Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

Courage to fight those who declared war on me? You loon. Number 1: You're not exactly in Iraq fighting courageously. Number 2: Iraqis didn't declare war on me.

To this, I responded.... We are not fighting Iraqi's in Iraq, we are fighting alQaeda.

You point out that only 10% are not Iraqi people, but that wasn't what I meant by my statement and it should be clear. Unfortunately, you misunderstood me.

The Iraqi people, in vast numbers, like... 90% of the country, is participating in elections, democracy, security, military, defense, industry, banking, trade, etc. The infrastructure of Iraq, the government of Iraq, and the Democracy of Iraq, are not who we are fighting in Iraq. The vast and overwhelming majority of Iraq is vehemently opposed to the insurgent movement and wants democracy. The Iraqi insurgents are largely former Saddam henchmen who are no longer in prestige, and want their power back. Remnants of Saddam's regime, as it were. The rest are outside forces, who have a admitted strategy to try and blend in and "be" Iraqi, mostly from Iran and Syria. Where they live is really of no consequence, since alQaeda has no borders. They all represent the Radical Islamic Ideology which attacked us on 9/11, and are in a self-declared war with us.
You said we were fighting Al Qaeda and not Iraqis. It took you some amount of searching and time before you responded, and then tried to twist what you said into "well they're numerically small, but we were attacked by 19 people on 911!!"

Bullshit, all.

And no, they're NOT mostly from Iran and Syria. They're mostly from Saudi Arabia and Libya. Check out the same links I gave you earlier.

And "representing radical islamic ideology" is not congruent with being Al Qaeda, particularly since most of them aren't fighting for any jihad or islamic ideology but fighting for control of their country and our guys happen to be caught in the middle of the civil war.
I got a call from a friend of mine who lives in Hawaii now today, mbl. One of the smaller islands working for some little paper. I forget the name.
You said we were fighting Al Qaeda and not Iraqis. It took you some amount of searching and time before you responded, and then tried to twist what you said into "well they're numerically small, but we were attacked by 19 people on 911!!"

Bullshit, all.

And no, they're NOT mostly from Iran and Syria. They're mostly from Saudi Arabia and Libya. Check out the same links I gave you earlier.

And "representing radical islamic ideology" is not congruent with being Al Qaeda, particularly since most of them aren't fighting for any jihad or islamic ideology but fighting for control of their country and our guys happen to be caught in the middle of the civil war.

You can claim I said whatever you like, you have a reading comprehension problem. It doesn't matter where they are from, they belong to alQaeda terror network, and are fighting for alQeada in Iraq against US/Iraqi forces. You want to claim we are in a war with Iraq... yeah, on the same SIDE! We are fighting Islamic extremists, I really don't give two shits where they are from. Why is it important?

There is no fucking "fighting for control" of anything! GO READ THE REPORTS! There is no fucking "civil war" again, GO READ THE REPORTS!

That was the line you were using a year ago, and it is no more true today than it was back then! There is not a Civil War going on in Iraq!!!!
No right-wing or moderate American political leader has ever said Iraq attacked us on 9/11. The only people I have ever hear make that argument, are liberals who think that was the message from something they misconstrued from Bush. It is probably the reason the Bush Administration made the case for war on basis of WMD's instead of a connection to Islamic terror, because they feared just this sort of criticism. In retrospect, it is probably the single biggest mistake the Bush Administration made, not connecting Saddam to alQaeda, as our intelligence reports indicate.

Let's be clear, "Iraq" has never attacked the US, the people of Iraq are very cordial toward the people of the US, and always have been. The tyrant dictator who once ruled Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is a different matter. He certainly did wage attacks on the US and on US interests in the middle east. He was connected to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centers, and actually provided safe haven (and a pay check) to one of the bombers. Members of his regime, acting on his behalf, met with representatives of alQaeda on eight different occasions, and he sent his deputy prime minister to Afghanistan to meet personally with Osama Bin Laden. He made facilities available in Salman Pak, for the training of terrorists, including members of alQaeda. Three independent reports said that he did indeed have a WMD program, the evidence of facilities and equipment were there, although no stockpiles were ever found. As late as 1996, he had 80,000 liters of chemical weapons, which had not been accounted for, and remain unaccounted for... and we KNOW FOR CERTAIN these existed, because the UN verified and confirmed it.

