Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

Well, first of all, I never made any "prediction" of when our forces would all come home from Iraq, or any of our forces, for that matter. If you look at the number of soldiers killed prior to Zarqawi's death, and since then, you will have to admit the number has drastically declined, and we have hardly any fatalities recently. So, it appears they were indeed in their "last throes" when I made that statement.

The mission of overthrowing Saddam and replacing his regime with a Democratic system of government, is complete, and the government is functioning. Has been for a couple of years now, how long before you acknowledge this? How long will you plug your ears and eyes to the fact that we have won this war, and idiot liberals simply want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

You're insane.

If the mission is complete, and they're functioning as a sovereign country, then why do you still like to see our guys getting killed over there on a daily basis. If its done, bring them home.

You're a total partisan hack who would rather see our kids die than admit you are wrong, just like W.

Fuckling amazing.
The "when I said the troops would be home soon I only meant the specific soldiers in Iraq at that specific time" spin is Dixie's masterpiece. It tops 1/3, imo. It's his Sistine Chapel, his no hitter, his 9th Symphony....

As I said, no one has ever indicated that we are going to completely withdraw US presence from the "Central Front in the Jihad Against America." If that was what you thought, you need to have some serious mental evaluations done. As long as Iran is poised to cause trouble in the region, we simply can't leave Iraq. You might think that is a fine and dandy idea, but you are a moron who doesn't have the first clue of what you're talking about, and such an act would ultimately cost 100x more soldiers lives. So... not gunna happen, wudn't be prudent at this juncture...

The vast majority of "heavy combat forces", the battalions of troops who are trained and specialized in fighting a combat war, have come home. Anyone who was serving prior to the Iraq war, has had the option to get out, if this wasn't what they signed on for, because the military has 4-year enlistments. This FACT means, every soldier currently stationed in Iraq, knew full well they would probably go there, when they made the decision to enlist. As I said before... no spin or bullshit... They didn't enlist or re-enlist because they were opposed to the war in Iraq.
You're insane.

If the mission is complete, and they're functioning as a sovereign country, then why do you still like to see our guys getting killed over there on a daily basis. If its done, bring them home.

You're a total partisan hack who would rather see our kids die than admit you are wrong, just like W.

Fuckling amazing.

Just bring them home and let Iran's radical element pour into the country and take over? Not a chance! Not after American boys died to liberate them. I'd rather see us finish the job, and insure Iran doesn't move in. I think this will ultimately save more lives than it costs. So far, you haven't even mentioned Iran, you do understand they exist and are a threat, right?
Just bring them home and let Iran's radical element pour into the country and take over? Not a chance! Not after American boys died to liberate them. I'd rather see us finish the job, and insure Iran doesn't move in. I think this will ultimately save more lives than it costs. So far, you haven't even mentioned Iran, you do understand they exist and are a threat, right?

How much of this has to do with Israel Dix?

I understand Iran exists, just as I understand that Iraq exists.

Do you fear for your life from an Iranian threat? How often do you use fear to justify sending thousands upon thousands of our young men to their deaths?

Do you think Iran will start a war with the US? Do you think that we are stronger for invading, conquering, trying to westernize and losing thousands of our young men and women in Iraq?

How many is enough? If 50,000 die, is that enough to offset any threat that you perceive? 100,000, how many?

Running around like a madman throwing out nebulous threats from countries that have never attacked us in order to justify sending our young to killing fields is hocus pocus.

Iran is not the threat you want them to be. No matter how hard you wish for them to be a threat that will kill us all, they are not.

But more importantly, neither was Iraq, and look where that got us. Now, beat the drums all you wish about Iran, and hope and pray that they are somehow a threat, but guess what, they're not, and all the dead in Iraq, that blood is on your hands.
In any case less troops are being killed for one reason that they finally got more body armor and some better vehicles.

