Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

The swimmingly part is a prediction. The timetable is up in the air. I have already clarified this and your attempts to muddy the waters and draw attention away from your "MILLIONS" of deaths prediction is pretty shallow.

Also, I agree with Lorax. Someone needs to find a way to put this entire last page of thread into a signature.
It's not backtracking to set the record straight on a mischaracterization of my opinion. And, unlike yourself, I like to set the record straight BEFORE I'm proven wrong.

LMFAO... What do you think gives you that right when I don't have it? It didn't seem to matter that I clarified my remarks immediately, noooo.... it was set in stone the moment I posted it, and it didn't matter what I said from then on, and still doesn't. So, if those are the rules of how we play, they apply to you too Bozo! You made the prediction that our troops would be home in 3 years under Obama, and things would go swimmingly. So, we shall see if your predicting ability is any better than mine.
This IS classic; it deserves to be in a signature. I'd love to see Bush say, "We're bringing the troops home!", and then come out a year later & try to explain that he only meant the soldiers on that particular tour.

And Dixie - please don't lecture me on what is & isn't best for our foreign policy & national security; your right to do that has been permanently revoked. You don't get "mulligan #57" on Iraq...

Onceler, my boss who I posted about because he is so good-looking and funny, and very nice to me, told me today that he voting for McCain, and I asked why (I usually don’t have these conversations but he is always making comments about the race, so finally I had to ask), and he started to sound just like this, like Dixie. It was so awful. If I was a man it would have been like instant deflation. I mean, honestly I would not cheat on my bf, but it’s kind of nice to have that little flirtation going at the office, you know? Well that is dead, deader than Joe Lieberman’s hipness factor.
I swear, Dixie - this is such a keen insight to how insane you are. First, the whole thing with "only the troops who were there at that time," and then the crazy nitpicking of ibl's post, which is absolutely nothing compared to the wild, ranting predictions you have shoved in our face for years as you lecture us about what is "right" for Iraq.

If there was a liberal Dixie, who made as many ridiculously wrong statements & predictions as you have over the years, you'd do nothing but post them with your usual "hmmmmm?" or "Huh?!!!" or some sarcastic BS putting it back in their face. You'd destroy a liberal Dixie for their idiocy.
Alright, and when you quote me you'll be just as honest as you're being right now - which isn't a high bar, trust me.

The war will last 9.5 years I think I remember, according to a generally very precise political science equation used to predict the length of conflicts. It predicted Grenada and Kosovo to within a few days, and works retroactively throughout American modern history.

So that would mean the war ends in like 2012 or thereabouts. So four years, not three, most likely. That would be my prediction, if I had made one about the timetable.

Okay, getting back on track:

"Do you even care? Does it bother you that, upon US withdrawal, millions... MILLIONS... will be slaughtered and killed by radicals from Iran who WILL take over?"

Onceler, my boss who I posted about because he is so good-looking and funny, and very nice to me, told me today that he voting for McCain, and I asked why (I usually don’t have these conversations but he is always making comments about the race, so finally I had to ask), and he started to sound just like this, like Dixie. It was so awful. If I was a man it would have been like instant deflation. I mean, honestly I would not cheat on my bf, but it’s kind of nice to have that little flirtation going at the office, you know? Well that is dead, deader than Joe Lieberman’s hipness factor.

Reminds me of a date I had ages ago. It was a 1st date, and she said in the 1st 5 minutes that she voted for Bush (Sr.), and couldn't understand how anyone could have voted for Dukakis.

I scarfed down dinner as fast as I could and split. I was polite, but that kind of thing is a deal-breaker w/ me. No way I could do the Carville/Matalin thing.

P.S. Lieberman...hip! I love it.
Reminds me of a date I had ages ago. It was a 1st date, and she said in the 1st 5 minutes that she voted for Bush (Sr.), and couldn't understand how anyone could have voted for Dukakis.

I scarfed down dinner as fast as I could and split. I was polite, but that kind of thing is a deal-breaker w/ me. No way I could do the Carville/Matalin thing.

P.S. Lieberman...hip! I love it.

I see it the same way.
I went out on Friday with a girl who is the Chief of Staff for a Massuchsetts Democratic State Senator. Politics barely even came up.

Edit: I asked her about her work but we didn't get into policy discussions or positions.
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I went out on Friday with a girl who is the Chief of Staff for a Massuchsetts Democratic State Senator. Politics barely even came up.

Edit: I asked her about her work but we didn't get into policy discussions or positions.

How many martinis did you eat?
Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there.

According to every report we have gotten, from every source inside Iraq, things are improving, and the violence is going away. We aren't going to leave now, that would be utterly stupid beyond belief. Why can't you people accept that? Yaaa, I understand the war was a farce, never shoulda gone, Bush lied, blah blah blah... but we did it, we are there, it is working. Do you not feel some sense of obligation to the people of Iraq to see this through? What kind of nightmare are you willing to unleash on the citizens of Iraq who have put their faith in democracy, and stood with us against the enemy? Do you even care? Does it bother you that, upon US withdrawal, millions... MILLIONS... will be slaughtered and killed by radicals from Iran who WILL take over? History will be sure we remember, the blood is on YOUR hands for that.

I see the troops who are still in Iraq are there by choice. Man, I finally understand a bit about the hart of a two time Bush voter... Deranged and in denial.
That's almost 13,000 soldiers in the Army that are not there by choice - and I can bet you they're not sitting pretty in Berlin or Korea.
Originally Posted by Dixie View Post

Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there.

Dixie, you've got to be the most dishonest person ever to post here.

"The few who remain"? There are more US troops there now, than there were in 2005.

And your spin about your 2005 quote about how they would be coming home soon, the job was almost complete, is the worst bit of bush loving, partisan hackery I've seen since you left the board.