Income Inequality?

So you didn't say: "Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat?"

Only those without the resources to obtain their own food would need the help of the Government to make sure they eat.
Christ never suggested that it was the States duty to provide; which is what this is about. I am amused when leftist Christian hating athiests seek to invoke Christianity in a debate about a Government welfare state.

I understand it's difficult to talk about...this petty double standard you have.

On the one hand Christians like to boast how this is a "Christian Nation" founded on "Christian Ideals".

It's only when someone suggests actually ACTING on those vaunted "Christian Ideals" and doing something for the poor like Welfare or Food Stamps that your outrageous hypocrisy emerges.
how can an outcome be more equal than another outcome. Either the outcomes are equal or they are not. I have never called for equal outcomes..... just ever so slightly less unequal ones.

And now come the word're on the ropes over one post and now want to whine and play words embarrassing for you...

slightly less unequal = slightly more equal--------------lmao

Antonyms for more equal

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More words related to more equal

adj. enough, able

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And now come the word're on the ropes over one post and now want to whine and play words embarrassing for you...

on the ropes? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha

Like I said... NOBODY whats equal outcomes... that is just more right wing nut talk show bullshit. Raising the marginal tax rate for wealthy folks back to the levels they were at during the Clinton administration when wealthy people were really getting wealthy is NOT promoting communism.. it is NOT asking for equal outcomes.

Grow the fuck up.... pollywog.
you don't know shit about words... that's obvious. If you have number X.... there is only ONE value (X) that EQUALS that value... but there are an INFINITE number of values that do NOT equal X. Having something be "less unequal is NOT synonymous with being MORE equal.
on the ropes? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha

Like I said... NOBODY whats equal outcomes... that is just more right wing nut talk show bullshit. Raising the marginal tax rate for wealthy folks back to the levels they were at during the Clinton administration when wealthy people were really getting wealthy is NOT promoting communism.. it is NOT asking for equal outcomes.

Grow the fuck up.... pollywog.

"it is NOT asking for equal outcomes".....did I say it was ? Having trouble with reading comprehension again ? Maybe if you read slower it would help.

what you want is MORE equal incomes...or less unequal if you prefer.....same thing. Just a tad of communism...don't be shy....just admit it....

Try it again....
"Say what you mean. You want to redistribute the wealth earned by others to those that don't, can't or won't earn as want more welfare....

christ, man up already. An even and equal playing field isn't enough for you, you want a more equal outcome....just a little mild touch of communism...

The 'outcome' in this context is "incomes'.....but you already knew that didn't you.
"it is NOT asking for equal outcomes".....did I say it was ? Having trouble with reading comprehension again ? Maybe if you read slower it would help.

what you want is MORE equal incomes...or less unequal if you prefer.....same thing. Just a tad of communism...don't be shy....just admit it....

Try it again....

The 'outcome' in this context is "incomes'.....but you already knew that didn't you.

Like I said, the word "equal" means "equal". It doesn't mean "similar." "More equal" is a redundant phrase. Things cannot be MORE equal if they are already equal. They can, however, be LESS unequal if they are not equal. See how that works?

And you treat the word "communism" as if it were a cosmetic.... like a girl putting on a little bit of makeup. Communism is not like cosmetics, it's like pregnancy. A woman CAN be a little bit made up, she cannot be a little bit pregnant. There is no such thing as a mild touch of communism.

Progressive taxation is not communism. It may be a touch of populism, but that's it. It has been a part of our capitalistic economic governmental system for well over a century now.

We are not a communist nation, nor have we ever been, nor does anyone that I know of with any real influence in the democratic party want us to be.

But that doesn't really matter to koolaid soaked righties... for you, "communism" is just another polite epithet... one you can publicly use to castigate this president and his party.... kinda like "socialist", or "community organizer", or, best yet, "Kenyan"..... we all know what you really mean. We all know that all those epithets are just dog whistles to rally the hateful masses.
Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat.

In other words...FOOD STAMPS for those who need them.

But you refuse to accept the common sense that a “right to life” doesn’t include food gifts from government’s extorted taxpayers to sustain your pathetic life. In order for your life to be ”in pursuit of your happiness you actually need to PURSUE your own grub because government was never intended by our founders to be your Mommy & Daddy because somebody has to be adult enough to produce the food and make it available for you to pursue.

Besides all of that the point I make is that all socialist government programs are a power specifically and solely reserved to the States & the people by our Constitution. (see Amendment 10)
But you refuse to accept the common sense that a “right to life” doesn’t include food gifts from government’s extorted taxpayers to sustain your pathetic life. In order for your life to be ”in pursuit of your happiness you actually need to PURSUE your own grub because government was never intended by our founders to be your Mommy & Daddy because somebody has to be adult enough to produce the food and make it available for you to pursue.

Besides all of that the point I make is that all socialist government programs are a power specifically and solely reserved to the States & the people by our Constitution. (see Amendment 10)

people will die without food and water.

If the society does not provide a way to obtain food people will die.

your a fucking sociopath.

we don't let the sociopaths run the world
There is a reason Bush ran on the COMPASSIONATE conservative thingy.

Its because conservative became = with being UN compassionate.

You are trying real hard to be what people hated already decades ago.

You are so uncompassionate you think people believe just like you do.

They don't

people like and care about others.

YOU don't.

your the exception.

Your the sociopath
You really are a lunatic dumbass; my point was exactly that it was NOT the intent of the founders that Government should "provide" for its citizens you whackjob.

Actually Goober your responding post 1457089 had absolutely no argumentative foundation of any fact or even any reference to such. It was simply as usual nothing more than another of your brainless insulting diatribes without any substance approaching rational argument. It’s one thing to simply spout insults, (like morons like you), and quite another thing to be able to attach them to some degree of actual argumentative substance.

But of course you think Mainetard is someone one can have an honest coherent debate with; but like you he isn't. We point at morons like you and Maintard laughing and say “look, an idiot!”

You offer yet another point in evidence!!!!! That’s your entire pathetic argument, (laughing your ass off, pointing and saying, “Look an idiot”) You win the “Goober Of The Decade Award”

Not go erupt at someone who might give a shit about your small brained notions of what Liberty and Conservative means.

Oh! But I can actually make rational arguments to go with my highly deserved insults Goober. I can also back up my “small brained” notions with constitutional scripture. “Small brained.” I see you’ve been getting your education from Anti-Party with your newest “small brained” insults, huh?

I’ve challenged you and others several times to produce your interpretation of ”conservative” and not strangely at all you’re at a total loss for words. Surely it’s because your only argumentative words seem to be insults without substance, Huh Goober? So what’s your definition of an American political conservative? I’ll wait Goober. I won’t hold my breath Goober.

Moron; you can't even comprehend when we're on the same side of an argument.

The problem is Goober, I can’t comprehend anything you post as being an actual argument. It all appears to me to be nothing but blithering idiot insults of a raving mad dog.
republican party: Not giving a shit for over 40 years.




whatever it takes to gain power.
You are totally irrelevant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!