non-RINOs and cheering on your RINO brethren, right Goober?

Oh! I will give you credit though for typing out the pertinent phrase, “no one can answer.” But of course you fuck up the reason immeasurably because you’re a RINO moron. The actual reason nobody answers my truthful accusations and observations is simply because they’re the TRUTH and truth hurts y’all RINO & DINO Duopoly partisan minions.

You really are more like a Liberal in that regard.

Oh! But you seem to forget Goober, I AM A TRUE LIBERAL i. e. BILL OF RIGHTS LIBERAL Have you ever read the very, very LIBERAL Bill Of Rights Goober? It’s all about the very, very liberal inalienable rights of free people and the very, very, conservative limitations on the powers of government. That also makes me a TRUE CONSERVATIVE in that regard, huh Goober?????
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Off hand I can't think of anything negative that has happened to the poor as a result of anything the president has done.

So, then what have conservatives done for the poor?

Yeah! Like food stamps by the truck load and extended unemployment benefits till hell freezes over is a terrific incentive to boost an economy while ya ignore and prevent the Keystone pipeline and shutdown coal powered generating plants and oil refineries and prevent the private sector from creating employment instead of unemployment benefits and earned food on the table instead of food stamps to be traded for booze and drugs, huh?

Where in the Constitution do we find the authority for the federal government to "do for the poor" except protect their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness just like every other citizen?
.... seems to me I recall some phrase about "promoting the general welfare" in there somewhere.....

LMAO; yeah shit-for-brains, and the founders were thinking of the welfare state when they wrote it right?

You dishonest morons are a hoot.
Yeah! Like food stamps by the truck load and extended unemployment benefits till hell freezes over is a terrific incentive to boost an economy while ya ignore and prevent the Keystone pipeline and shutdown coal powered generating plants and oil refineries and prevent the private sector from creating employment instead of unemployment benefits and earned food on the table instead of food stamps to be traded for booze and drugs, huh?

Where in the Constitution do we find the authority for the federal government to "do for the poor" except protect their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness just like every other citizen?

Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat.

In other words...FOOD STAMPS for those who need them.
Off hand I can't think of anything negative that has happened to the poor as a result of anything the president has done.

So, then what have conservatives done for the poor?

Let me know when you have gone to the link and seen what has happened to minorities under douchebag leader
LMAO; yeah shit-for-brains, and the founders were thinking of the welfare state when they wrote it right?

You dishonest morons are a hoot.

And if you had half a fucking brain, you'd have actually made a rational argument for a change as opposed to insults without rational arguments.

Fact is Goober the "General Welfare is rationally and completely and corectly interpreted by Thomas Jefferson as such,

"The Real Meaning Of The General Welfare Clause."

Here’s Jefferson’s take on the General Welfare Clause and as far as I’m concerned it’s the absolute most interesting of all. I see it as the genius of Jefferson and his ability of rational understanding. Jefferson has it right! Following that is a libertarian comment on Jefferson’s quotes regarding the General Welfare. Short but good reading at that site.

“To lay taxes to provide for the general welfare of the United States, that is to say, to lay taxes of providing for the general welfare. For the laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase, not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.” (Thomas Jefferson to George Washington)

The full clause reads: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States[.]” The clause is clearly about taxes. It mentions “duties, imposts and excises” both before and after it’s reference to the “general welfare.” Taxes are the "what" of the clause, to provide for the general welfare is merely the "why." The clause gives Congress power to levy various taxes, nothing more.
Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat.

In other words...FOOD STAMPS for those who need them.

That has to be the most stupid thing you have ever posted, right to life? so you are against abortion?