Investigations into the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections

History is not an insult, Sock. There was no election in 2020.

So, all the Trump supporters who claim Trump won the 2020 election are all liars and Trump is also lying that he won?

History clearly shows an election was held in 2020, Congress counted the electors and declared Biden the winner, He is now the president.

The claim there was no election is just crazy. You can't debate someone who fails to recognize reality.
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And it had no validity then and most Democrats did not believe or try to use it as an excuse for losing.


The lies you Stalinists tell.

They accepted their loss and did not play the victim card.


The blatant lies you Marxists tell...

{The electoral fraud continued past Election Day, but by means far more complex and less apparent than the bullying that marked the day itself. Here the aim was to protect the spoils, which required the prevention of countywide hand recounts by any means necessary. The procedure for recounts is quite clear. In fact, it was created by Blackwell. A recount having been approved, each of the state’s eighty-eight counties must select a number of precincts randomly, so that the total of their ballots comes to 3 percent (at least) of the county’s total vote. Those ballots must then be simultaneously hand counted and machine counted. If the hand count and the new machine count match, the remaining 97 percent of the selected ballots may be counted by machine. If, however, the totals vary by as little as a single vote, all the other votes must be hand counted, and the results, once reconfirmed, must be accepted as the new official total.}

Dominion acquired Diebold.

Diebold changed their name to Dominion. Same machines.
So, all the Trump supporters who claim Trump won the 2020 election are all liars and Trump is also lying that he won?

History clearly shows an election was held in 2020, Congress counted the electors and declared Biden the winner, He is not the president.

The claim there was no election is just crazy. You can't debate someone who fails to recognize reality.

There was no election in 2020, Sock. No one won. You cannot win what never took place.
Congress cannot count what does not exist. Seven States never chose their electors.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. You cannot make electors out of nothing either.

The lies you Stalinists tell.


The blatant lies you Marxists tell...

{The electoral fraud continued past Election Day, but by means far more complex and less apparent than the bullying that marked the day itself. Here the aim was to protect the spoils, which required the prevention of countywide hand recounts by any means necessary. The procedure for recounts is quite clear. In fact, it was created by Blackwell. A recount having been approved, each of the state’s eighty-eight counties must select a number of precincts randomly, so that the total of their ballots comes to 3 percent (at least) of the county’s total vote. Those ballots must then be simultaneously hand counted and machine counted. If the hand count and the new machine count match, the remaining 97 percent of the selected ballots may be counted by machine. If, however, the totals vary by as little as a single vote, all the other votes must be hand counted, and the results, once reconfirmed, must be accepted as the new official total.}

Diebold changed their name to Dominion. Same machines.

About Dominion and Smartmatic counting systems:

Both of these machines have demonstrated security flaws, which allow someone to break in and change the count. That break in can be conducted over the network connection. It can also be conducted by physical access to these machines (which election workers have). Whether this actually took place is immaterial. The flaw exists.

Concerning the evidence of election fraud by Democrats. Among them is:

* Election offices closing, and removing any observers, yet continuing the count behind closed doors.
* Security footage of election workers filling out ballots and running them through the machine multiple times.
* Sworn affidavits of both Republican and Democrat workers testifying of election fraud occurring where they worked.
* Counts for Trump suddenly shifting to Biden in after hours counting as if every ballot arriving was for Biden (impossibility high odds of probability).
* The 'certification' of election results by unauthorized personnel, sometimes even BEFORE counting had progressed to any degree.
* Changing election laws ex post facto WHILE the count was in progress.
* Changing election laws and constitutions by unauthorized personnel.
* More voters registered than exist as voting age population in multiple counties (failure to purge voter registration records or falsification of registration records).
* People going to the polls only to find that someone already cast a vote in their name.
* Elections managed by persons engaged in an election (conflict of interest).
* 'Mysterious failures' of voting stations in conservative districts.
* Use of 'mules', or people that collect ballots and submit them en masse, with NO verification trail.

I could go on and on. I have already shown these to idiots like the Sock, yet continue to deny that these bits of evidence even exist. Everything I have listed here is public record.

It's the Democrat way. Lie, lie, lie. When you get caught at it, blame it on the conservatives.

It's lame, it's evil, and they can't get away with it. Too many people are aware of these bits of evidence and have already made their judgement on it.

There is nothing that any Democrat can do to make this evidence disappear nor make anyone's judgement of this evidence disappear.

Now you can add:

* Endless persecution of political opponents.
* Attempts to ban political opponents from the ballot by fiat.
* Attempts to censor political opinions and political opponents.
* Violence and threat of violence.
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There was no election in 2020, Sock. No one won. You cannot win what never took place.
Congress cannot count what does not exist. Seven States never chose their electors.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. You cannot make electors out of nothing either.

You cannot deny historical facts. You don't get to say what we all know to be true.

Is Trump a big liar for claiming he won the 2020 election? He couldn't win an election that never occurred.
You cannot deny historical facts. You don't get to say what we all know to be true.

Is Trump a big liar for claiming he won the 2020 election? He couldn't win an election that never occurred.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problem on me or anybody else.
Inversion fallacy. Semantics fallacy.
Here's a little tidbit regarding "voter fraud" that I'm sure our resident MAGA minions will just whirl like dervishes to deal with. Enjoy!