LMAO... Well chump, I don't really care WHY less are being killed, the FACT is, LESS are being killed. I know you consider yourself an expert at something you would never dream of doing in a million years and don't know the first thing about, but trust me, people smarter than you have said the troop surge is working and things are improving daily in Iraq.

I also know that you would literally do or say anything to "lose Bush's War!" But the thing is, you are going to expose yourself to what an idiot hack you are, and probably not even realize it. That's fine with me, it'll be fun to watch, and we can see how perplexed and confused you are when America votes and the results don't turn out like you thought or your little polls indicated.
"we can see how perplexed and confused you are when America votes and the results don't turn out like you thought or your little polls indicated."

Yeah - you were squawking that one over & over again before the '06 election, too.

Turns out you didn't speak for America, after all.
How much of this has to do with Israel Dix?

I understand Iran exists, just as I understand that Iraq exists.

Do you fear for your life from an Iranian threat? How often do you use fear to justify sending thousands upon thousands of our young men to their deaths?

Do you think Iran will start a war with the US? Do you think that we are stronger for invading, conquering, trying to westernize and losing thousands of our young men and women in Iraq?

How many is enough? If 50,000 die, is that enough to offset any threat that you perceive? 100,000, how many?

Running around like a madman throwing out nebulous threats from countries that have never attacked us in order to justify sending our young to killing fields is hocus pocus.

Iran is not the threat you want them to be. No matter how hard you wish for them to be a threat that will kill us all, they are not.

But more importantly, neither was Iraq, and look where that got us. Now, beat the drums all you wish about Iran, and hope and pray that they are somehow a threat, but guess what, they're not, and all the dead in Iraq, that blood is on your hands.

Let me explain something to you, Meathead... We are in a WAR, declared on us by someone else! They are Radical Islamic Fundamentalists. They want to eliminate Israel, and kill all Infidels (aka: US) The central hotspot for these radicals is Iran, it is where this ideology emanates from, and they are deeply serious in their convictions. Please read this carefully... THEY declared WAR on US! We are defending ourselves from them! In your warped and twisted mind, you want to sit there on your fat ass and say "they're not a threat" but what exactly the fuck do they have to do for you to consider them a threat? Declared war is about as threatening as it gets... but I don't know, maybe you want to wait until they jerk your silly ass head out of the sand and start sawing it off before you understand "the threat" they pose?
Let me explain something to you, Meathead... We are in a WAR, declared on us by someone else! They are Radical Islamic Fundamentalists. They want to eliminate Israel, and kill all Infidels (aka: US) The central hotspot for these radicals is Iran, it is where this ideology emanates from, and they are deeply serious in their convictions. Please read this carefully... THEY declared WAR on US! We are defending ourselves from them! In your warped and twisted mind, you want to sit there on your fat ass and say "they're not a threat" but what exactly the fuck do they have to do for you to consider them a threat? Declared war is about as threatening as it gets... but I don't know, maybe you want to wait until they jerk your silly ass head out of the sand and start sawing it off before you understand "the threat" they pose?

Declared war? Hmmm, that's a novel concept. How come we didn't declare war?

Iran has never declared war on us. Nor have the declared war on Israel. And even if they had, that Israels problem, and I don't want to send my neice or your daughter to go die to "defend" Israel. Its not our beef.

Israel, so you know from now on, is not a part of the United States.

Iran and Israel have plenty of problems, but neither has declared war on the other, and even if they had, how is that my neice's or your daughters problem to die for? How?

Did you learn anything from the Romans, or the Greeks, r the Japanes or British for that matter? Haven't you seen the ultimate cost of empire? Don't you even care?
Declared war? Hmmm, that's a novel concept. How come we didn't declare war?

Iran has never declared war on us. Nor have the declared war on Israel. And even if they had, that Israels problem, and I don't want to send my neice or your daughter to go die to "defend" Israel. Its not our beef.

Israel, so you know from now on, is not a part of the United States.

