Income Inequality?

Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat.

In other words...FOOD STAMPS for those who need them.

You again ignore the fact that there is absolutely no authority in the Constitution for federal welfare programs, food stamps, unemployment benefits and on and on and on. All of that power is designated solely to the States by the Constitution's amendment 10.
Well the poor will find life hard, if not impossible, without FOOD.

In other words, the Government can't ensure everyone's right to LIFE without making sure they have food to eat.

In other words...FOOD STAMPS for those who need them.

So it is your argument, and those of other brain dead lefttards, that without the Government, people cannot find food and feed themselves. That's an incredible argument. One has to wonder how people can get up in the morning without a Government wake-up call eh?
And if you had half a fucking brain, you'd have actually made a rational argument for a change as opposed to insults without rational arguments.

Fact is Goober the "General Welfare is rationally and completely and corectly interpreted by Thomas Jefferson as such,

"The Real Meaning Of The General Welfare Clause."

Here’s Jefferson’s take on the General Welfare Clause and as far as I’m concerned it’s the absolute most interesting of all. I see it as the genius of Jefferson and his ability of rational understanding. Jefferson has it right! Following that is a libertarian comment on Jefferson’s quotes regarding the General Welfare. Short but good reading at that site.

“To lay taxes to provide for the general welfare of the United States, that is to say, to lay taxes of providing for the general welfare. For the laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase, not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.” (Thomas Jefferson to George Washington)

The full clause reads: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States[.]” The clause is clearly about taxes. It mentions “duties, imposts and excises” both before and after it’s reference to the “general welfare.” Taxes are the "what" of the clause, to provide for the general welfare is merely the "why." The clause gives Congress power to levy various taxes, nothing more.

You really are a lunatic dumbass; my point was exactly that it was NOT the intent of the founders that Government should "provide" for its citizens you whackjob.

But of course you think Mainetard is someone one can have an honest coherent debate with; but like you he isn't. We point at morons like you and Maintard laughing and say “look, an idiot!”

Not go erupt at someone who might give a shit about your small brained notions of what Liberty and Conservative means.

Moron; you can't even comprehend when we're on the same side of an argument.
LMAO; yeah shit-for-brains, and the founders were thinking of the welfare state when they wrote it right?

You dishonest morons are a hoot.

Feeding the poor is definitely more in line with what Christ taught than the selfish Conservative view of "personal responsibility".

Whatsoever you do for the least of my people...that you do unto me.

Sounds like Christ thought welfare was a pretty good idea.
So it is your argument, and those of other brain dead lefttards, that without the Government, people cannot find food and feed themselves. That's an incredible argument. One has to wonder how people can get up in the morning without a Government wake-up call eh?

No, that isn't my argument at all.
"to bad" is that the infinitive of the verb "bad"

When are you scheduled to complete your GED, by the way?

Thanks for confirming your are the English Nazi of the board. How about we get back to the Subject of Dear Leader making tons of money while President, taking way to many vacations while the poor suffer. Golfing way more than Bush ever thought of while poor people can't afford to eat. He and every other Liberal President has made fools of you libtards while making bucket loads of money and doing nothing to help the poor they champion.
Feeding the poor is definitely more in line with what Christ taught than the selfish Conservative view of "personal responsibility".

Whatsoever you do for the least of my people...that you do unto me.

Sounds like Christ thought welfare was a pretty good idea.

Yes and conservatives out give libtards by a great margin individually, do me a favor, leave Jesus out of any argument you have you hippy, leftist, immoral, douchebag, you clearly do not know who he was.
Yes and conservatives out give libtards by a great margin individually, do me a favor, leave Jesus out of any argument you have you hippy, leftist, immoral, douchebag, you clearly do not know who he was.
And by your action and words on this forum you are pretty clueless about him as well.
Yes and conservatives out give libtards by a great margin individually, do me a favor, leave Jesus out of any argument you have you hippy, leftist, immoral, douchebag, you clearly do not know who he was.

Most of us faithful Christians would not speak of Him in the past tense like that.
Thanks for confirming your are the English Nazi of the board. How about we get back to the Subject of Dear Leader making tons of money while President, taking way to many vacations while the poor suffer. Golfing way more than Bush ever thought of while poor people can't afford to eat. He and every other Liberal President has made fools of you libtards while making bucket loads of money and doing nothing to help the poor they champion.

I disagree with just about everything you have said above....

What, pray tell, does the president golfing have to do with poor people's food budgets? If he golfed a little less, would the poor folks magically have more money in their pockets with which to purchase groceries? lol

Your english grammar IS atrocious, by the way... to, too, two: three different words, three different meanings. Learn them please.
I disagree with just about everything you have said above....

What, pray tell, does the president golfing have to do with poor people's food budgets? If he golfed a little less, would the poor folks magically have more money in their pockets with which to purchase groceries? lol

And if those making money made a little less money, would the poor folks magically have more money in their pockets with which to purchase groceries?

Say what you mean. You want to redistribute the wealth earned by others to those that don't, can't or won't earn as want more welfare....

christ, man up already. An even and equal playing field isn't enough for you, you want a more equal outcome....just a little mild touch of communism...
Feeding the poor is definitely more in line with what Christ taught than the selfish Conservative view of "personal responsibility".

Whatsoever you do for the least of my people...that you do unto me.

Sounds like Christ thought welfare was a pretty good idea.

Christ never suggested that it was the States duty to provide; which is what this is about. I am amused when leftist Christian hating athiests seek to invoke Christianity in a debate about a Government welfare state.
I disagree with just about everything you have said above....

Of course you don’t; you’re a moron.

What, pray tell, does the president golfing have to do with poor people's food budgets? If he golfed a little less, would the poor folks magically have more money in their pockets with which to purchase groceries? Lol

Again; you dishonestly represent what someone has stated. I can’t say I am surprised. These are the tactics of repugnant douchebags like you.

Your english grammar IS atrocious, by the way... to, too, two: three different words, three different meanings. Learn them please.

Fascinating; you never seem to have the same issues with leftists who agree with your dimwitted partisan views.

You’re selective outrage has been noted dumbass.