Insult-free week

Hello evince,

so why do you care if people cuss at bots

Because it contributes to polarization which is hurting our country. I don't want to do anything that hurts the USA.

There is too much polarization. We need to find ways to rebuild respect for fellow Americans. Sure, some don't deserve it, so I simply refuse to talk to them. My refusal to engage them is a message that what they are doing is unacceptable. And since I freely talk to those who don't have to make things personal, I show that there can be disagreement with respect.

On a sub-note, it also makes the liberal side look bad to deviate from the subject and get personally nasty. It gives the conservatives the chance to say liberals do it too. They can say liberals are disgusting and foul-mouthed, and they would not be totally incorrect to say that.

you seem to think none of this matters

I do think things matter. I argue every issue I have time for. Of course I think things matter. But when the right wants to get nasty it makes more sense to let them make fools of themselves getting personal as I merely stick to the subject and refuse to recognize people who act like that. The truth alone will stand on it's own merit. Try to always verify so my positions are fact-based. That leaves them little to work with. The fact they go low merely reasserts they have no standing, and that my positions then appear unassailable.

Merit-based debate is ultimately more effective than personal slam based.

The people who call President Trump names are not really helping the liberal cause. That brings us down to their level when we should be staying above that. After all, we have the better position. They don't. All we have to do is argue the facts. The facts alone present a better argument than facts + name-calling and insults.

Back when I used to mix it up with trolls I would say if you have to add insults then you must not feel as if your position is all that iron-clad. Now I just don't bother to even talk to people who insult me. I simply blow the lies out of the water and lay down how it really is.

And I cannot impress enough the associated personality effects, either. If I get into nasty vulgar arguments on a regular basis, that affects my own thinking. It's a negative influence. It creeps into every part of your life. Once all of that is behind you it allows you to achieve a far more peaceful mindset which is unencumbered by drivel. It allows higher thinking. It is possible to achieve a level of thinking which includes revelations not previously possible. I am so glad I left all that behind that I want to share that feeling with others. I'm thinking: 'Man you gotta try this. It is so cool.' But that's hard to do. We get into habits. Habits are hard to change. The only way that can happen is if you really want to. I can't make you want to do that. You would have to want it for yourself. All I can do is let you know it is totally worth it. And that's all I'm trying to do here. Not getting on your case. Not judging you. Just lettin ya know in case you might like that.

It's almost like pay-back, actually. Long ago I had a conservative poster approach me and let me know that I would come across a lot better if I stopped calling Bush names. I was on a board that didn't allow personal attacks on other posters but public figures were fair game. Man, did I ever come up with some nasty stuff. And this guy saw something in me. He didn't agree with me but he let me know I would be more effective if I just quit that stuff. He was right. And that was a very cool thing to do. He's conservative! That struck me. That was when I began to see the beauty of having diverse points of view. I stopped the name-calling, and I began to try to respect conservatives for being Americans who care about our country. And really, that is the beauty of America. We can have these different points of view and everybody has a right to speak freely. That's what makes America great. We don't want polarization and name-calling. We want diversity and respect. So I support that, and I don't support the we/they thing. We are all individuals, each of us unique in our own way. There is a beauty in that.
Hello evince,

I decided it was useless

you seem to want to discredit me


No, I am not trying to discredit you.

You make some very good points, bring good information to attention.

I just think it's too bad that you trash what you say with all these petty personal attacks as if the things you present are not strong enough to stand on their own merit.

You would come across far better if you dropped all of that animosity.

It is about the issues and ideas, not the posters.

You would be more effective at presenting good points if you did not lower yourself to taking cheap shots.
Hello evince,

No, I am not trying to discredit you.

You make some very good points, bring good information to attention.

I just think it's too bad that you trash what you say with all these petty personal attacks as if the things you present are not strong enough to stand on their own merit.

You would come across far better if you dropped all of that animosity.

It is about the issues and ideas, not the posters.

You would be more effective at presenting good points if you did not lower yourself to taking cheap shots.

how many times do I have to tell you that is not true?

I have been on line nearly two decades

the first couple of years I was very polite and very kind

then I realized the right was USING my kindness to mow over everything I said

when gabby was shot in the head

I tried to get the right to be civil for entire year as I told you

not one right wing poster joined me

they used it yet again

I am starting to really distrust your veracity
Hello evince,

I disagree.

All we have to do is refuse to take the bait, post what is accurate and let their unanswered garbage scroll off into oblivion where it belongs.
people read these pages


how many times do I have to tell you that is not true?

I have been on line nearly two decades

the first couple of years I was very polite and very kind

then I realized the right was USING my kindness to mow over everything I said

when gabby was shot in the head

I tried to get the right to be civil for entire year as I told you

not one right wing poster joined me

they used it yet again

I am starting to really distrust your veracity

The racist as I say not as I do.

It's the right that isn't civil but they blame both sides.