Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

We are now dealing with radical shiites who came over to Iraq from Iran, and hope to destabilize the country and take over. The vast and overwhelming majority of Iraqi people, including some shiites, do not condone or support this movement, and have risked their lives to vote in democratic elections for the past 4 years. Beefmaster wants to sail them up the river with a great big "Fuck you!" and move on. Why? Apparently he believes in Hitler and Ahmadinejad's vision concerning Jews.

Yeah, they al came over from Iran. Keep it up Dix. Do you care hw many young Americans die to protect the egos of you and your ilk?

Do you care?


I am not trying to scare you, I know you are already scared shitless. If you weren't, you would be able to find enough courage to fight those who declared war on you. The fact you want to unreasonably come home when we are winning the war, the fact you want to throw away everything we've fought and died for the past 7 years, and the fact that you can't even rationalize why we have to stay and finish the job, says it all... you are a scared shitless little punk who likes to act like a big man. Careful with the sound effects, you may actually scare yourself!
I am not trying to scare you, I know you are already scared shitless. If you weren't, you would be able to find enough courage to fight those who declared war on you. The fact you want to unreasonably come home when we are winning the war, the fact you want to throw away everything we've fought and died for the past 7 years, and the fact that you can't even rationalize why we have to stay and finish the job, says it all... you are a scared shitless little punk who likes to act like a big man. Careful with the sound effects, you may actually scare yourself!

Courage to fight those who declared war on me? You loon. Number 1: You're not exactly in Iraq fighting courageously. Number 2: Iraqis didn't declare war on me.
Yeah, they al came over from Iran. Keep it up Dix. Do you care hw many young Americans die to protect the egos of you and your ilk?

Do you care?

I care how many young Americans will have to die if we don't defeat them now. I care how many young Americans will have to die in a decade, when we eventually have no choice but to fight them. Has nothing to do with ego or admitting failures, I am fine with that. I have no intentions of supporting an idea that will ultimately mean the lives of many more young Americans, but you apparently have no problems with it, do you care?
I care how many young Americans will have to die if we don't defeat them now. I care how many young Americans will have to die in a decade, when we eventually have no choice but to fight them. Has nothing to do with ego or admitting failures, I am fine with that. I have no intentions of supporting an idea that will ultimately mean the lives of many more young Americans, but you apparently have no problems with it, do you care?

Warring with Iraq so far has killed well over 4,000 Americans that otherwise would be alive and well. It has also maimed over 30,000 Americans.

Now you and your ilk are beating the drums about Iran. You want war with yet another country, presumably so you can once again do with them what we did in Iraq, which is simply invade, conquer occupy and accept casualties.

Tell me Dix, what country is going to kill and maim 30,000+ Americans and cost us trillions of dollars?
Courage to fight those who declared war on me? You loon. Number 1: You're not exactly in Iraq fighting courageously. Number 2: Iraqis didn't declare war on me.

We're not fighting Iraqi's in Iraq, we are fighting alQaeda. And yes, they declared war on every American, 9/11 was their biggest attack to date. You don't have to be fighting in Iraq to be courageous, just like you don't have to be fighting in Iraq to be scared.

You can run away from this if you like, but you have proven to be a coward. A chicken shit liberal coward, too scared to defend yourself from your enemy who has declared war on you and attacked your country. Instead, you will make up every excuse in the book to not confront them, to try and appease them, to do what they want you to do in hopes they won't harm you. It's precisely because you are a chicken shit coward who takes freedom and liberty for granted.
Warring with Iraq so far has killed well over 4,000 Americans that otherwise would be alive and well. It has also maimed over 30,000 Americans.

Now you and your ilk are beating the drums about Iran. You want war with yet another country, presumably so you can once again do with them what we did in Iraq, which is simply invade, conquer occupy and accept casualties.

Tell me Dix, what country is going to kill and maim 30,000+ Americans and cost us trillions of dollars?