Iran and Israel have plenty of problems, but neither has declared war on the other, and even if they had, how is that my neice's or your daughters problem to die for? How?

Did you learn anything from the Romans, or the Greeks, r the Japanes or British for that matter? Haven't you seen the ultimate cost of empire? Don't you even care?

Ya know what Beefy, I have discussed this with you enough already. Fuck you, it's not your decision to make, you are an idiot. I don't understand why you hate the Jews so much, or why you don't comprehend why we have to defend them from religious zealots who want them exterminated, or why you don't understand the threat from radical Islam is very real and has already claimed over 3,000 American CITIZENS! It just baffles my mind that someone can be so willfully ignorant of the world around him, and so hard headed and stubborn he can't see any other view. You have that right, American soldiers died for you to have it just like they died for me to have it, but I don't have to listen to your idiocy... you are Neville Chamberlain 2008!
Declared war? Hmmm, that's a novel concept. How come we didn't declare war?

Iran has never declared war on us. Nor have the declared war on Israel. And even if they had, that Israels problem, and I don't want to send my neice or your daughter to go die to "defend" Israel. Its not our beef.

Israel, so you know from now on, is not a part of the United States.

Iran and Israel have plenty of problems, but neither has declared war on the other, and even if they had, how is that my neice's or your daughters problem to die for? How?

Did you learn anything from the Romans, or the Greeks, r the Japanes or British for that matter? Haven't you seen the ultimate cost of empire? Don't you even care?

Actually, they have. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the elimination of Israel, America, and the Western world many times.

Did you learn anything from the Holocaust? When some says they want to kill you, believe them.

Perhaps we should wait until they nuke us first, knowing they want to do this. They think they are called to do this by Allah much like the unquestioned devotion and loyalty the Japanese had for the Emperor.

Do you really think we are Empire Building? We are not trying to take control of Iraq. They have their own democratically elected government for the first time in 10,000+ years, which really means for the first time in history. The Iraqi government can call for us to leave anytime they want, but they have not done so.
Actually, they have. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the elimination of Israel, America, and the Western world many times.

No, he didn't. You're listening to Hannitized versions of what he said. Read the actual Farsi and translate it. It does not "call for" anything. It predicts that Zionism will die, and that zionist power will no longer rule Israel. It does not call for the elimination of anything. But be careful, make sure you get his actual quotes, and not quotes from the Limbaugh letter.

Did you learn anything from the Holocaust? When some says they want to kill you, believe them.

And if they didn't say that, claim they did, and kill them anyway. Which is worse?

Perhaps we should wait until they nuke us first, knowing they want to do this. They think they are called to do this by Allah much like the unquestioned devotion and loyalty the Japanese had for the Emperor.

Yeah, boys who cry wolf end up looking like idiots. Do you really think they'd nuke us? Really?

Do you really think we are Empire Building? We are not trying to take control of Iraq. They have their own democratically elected government for the first time in 10,000+ years, which really means for the first time in history. The Iraqi government can call for us to leave anytime they want, but they have not done so.


Yeah, they have real autonomy.

We bombed them into oblivion, set up a puppet government, and we are now trying to quell a popular shiite movement to ensure stability.

This is imperialism 101. Invade, implement, rule with boots on the ground, claim its liberation.

