Insult-free week


he in one breath says this site is meaningless

then wants me to stop ripping them

comedy has saved nations throughout history

dirty words have always been a tool of comedy

comedy makes the fight COOL and socially attractive

Im with Calin

Im with Pryor

Im with all the blue comedians who have helped bring down fascists

the right cant use comedy very well

there is a reason

good comedy needs a ring of truth

it needs that human zing that tells you the person delivering it has a wry way of stating the truth

the right has abandoned the truth

no zing

no funny

the only one allowed to say CERTAIN things was the court jester

in a free country we are all allowed to play court jester
I will never understand why people want to be nice and civil to racist.

It's usually those who don't have to feel their wrath.
I’m not nice to racists, but you are right, I’m not subject of their wrath in the same way you are.
I was here, and I don't "know" that, little Thingy.

I do know - based on your own statements - that you claimed to have an Ignore list as once-cogent Onceler and denied using or knowing how to use the function as feminized Thingy.

That really seems to bother you, apparently.

I find your evident discomfiture piquantly amusing.

what was your name back in 2009
I’m not nice to racists, but you are right, I’m not subject of their wrath in the same way you are.

It's like being civil to you're abuser or acknowledging their lies as if they are legit.

Nothing that comes from the right is legit. This entire administration is a farce and people are acting like it's real.

I won't insult my intelligence by pretending these people care about this country, or the people living in it.

They are a bunch of racist right wing white men trying to destroy this country.

We should be shamming, calling them out, arresting, and putting exactly what they are doing on full display.

Not holding hands and singing kumba fucking ya!
but they hate me just as much

hmmm I wonder why?

They hate you for speaking the truth and calling them out.

Keep up the good work.

Some white people have to be civil or not call out the racist because then they have to admit they are around a lot of racist people, some in their own families.
They hate you for speaking the truth and calling them out.

Keep up the good work.

Some white people have to be civil or not call out the racist because then they have to admit they are around a lot of racist people, some in their own families.

I have a large family

some of them are kinda racist

they are the republicans
see they dont like it when you know what they said nearly ten years ago

Is this another flimsy attempt to excuse your habit of bumping old threads in the Current Events forum, racist liar?

Pro tip - you can quote single posts in a new thread without bumping the old one. :thup: