Income Inequality?

Repeatedly tried to yank any financial safety net out from under any one of them who becomes unemployed.

It's the "Christian" thing to do for them, don't ya know.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me where the constitutional authority can be found for the federal "safety net"" Zappy. Have you found it yet?
Just as shocking as how readily he guzzles down the koolaid they serve up to pinheads like him.

So you're claiming that the statistics in the article are false? How so? Again, you seldom bring anything other than your uninformed hyper partisan hyperbole to the thread.
The jet57 idiot is as fucking clueless and stupid as you moron!!! Y'all are card carrying members of the "I got no clue" club.

I'm sorry; the jet57 idiot is clueless? Do you have anything to back that up that would be considered credible? or is this another I don't like what he says so he's an idiot charge.
Would any of the idiot liberals actually care to comment on the Subject, it being Obama talks about income inequality while making millions, helps no one!
Bush, Obama and the Federal Reserve have done more for income inequality than anybody in history with Wall Street bailouts QE 1, QE 2 & QE 3. Wall Street is making billions while the minions starve. Food, gasoline and State taxation inflation is rampant and the lying bastards tell the minions that inflation is non-existent so they keep interest rates artificially at rock bottom, building a gigantic pending inflation bubble.