If you can't see this as imperialism, then you're blinder than a one eyed bat with a patch.
It's no use Porter, these pinheads are not going to realize or admit there is a threat until it effects them personally. They live in their own little bubble world where freedom and rights are just taken for granted and expected. They have no appreciation for how many had to give their lives to enjoy this freedom, to them, it has always been here and always will, for us... and no one else really matters. They don't care if every single Jew on Earth is exterminated, they don't care if a single Middle-Eastern woman ever has a right to vote, or freedom to go to school. Doesn't matter how many Arabs are slaughtered at the hands of anti-democratic terrorists. They had just as soon sit in their pathetic little liberal world, bitching and moaning about people who have a different view, and refuse to listen to a thing anyone has to say to them. Until alQaeda nukes a couple of liberal US cities, we can forget having pinheads like Beefy on board, and probably not even then, unless the nuke happens to be in HIS city and disrupts his eating binge.
I explained the mistranslation thing to him earlier. He ignored it, and is now spouting off again. Unconscionable.
It's no use Porter, these pinheads are not going to realize or admit there is a threat until it effects them personally. They live in their own little bubble world where freedom and rights are just taken for granted and expected. They have no appreciation for how many had to give their lives to enjoy this freedom, to them, it has always been here and always will, for us... and no one else really matters. They don't care if every single Jew on Earth is exterminated, they don't care if a single Middle-Eastern woman ever has a right to vote, or freedom to go to school. Doesn't matter how many Arabs are slaughtered at the hands of anti-democratic terrorists. They had just as soon sit in their pathetic little liberal world, bitching and moaning about people who have a different view, and refuse to listen to a thing anyone has to say to them. Until alQaeda nukes a couple of liberal US cities, we can forget having pinheads like Beefy on board, and probably not even then, unless the nuke happens to be in HIS city and disrupts his eating binge.

Yeah, dumbass, that's it.

When all else fails, buy a new blindfold.

Yep, we're all going to die, save for the fact that we've invaded and lost thousands in Iraq. Why, if we didn't do that, we'd all be dead.

Dixuck = superdupertard.
It's no use Porter, these pinheads are not going to realize or admit there is a threat until it effects them personally. They live in their own little bubble world where freedom and rights are just taken for granted and expected. They have no appreciation for how many had to give their lives to enjoy this freedom, to them, it has always been here and always will, for us... and no one else really matters. They don't care if every single Jew on Earth is exterminated, they don't care if a single Middle-Eastern woman ever has a right to vote, or freedom to go to school. Doesn't matter how many Arabs are slaughtered at the hands of anti-democratic terrorists. They had just as soon sit in their pathetic little liberal world, bitching and moaning about people who have a different view, and refuse to listen to a thing anyone has to say to them. Until alQaeda nukes a couple of liberal US cities, we can forget having pinheads like Beefy on board, and probably not even then, unless the nuke happens to be in HIS city and disrupts his eating binge.


we are now trying to quell a popular shiite movement to ensure stability.

We are now dealing with radical shiites who came over to Iraq from Iran, and hope to destabilize the country and take over. The vast and overwhelming majority of Iraqi people, including some shiites, do not condone or support this movement, and have risked their lives to vote in democratic elections for the past 4 years. Beefmaster wants to sail them up the river with a great big "Fuck you!" and move on. Why? Apparently he believes in Hitler and Ahmadinejad's vision concerning Jews.
Funny you should mention Al Qaeda, Dix. Iraq has been a cause celebre for their recruitment efforts, and they are as strong now as they were prior to 9/11. If we do ever get hit with a nuke or form of dirty bomb, the chances are infinitely greater that it will be from a cell in the Western Hemisphere that was formed since the war started, than from Iran or anyone in the Middle East.

Don't you ever step back and reconsider the effectiveness of a policy that, 5 years in, has not reduced the strength & scope of Al Qaeda & other terrorist organizations in the least? Don't you have pause about claims that Iraq is now a sovereign nation and that our surge has been so incredibly effective, in fact, that we apparently have to stay there at least 1-2 more years, probably more, according to your "plan?"

We are not a safer nation because of Iraq. Not even close. You couldn't be more wrong on that, but you won't realize it in this particular lifetime, because you're too far gone.
I explained the mistranslation thing to him earlier. He ignored it, and is now spouting off again. Unconscionable.

It IS unconscionable. Its a total fucking lie. To spout it off as if its cause to kill more young Americans in unnecessary war is criminal. Fucking criminal.
That's twice now he's claimed you hate jews. What'cha gonna do 'bout it?

Dixie, you never told us who won the civil war.