Why don't you shut the fuck up until you can learn some history? The United States has NEVER invaded a country for conquest! NEVERRRRRR! You can keep spewing that outright bullshit lie all you like, but the facts indicate something else completely, and you know it.
"You can run away from this if you like, but you have proven to be a coward. A chicken shit liberal coward, too scared to defend yourself from your enemy who has declared war on you and attacked your country. "

This is one of the worst things the ignorant redneck keyboard "warriors" do...think they're brave for posting on a message board.

Fuck you, Dixie. There are kids out there who can't function anymore; portions of their brains are gone, for good, and they only reason they are breathing is because our frontline medical technology is so advanced.

So fuck you. You're not brave. You're not even close. And you're in absolutely no position to call anyone who was against this unnecessary, counterproductive war (and I see that you ignored that post, wisely), a "coward."
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you can learn some history? The United States has NEVER invaded a country for conquest! NEVERRRRRR! You can keep spewing that outright bullshit lie all you like, but the facts indicate something else completely, and you know it.


Me learn history?

Well, I guess you're keeping your record intact of never being right.

The Mexican American war might be a good place to start you history lessons. But I don't have time to tach you everything. You'll first need an "unteacher" to unteach you all the bullshit you've been spewing off for years. Go o that, then come back and pretend you know what you're talking about.
We're not fighting Iraqi's in Iraq, we are fighting alQaeda. And yes, they declared war on every American, 9/11 was their biggest attack to date. You don't have to be fighting in Iraq to be courageous, just like you don't have to be fighting in Iraq to be scared.

You can run away from this if you like, but you have proven to be a coward. A chicken shit liberal coward, too scared to defend yourself from your enemy who has declared war on you and attacked your country. Instead, you will make up every excuse in the book to not confront them, to try and appease them, to do what they want you to do in hopes they won't harm you. It's precisely because you are a chicken shit coward who takes freedom and liberty for granted.

You realize, don't you, that a very small percentage of the individuals we're fighting in Iraq are al Qaeda right? No? Okay, allow me to prove you wrong (again):
July 2007 National Intelligent Estimate says 15 percent or so.
Congressional Research Service:

"Gen. Abizaid said on January 29,
2004, that the number of foreign fighters in Iraq was “low” and 'in the hundreds.'44"
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (John Negroponte) said that
foreign fighters constitute less than 10% of the insurgents in Iraq.
Of the approximately 25,000 insurgents in U.S.-led detention in Iraq as of
November 2007, only 290 or 1.2%, were non-Iraqi.

Proven wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Legendarily wrong.
Not only are they not al Qaeda, they're not even Iranian either (your other assertion).

The November 22, 2007 New York Times article, cited
above, says that Saudi Arabia and Libya accounted for 60% of the 700 foreign
fighters who came into Iraq over the past year.
It's no use Porter, these pinheads are not going to realize or admit there is a threat until it effects them personally. They live in their own little bubble world where freedom and rights are just taken for granted and expected. They have no appreciation for how many had to give their lives to enjoy this freedom, to them, it has always been here and always will, for us... and no one else really matters. They don't care if every single Jew on Earth is exterminated, they don't care if a single Middle-Eastern woman ever has a right to vote, or freedom to go to school. Doesn't matter how many Arabs are slaughtered at the hands of anti-democratic terrorists. They had just as soon sit in their pathetic little liberal world, bitching and moaning about people who have a different view, and refuse to listen to a thing anyone has to say to them. Until alQaeda nukes a couple of liberal US cities, we can forget having pinheads like Beefy on board, and probably not even then, unless the nuke happens to be in HIS city and disrupts his eating binge.

Rest assure that they would be the first to bitch if nukes were floated into New York Harbor, up the Potomac River, and into any large coastal city.

When some says they want to kill you, believe them.

That quote came from a Holocaust survivor referring to Hitler and the Nazis hatred for Jews.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," and people want to deny what he meant. It seems pretty clear, but some people have trouble seeing the truth until it is too late. Then they say, "How could this have happened?"

