Insult-free week

Hello domer76,

So you'll stop using that insulting term for Insult-Free Week?

People on the right aren't stupid. They just have a different approach to improving the country. We all want America to work well, be efficient with tax money, stand up for what is right. We just disagree on what those things mean. Together, we have to guide our self-governed nation. We need to have more respect for one another, and quit acting like there are any enemies here. We are all on the American side, right?

Sorry PoliTalker,

You'll find most of the more right wing people on this forum to be fools, liars, racists or trolls. Take a look at this truncated list and follow their posts for awhile. Loaded with lies, both first hand and from ultra RW inflammatory "news" sources. Still many birthers. A good many don't know their own Constitution from a hole in the ground. Stalkers. Trump apologists and toadies. Yeah, Politalker, many are stupid. Most are merely ignorant. Willfully ignorant.

And I didn't mention the cowards who thread ban by the dozens because they are afraid of dissent and being called on their lies and bullshit.

Legion/God Bless America
Dark Soul
Teflon Don
I Love America
Getin the ring
J Craft
Boris the Animal
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I've never put anyone on ignore on this site.

I mentioned that I was ignoring you in general about mid-way through the year - but that had nothing at all to do w/ the "meltdown" after the resolution. Your posts & general dishonesty just got tiring.

He's an idiot, just leave it.
I've never put anyone on ignore on this site.

I mentioned that I was ignoring you in general about mid-way through the year - but that had nothing at all to do w/ the "meltdown" after the resolution. Your posts & general dishonesty just got tiring.

Your last paragraph is a bald face lie and you know it.

Like I said, you're a chronic liar.

Can you link the nearly 10-year-old "ignore list - Rebel" one?

I have not put anyone on this site on ignore; I don't know how to use the function. I have a hunch I said that to goof around w/ Dixie, which is likely why you don't link for context.
Can you link the nearly 10-year-old "ignore list - Rebel" one?

I have not put anyone on this site on ignore; I don't know how to use the function. I have a hunch I said that to goof around w/ Dixie, which is likely why you don't link for context.

I quoted your entire post and the link is in the post you liar. You know, that little blue box next to your name and the fact it IS in quotes. As to it being a joke, truly laughable lie.
I quoted your entire post and the link is in the post you liar. You know, that little blue box next to your name and the fact it IS in quotes. As to it being a joke, truly laughable lie.

That's gonna leave a mark.
In honor of our founding fathers and our fight for independence, I'd like to propose an "insult-free" week for the board starting this coming Monday.

Naturally, not everyone will participate, but I'd urge my fellow posters here to really try it - take the high road, and win debates with better & more persuasive arguments. Insults are the refuge of the weak.

Our national discourse HAS to improve; I have never seen it so bad. Let's do our part here on JPP to improve the climate.

im in

doubt i'll make it though

will this be monday-monday or monday-friday?
In honor of our founding fathers and our fight for independence, I'd like to propose an "insult-free" week for the board starting this coming Monday.

Naturally, not everyone will participate, but I'd urge my fellow posters here to really try it - take the high road, and win debates with better & more persuasive arguments. Insults are the refuge of the weak.

Our national discourse HAS to improve; I have never seen it so bad. Let's do our part here on JPP to improve the climate.

Go fuck yourself

This is an empty, virtue signaling gesture
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant." Karl Popper

What happened to Liberace? That looks like Michael Emerson.
I quoted your entire post and the link is in the post you liar. You know, that little blue box next to your name and the fact it IS in quotes. As to it being a joke, truly laughable lie.

There is no link in the post.

Can you provide it again please?

Like I said - I never put anyone on ignore here. You had to go back almost 10 years where I even hinted at it, and I was basically just goofing w/ Dixie. Post the link, and we'll see who is honest.