So, you are absolutely right, Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11, but that was never in question.

That's our Dixie. A kool-aid drinker to the bitter end. :)
You can claim I said whatever you like, you have a reading comprehension problem. It doesn't matter where they are from, they belong to alQaeda terror network, and are fighting for alQeada in Iraq against US/Iraqi forces. You want to claim we are in a war with Iraq... yeah, on the same SIDE! We are fighting Islamic extremists, I really don't give two shits where they are from. Why is it important?

There is no fucking "fighting for control" of anything! GO READ THE REPORTS! There is no fucking "civil war" again, GO READ THE REPORTS!

That was the line you were using a year ago, and it is no more true today than it was back then! There is not a Civil War going on in Iraq!!!!

Slurp, slurp, slurp.........ahhh good kook-aid!:cof1:
We can't withdraw US Military Presence from Iraq at this time. Not unless you want to deal with the aftermath of such an action. So far, Mr. Obama hasn't told us what that plan would be, but there has to be one before we can even think about removing our military completely from Iraq. You nutbags might win the White House, and you may control Congress, but you will not be able to convince the people who are faced with the problem, that we need or want to leave Iraq completely. If you actually think this, you are off your rocker.

This is also incorrect Dixie-
Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.
This is also incorrect Dixie-
Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.

With all due respect, if you are going to place full faith in what a politician writes on his website then you might believe anything.
With all due respect, if you are going to place full faith in what a politician writes on his website then you might believe anything.

The part ,in case you miss, that I am correcting DIXIE on is his quote
"So far, Mr. Obama hasn't told us what that plan would be"

I dont see where I have stated that I believe it or not,DO you?
This is also incorrect Dixie-
Bringing Our Troops Home
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.

He sure played both sides of the fence on that one. He is going to bring home the troops, but he will leave some there. He will not build any bases, but if al-Qaeda does, he will, what... leave troops where... in the desert? How many troops will he leave in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to combat what is certainly going to happen when he pulls out troops from the area.

As soon as we leave, a power vacuum will form and someone will fill that vacuum. Will it come from Russia, China, North Korea... Costa Rica maybe? It most likely will come from Iran or al-Qaeda backed by Iran.

Will Obama send troops back in to dislodge the people that have filled the power vacuum we left? If this does happen, how many American troops will be needed? How many more troops will be killed by these circumstances?
He sure played both sides of the fence on that one. He is going to bring home the troops, but he will leave some there. He will not build any bases, but if al-Qaeda does, he will, what... leave troops where... in the desert? How many troops will he leave in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to combat what is certainly going to happen when he pulls out troops from the area.

As soon as we leave, a power vacuum will form and someone will fill that vacuum. Will it come from Russia, China, North Korea... Costa Rica maybe? It most likely will come from Iran or al-Qaeda backed by Iran.

Will Obama send troops back in to dislodge the people that have filled the power vacuum we left? If this does happen, how many American troops will be needed? How many more troops will be killed by these circumstances?
Excuse me. Are you asking for coherence? In the middle of a general election for president of US? It's all about the netroots. ;)
The part ,in case you miss, that I am correcting DIXIE on is his quote
"So far, Mr. Obama hasn't told us what that plan would be"

I dont see where I have stated that I believe it or not,DO you?

It's important, before you correct a quote, you have it in correct context. I realize Obama has a plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq, he doesn't have a plan for the aftermath of such an action. For instance, when Iranian radicals come pouring in over the borders and start slaughtering Iraqi people by the thousands, does Mr. Obama have a plan to deal with this, or will he just be oblivious to it? If alSadr forms a coup and attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iraq, does Mr. Obama have a plan, or will he just let that happen as well? If alQaeda doesn't build bases (which they haven't yet) but rather, continues to terrorize the people and attempt to start civil war, what does Mr. Obama plan to do then? What if they do start a Civil War, and Iraq falls into complete chaos to the warlords and radicals? Is Mr. Obama simply going to ignore that and continue to refuse to help? And finally, what does Mr. Obama plan to do about the UN? Since we are in a coalition effort and any changes would require changing direction of the road already established by the UN coalition partners.