But it is good that we have someone on this board that speaks Farsi. And I guess it is good that we have been corrected and we now know that the Iranian Government is actually no threat to the United States, Israel, and the other Western Democracies. At least, that is what I take from the replies from ib1yysguy and Beefy. We should consider ourselves lucky that we have people of this caliber able to read Farsi and correct the misconceptions we have been led to believe. However can we show our gratitude.
Funny you should mention Al Qaeda, Dix. Iraq has been a cause celebre for their recruitment efforts, and they are as strong now as they were prior to 9/11. If we do ever get hit with a nuke or form of dirty bomb, the chances are infinitely greater that it will be from a cell in the Western Hemisphere that was formed since the war started, than from Iran or anyone in the Middle East.

Don't you ever step back and reconsider the effectiveness of a policy that, 5 years in, has not reduced the strength & scope of Al Qaeda & other terrorist organizations in the least? Don't you have pause about claims that Iraq is now a sovereign nation and that our surge has been so incredibly effective, in fact, that we apparently have to stay there at least 1-2 more years, probably more, according to your "plan?"

We are not a safer nation because of Iraq. Not even close. You couldn't be more wrong on that, but you won't realize it in this particular lifetime, because you're too far gone.

While it might make you liberals feel better to think there are more alQaeda now than ever, and recruitment is growing, you are completely full of horse shit, as usual. We have eliminated about 3/4 of the leadership in the organization, and killed hundreds of thousands since 9/11. We continue to kill them and disrupt their organization daily, but this is not reported on the ClintonNewsNetwork, or your typical left-wing blogs.

You can make these completely speculative statements, like... We are not safer... but the fact is, we haven't been attacked since 9/11. So, it would appear that we are at least marginally safer. We are certainly safer than Spain or the UK, and I would venture to say we are a little safer than Iraq or Israel. In any event, we are safer in a war fighting the enemy than we are with our head in the sand ignoring them. To deny that, is to deny reality.

I hate to burst your little liberal pinhead bubble, but claims that Iraq is now a sovereign nation, are true! They have held numerous democratic elections and we haven't had to hold the first gun to their heads! In fact, they voted even though they were threatened with certain death by alQaeda! More than I can say for you! The very first Democracy in the history of the middle east is quite an accomplishment, and I understand you really don't want Bush to get the credit for that, but it looks like that is how it will go down, because Democracy is flourishing there, and you really can't do anything to stop that.

Sux for ya, I know.
Rest assure that they would be the first to bitch if nukes were floated into New York Harbor, up the Potomac River, and into any large coastal city.

When some says they want to kill you, believe them.

That quote came from a Holocaust survivor referring to Hitler and the Nazis hatred for Jews.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," and people want to deny what he meant. It seems pretty clear, but some people have trouble seeing the truth until it is too late. Then they say, "How could this have happened?"

But it is good that we have someone on this board that speaks Farsi. And I guess it is good that we have been corrected and we now know that the Iranian Government is actually no threat to the United States, Israel, and the other Western Democracies. At least, that is what I take from the replies from ib1yysguy and Beefy. We should consider ourselves lucky that we have people of this caliber able to read Farsi and correct the misconceptions we have been led to believe. However can we show our gratitude.

Show me the quote where Ahmadinejad says Israel is to be "wiped off the map". Mind you, not from the Limbaugh Letter, or Hannity, but from pipsqueak himself.

Show me.
MLB! HE DID IT AGAIN! Unbelievable.

We've corrected you thrice now on the mistranslation of "wiped off the map." Not only was it mistranslated, he was quoting Ali Khamenei.
MLB! HE DID IT AGAIN! Unbelievable.

We've corrected you thrice now on the mistranslation of "wiped off the map." Not only was it mistranslated, he was quoting Ali Khamenei.

I know. But these guys can't think for themselves. Whatever their gods say they spit out. They don't even KNOW that what they're saying is utter hogwash, because that have that much faith in their gods, the limbaughs, hannity's and the Bush's. Its amazing.

They're willing to send American kids to their daeths in Iraq without even knowing that they've been sold a bill of goods.
"You can make these completely speculative statements, like... We are not safer"

Try reading through a National Intelligence Estimate, you stupid backwoods fuck.

You're the one who speculates, wildly. Everything I say is backed up by hard facts.