InstaPoll: Biden Wins.


At least this is what I'm told:

Biden 46%
Palin: 21%
Tie: 33%

Not surprising. The post-debate commentary seemed as divorced from reality as the last post-debate commentary. Focusing on the politics of the debate instead of the substance of it, Palin did OK. She didn't piss herself or anything. On substance, though, she was horrible. I think the public, at least the public that tunes into the debates, focuses on substance.
CNN poll had it 51-39% Biden.

He did win on points. She exceeded expectations by a wide margin, which is also somewhat of a victory.
Here's a deal, if my numbers are wrong on the CBS poll you can pick my avatar or signature until election day. if my numbers are right, I pick yours. Deal? Who wants action?
Here's a deal, if my numbers are wrong on the CBS poll you can pick my avatar or signature until election day. if my numbers are right, I pick yours. Deal? Who wants action?
And I'll hold the "cash" so to speak. I can change their avatar and sigs if you don't trust them to...

where's this? how can they claim that already??

They always do an instant phone poll after the debate ends, and get the results posted pretty quickly. You would think it wouldn't be that accurate, but the #'s usually end up holding.
I did cheat and watch a bit. I was not locked into it, but it seemed like Biden was kicking her ass. She seemed very nervous and unsure of herself. And she walked into Biden a couple times, that tax raise quote (what was it like 400 something times McCain voted to raise taxes).

The Repubs either need to actually support less government or quit talking about it. At this point, unless you are an idiot, you know that Repubs are all about big government handing out benefits to the rich. Their limited government crap only applies to the poor. The Dems are mostly about big government for the rich too, but at least they throw out some bones to the poor. And they don't invade our "bedrooms" as much, either.

Why would any libertarian vote Repub at this point? I can't vote for Obama, especially after his unconditional support of this transfer of wealth, but McCain??? Fuck no!
Here's a deal, if my numbers are wrong on the CBS poll you can pick my avatar or signature until election day. if my numbers are right, I pick yours. Deal? Who wants action?

You knew the numbers before they were posted or released is what you are saying? I think you lost Damo on that.