Insult-free week

Hello evince,

You know, it would make a lot of sense for the Russians to engage a bot with programming to do exactly what you do.

That way, the trolls on the right get to keep on spewing garbage. Argue both sides in nasty ways so others are drawn in at the gutter level.

Putin wants America to be having nasty arguments and completely dysfunctional, unable to have rational civil discussions about current events.

I once asked you to take a test to prove you were not a bot.

You refused.

Hello evince,


And the problem with that is?

There are 3 responses to trolling.

1. Ignore them by using the site feature.

2. Ignore them by not taking the bait, not responding.

3. Take the bait, mix it up with them, cause them to post way more garbage than if nobody took their bait in the first place.

Perhaps you are over-estimating the importance of this place? At best there are maybe 50 people here besides the bots? This is not representative of the nation. The nation is not paying any attention to this chat room. This place is mostly for entertainment. It really doesn't matter at all if something said here goes unchallenged.

They are not 'the enemy.' They are Americans who are so messed up in the head that they can't be civil. They frequently believe most of the propaganda which basically causes them to hate you for disagreeing with them. They don't really know any better. They are angry and they blame you. They listen to hate radio and read tabloids. In many cases they are anti-social and have few real friends. Any people they associate with all agree with them or don't challenge them. They want to think they are the majority, the main stream, and it angers them tremendously to be told they are not. They are afraid. Very fearful. They are afraid of people who are not like them. They see themselves as part of the dominant class and they see that slipping away. Very afraid, hurt, angry, and looking to unload all their frustration on you. Which can't be done because the things they believe in are not real. But that doesn't matter. They want to try to unload all that grief on you. All of that is pent up and ready to be unleashed on anyone who responds to their trolling.

And you step up and take the bait.

They are not going to change, and it is not possible for them to ever 'feel better' for unloading on you because their problems are so complex it is not possible for them to easily change. You will certainly not be able to change them by mixing it up on their level. All that does is confirm to them that you are some 'horrible person,' a representative of what they hate. Actually, all that happens is you make them even angrier by responding. And the more you try to make your case, the more they hate you. There is no telling them off once and for all. It just goes on and on. There is no point.

That is why I ask: "What is the point?"

There IS no point.

It is OK to let their words stand unchallenged. Actually, their words don't stand at all. No words stand around here. Everything gets scrolled off the page rather quickly.

In this case, ignoring them (they are not 'the enemy' - they are trolls) is EXACTLY how you 'win.'

Then what happens?

If nobody takes their bait, there is no flame war. Just somebody saying something rude which is properly ignored and scrolls off the page. People who are interested in ideas (great minds) and current events (average minds) don't concern themselves with other people (lessor minds.)



you seem to think none of this matters

so why do you care if people cuss at bots
Ignoring propaganda instead of fighting it works in the propaganda makers favor guys



people read these pages

why are you pretending none of this matters now?

but somehow the cussing does matter?

your mask fell off
If we don't insult someone for a week, will the racist right wing reunite the children they have locked up?

If we don't insult someone for a week, will the police stop shooting unarmed Black men and boys?
why is this poli guy so invested in me not ripping the Russian bots a new one all day long

What does being nice and civil to racist prove?

They still want to shoot unarmed Black men in the back 3 times.
If we don't insult someone for a week, will the racist right wing reunite the children they have locked up?

If we don't insult someone for a week, will the police stop shooting unarmed Black men and boys?

and will racists then begin to admit they are racists?

Poli is looking like a fake liberal

its one of the rights big tricks

talk like a liberal

then use your trust to sway you in ways good for the right
They don’t mind you ripping the bots, they just feel it can be done without name calling.


he in one breath says this site is meaningless

then wants me to stop ripping them

comedy has saved nations throughout history

dirty words have always been a tool of comedy

comedy makes the fight COOL and socially attractive

Im with Calin

Im with Pryor

Im with all the blue comedians who have helped bring down fascists
1.bots are on all the time

2.bots have trouble with creativity

3.bots repeat the memes all the time

4.bots lie straight into the face of facts

5.bots disply wavering moral codes

why is it so important to you that you talk me into leaving the bots alone?

back in 2010 lots of people told me to stop responding to the tea party posters

how well did ignoring them work?

the tea tard thing was the first Russian success
Anyone who was here in 2009 (and yes, we're talking about 2009 - that's how far back Yurt had to go), knows that "Rebel" was an alter-ego for Dixie.

I was here, and I don't "know" that, little Thingy.

I do know - based on your own statements - that you claimed to have an Ignore list as once-cogent Onceler and denied using or knowing how to use the function as feminized Thingy.

That really seems to bother you, apparently.

I find your evident discomfiture piquantly amusing.
Dixie is one of the true all-timers on this board (and on the previous boards). I didn't agree w/ Dixie one single bit, but he brought life to the debates here and was a true believer.

Anyone who was here in 2009 (and yes, we're talking about 2009 - that's how far back Yurt had to go), knows that "Rebel" was an alter-ego for Dixie. If you search, you can find Dixie's "explanation" for how "Rebel" was a "guy he worked next to."

It's kind of hilarious that anyone thinks that was serious. Dixie started a thread asking who everyone had on ignore - it couldn't be more obvious I was just goofing w/ him.

What a sign of extreme desperation to try to make anything out of that. Just a head shaker.

It's why you can't be civil to these people. They are heartless.
and will racists then begin to admit they are racists?

Poli is looking like a fake liberal

its one of the rights big tricks

talk like a liberal

then use your trust to sway you in ways good for the right

They NEVER fool me.

I'm on it's ignore list for calling it out.