Obama has no plan for what to do about the ramifications and consequences of withdrawing from Iraq. NONE!
It's important, before you correct a quote, you have it in correct context. I realize Obama has a plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq, he doesn't have a plan for the aftermath of such an action. For instance, when Iranian radicals come pouring in over the borders and start slaughtering Iraqi people by the thousands, does Mr. Obama have a plan to deal with this, or will he just be oblivious to it? If alSadr forms a coup and attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iraq, does Mr. Obama have a plan, or will he just let that happen as well? If alQaeda doesn't build bases (which they haven't yet) but rather, continues to terrorize the people and attempt to start civil war, what does Mr. Obama plan to do then? What if they do start a Civil War, and Iraq falls into complete chaos to the warlords and radicals? Is Mr. Obama simply going to ignore that and continue to refuse to help? And finally, what does Mr. Obama plan to do about the UN? Since we are in a coalition effort and any changes would require changing direction of the road already established by the UN coalition partners.

Obama has no plan for what to do about the ramifications and consequences of withdrawing from Iraq. NONE!

Do not worry. Allow me to reassure you and calm your reactive nature. As soon as they get the TCT (Teleprompter Control Team) briefed and ready, you will hear what those efforts and changes will be and a general calm in an uncertain world will be re-established.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
It's important, before you correct a quote, you have it in correct context. I realize Obama has a plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq, he doesn't have a plan for the aftermath of such an action. For instance, when Iranian radicals come pouring in over the borders and start slaughtering Iraqi people by the thousands, does Mr. Obama have a plan to deal with this, or will he just be oblivious to it? If alSadr forms a coup and attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iraq, does Mr. Obama have a plan, or will he just let that happen as well? If alQaeda doesn't build bases (which they haven't yet) but rather, continues to terrorize the people and attempt to start civil war, what does Mr. Obama plan to do then? What if they do start a Civil War, and Iraq falls into complete chaos to the warlords and radicals? Is Mr. Obama simply going to ignore that and continue to refuse to help? And finally, what does Mr. Obama plan to do about the UN? Since we are in a coalition effort and any changes would require changing direction of the road already established by the UN coalition partners.

Obama has no plan for what to do about the ramifications and consequences of withdrawing from Iraq. NONE!

1) Why would the Iranians come storming into Iraq to overthrow the Iraqi government when the Iraqi government is made up of their friends and allies?:


2) What business is it of ours if al-Sadr's militia stages a coup? I thought we weren't going to police a civil war? Why should we decide who should win an Iraqi civil war?

And really, I doubt it would be necessary. Al-Sadr and his political allies will threaten to become the democratically elected government of Iraq if we keep pushing this permanent base nonsense.

3) Who in the hell would let Al Qaeda build a base in Iraq and why would al Qaeda want to do so when they can simply operate with impunity and comfortably in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region? The Shiites in Iraq hate the Sunni Al Qaeda and the Sunnis in Iraq only tolerated the Al Qaeda element because they attacked Americans. If we left, no one would tolerate their presence.

4) As for the UN, the MNF authorization expires before the next president takes office and if it is extended Obama doesn't plan to pack up on day one and leave so I don't really get your point here Dickfer.
Obama doesn't plan to pack up on day one and leave

No, he plans to do it over 16 months. The terrorists have marked it on their calendars.

The point is, you are incompetent to explain what Mr. Obama's plan would be, because you are a moron. Mr. Obama hasn't explained it, because he is blowing political smoke up our ass and trying to get elected. I haven't heard any explanation of how we effectively handle the strategic problems of withdrawing US forces from Iraq. Listening to your explanation actually makes me feel less comfortable about Obama as president, and I am concerned that you guys don't really understand what is going on in the world or the reality of the world we live in. You simply pop your mouths off in bitter defiance of the war without even thinking about what you're saying or suggesting.

So what is Obama's plan for $200 a gallon gas?