Insult-free week

I did; I saw an observation, no insult. What I'm seeing from leftist whiners like you is crying and more evidence of low intelligence and an incredible inability to comprehend the English language. STFU pissant.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft, bwa ha ha ha, there's no honesty in american society anywhere. We're that steaming pile on a hill; a beacon of bullshit to light the world.
I am willing to do it

a week would be a piece of cake for me

it will prove of little use though

It's worth a shot. Who knows what could happen.

America in general is spiraling down at a rapid rate (just speaking about discourse). It's a little hard to watch. It makes everything pointless, because no one is really listening anymore. Everyone is just shouting.
It's worth a shot. Who knows what could happen.

Point of order sir Thingy; I presume this would also include the posting of insulting gifs?

Also, it only includes insults against members; political parties, non-members and politicians are open season correct?
Hello Thing1,

It's worth a shot. Who knows what could happen.

America in general is spiraling down at a rapid rate (just speaking about discourse). It's a little hard to watch. It makes everything pointless, because no one is really listening anymore. Everyone is just shouting.

No, that's not strictly true. Such exaggerations mess up your head.

There are several of us here who do not insult anybody. More would improve the place.

I listen. I post honestly.

I can't read all the posts, so it only seems logical to filter out the junk posts and focus only on the more intellectual.

I can't think of a better way to do that than to use insulting as the filter. Sure, ya might miss something profound that's mixed in with the insults, but consider this. Since it is not possible to read all the posts, you might miss something profound if you waste your time reading insults where your filters would have you skipping over that stuff and then allow you the time to see something else you might have missed if you spent your time dwelling on pissing matches.

Every week is insult-free week for me.

And I love it.

Never going back.

Nobody will ever get taken off my Ignore List. And I don't mind if that is common knowledge. Works to my advantage.

It's all good. :)
Point of order sir Thingy; I presume this would also include the posting of insulting gifs?

Also, it only includes insults against members; political parties, non-members and politicians are open season correct?

I think it can include all of those things, but I'm not setting any rules here. It's a self-enforcing exercise - whatever everyone feels like doing and can do to improve the discourse is welcome.
Hello Thing1,

No, that's not strictly true. Such exaggerations mess up your head.

There are several of us here who do not insult anybody. More would improve the place.

I listen. I post honestly.

I can't read all the posts, so it only seems logical to filter out the junk posts and focus only on the more intellectual.

I can't think of a better way to do that than to use insulting as the filter. Sure, ya might miss something profound that's mixed in with the insults, but consider this. Since it is not possible to read all the posts, you might miss something profound if you waste your time reading insults where your filters would have you skipping over that stuff and then allow you the time to see something else you might have missed if you spent your time dwelling on pissing matches.

Every week is insult-free week for me.

And I love it.

Never going back.

Nobody will ever get taken off my Ignore List. And I don't mind if that is common knowledge. Works to my advantage.

It's all good. :)

You consistently set a great example here. Kudos!
It's worth a shot. Who knows what could happen.

America in general is spiraling down at a rapid rate (just speaking about discourse). It's a little hard to watch. It makes everything pointless, because no one is really listening anymore. Everyone is just shouting.

I'll give it a try.
Hello christiefan915,

I'll give it a try.

Right on! Glad to hear it.

Actually it's kind of nice to be able to talk about politics and not have anybody insult you.

But of course that requires placing all trolls on Ignore.

And some people just can't stand the idea of that.

The most common reason given that they don't want to miss something.

Which I find ridiculous because who could possibly read all the posts in all the threads?

Nobody can take it all in. Everybody is missing something.

Insult-Free Week is a great idea.

Everyone participating is to be applauded. :good4u:

I, too, pledge not to insult anybody for the entire week.

Which is easy because I don't do that anyway.

Nice, not being a part of that.
In honor of our founding fathers and our fight for independence, I'd like to propose an "insult-free" week for the board starting this coming Monday.

Naturally, not everyone will participate, but I'd urge my fellow posters here to really try it - take the high road, and win debates with better & more persuasive arguments. Insults are the refuge of the weak.

Our national discourse HAS to improve; I have never seen it so bad. Let's do our part here on JPP to improve the climate.

Great! I have Saturday and Sunday to double up!
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant." Karl Popper
What a condescending, holier than thou thread.

Thingy broke his pledge in under a week in in January and had a meltdown when I called him on it.
What a condescending, holier than thou thread.

Thingy broke his pledge in under a week in in January and had a meltdown when I called him on it.

Two very dishonest statements in the 2nd sentence there. I guess you see any honest counterpoint as a "meltdown."

If you don't want to partake, that's fine. There is nothing condescending about it - it sounds like you're just defensive about it, because you almost wholly rely on insults.