Insult-free week

In honor of our founding fathers and our fight for independence, I'd like to propose an "insult-free" week for the board starting this coming Monday.

Naturally, not everyone will participate, but I'd urge my fellow posters here to really try it - take the high road, and win debates with better & more persuasive arguments. Insults are the refuge of the weak.

Our national discourse HAS to improve; I have never seen it so bad. Let's do our part here on JPP to improve the climate.

<see what I did there>
after Gabby Giffords was shot in the head I started a civility experiment and asked everyone to join me

I didn't insult anyone for an entire year

I spent that entire year being insulted by every con every time I spoke to them

just like now

it changed nothing

they in fact tried really hard to make me break

I didnt

it me just taught how moralless the right is

Prove it.

Is that the "road less traveled"??
You're on an anonymous chat board in/with america/americans, THE most insane unhealthy society on the planet at the moment. Best of luck to you sir. You can probably scratch Legion off now.

"Win debates" on line? What a silly concept. The only victors I've ever seen are those feckless self-declared victors.

Not all are anonymous,many here know everything about other posters
after Gabby Giffords was shot in the head I started a civility experiment and asked everyone to join me

I didn't insult anyone for an entire year

I spent that entire year being insulted by every con every time I spoke to them

just like now

it changed nothing

they in fact tried really hard to make me break

I didnt

it me just taught how moralless the right is

I am willing to do it

a week would be a piece of cake for me

it will prove of little use though
Hello evince,

I spent that entire year being insulted by every con every time I spoke to them

Funny. I talk to lots of conservatives who do not insult me. I make it public information that anyone who does goes on permanent Ignore. Seems to work quite well.

I have made plenty of friends in the process.

I let people know they can drop their guard with me. Everybody here knows I am not going to go after anybody personally. I simply give honest views from a well adjusted liberal who loves life.

I want to be well informed but I have to have a mechanism to avoid letting all the bad news get to me. This is it. The freedom to speak freely and get the views of others and their reasoning for that without devolving into pissing matches which accomplish nothing.

I don't know what happened for you when you went a year without insults but after I began poofing everybody who dissed me I noticed that my outlook improved greatly. I believe there is a phenomenon where these flame wars affect one's outlook and mood. You can never get the last word. It's a lot of stress and it never ends. Life is better without the stress.

I would recommend an experiment for anyone who is wondering about this effect. Try it yourself and see. Since it takes a while for your outlook and general mood to improve, I would say you need to do this for at least two months to get the fullest effect, but the results begin to become apparent after about 2 weeks. Here is the experiment: Place everybody who insults you on Ignore. Avoid the temptation to 'peek' and read what they are posting. That's tough at first but it can be done.

If you can do that for 2 months you will find that your stress levels are reduced and this place never makes you mad.

If you don't find the same result you are always free to unclick those people off Ignore and jump back into the post-from-the-hip thing with them.

You might find, as I did, that after that period of time you never want to go back. And your life will become more peaceful even as you remain well informed and aware.
Hello evince,

Funny. I talk to lots of conservatives who do not insult me. I make it public information that anyone who does goes on permanent Ignore. Seems to work quite well.

I have made plenty of friends in the process.

I let people know they can drop their guard with me. Everybody here knows I am not going to go after anybody personally. I simply give honest views from a well adjusted liberal who loves life.

I want to be well informed but I have to have a mechanism to avoid letting all the bad news get to me. This is it. The freedom to speak freely and get the views of others and their reasoning for that without devolving into pissing matches which accomplish nothing.

I don't know what happened for you when you went a year without insults but after I began poofing everybody who dissed me I noticed that my outlook improved greatly. I believe there is a phenomenon where these flame wars affect one's outlook and mood. You can never get the last word. It's a lot of stress and it never ends. Life is better without the stress.

I would recommend an experiment for anyone who is wondering about this effect. Try it yourself and see. Since it takes a while for your outlook and general mood to improve, I would say you need to do this for at least two months to get the fullest effect, but the results begin to become apparent after about 2 weeks. Here is the experiment: Place everybody who insults you on Ignore. Avoid the temptation to 'peek' and read what they are posting. That's tough at first but it can be done.

If you can do that for 2 months you will find that your stress levels are reduced and this place never makes you mad.

If you don't find the same result you are always free to unclick those people off Ignore and jump back into the post-from-the-hip thing with them.

You might find, as I did, that after that period of time you never want to go back. And your life will become more peaceful even as you remain well informed and aware.

I have never ignored any poster

because I did so I learned who the right really is

I spotted the bot invasion before it was in the news

ignoring makes you blind

you are now being played by Russian bots pretending to be your friend
Beginning tomorrow I will include the following with every post:

In the spirit of Thingy's insult free week, this post contains zero insults.
Hello evince,

I have never ignored any poster

because I did so I learned who the right really is

I spotted the bot invasion before it was in the news

ignoring makes you blind

you are now being played by Russian bots pretending to be your friend

It is me who is playing the trolls. I have chosen to never read their posts. They can't get to me. If they are reading my posts then I get their ear but they don't have mine. Who is playing who again?

And I have to wonder what good it is to argue with bots.........

If any of my friends think they are gaining my confidence in order to further their cause in any way it won't work. I always research the things I hear to make sure they are believable. I noticed bot posting here before you told me. Bots are not sophisticated enough to fool me forever. They have no personality and no sense of humor.

I am not blind at all. I am well aware of what is going on. I simply choose not to interface with the poorly adjusted bitter people who make chat rooms their life because they can't have real friends. It's bad energy and it will bring you down. You need to get away and stay away from them. They will mess you up. There is a far better life without that energy.
Reread your post and you tell me!

I did; I saw an observation, no insult. What I'm seeing from leftist whiners like you is crying and more evidence of low intelligence and an incredible inability to comprehend the English language. STFU pissant.