Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

Wow, two posts and I've been called a traitor who doesn't deserve to be called American. Seems to me, you pinheads get a little testy when people on my side say something even remotely close to that. How dare you question my patriotism! Bah blah!

It's okay though, it just shows what a bunch of two-faced hypocrites you are. How dare anyone call you unpatriotic, even when they don't, but you can outright call me non-American and a traitor? Bit of a 'double standard' there, isn't it?
Wow, two posts and I've been called a traitor who doesn't deserve to be called American. Seems to me, you pinheads get a little testy when people on my side say something even remotely close to that. How dare you question my patriotism! Bah blah!

It's okay though, it just shows what a bunch of two-faced hypocrites you are. How dare anyone call you unpatriotic, even when they don't, but you can outright call me non-American and a traitor? Bit of a 'double standard' there, isn't it?

I would not call you those things, I would however point out that your predictions are often tragically WRONG... I belive thats because your idea of reality is VERY skewed.

-DIXIE, August 10 2005, on Iraq: " how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete! Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests."
dix the difference is we have been proven to be right about the iraq war. you are still a hopeless bush parrot.
Wow, two posts and I've been called a traitor who doesn't deserve to be called American. Seems to me, you pinheads get a little testy when people on my side say something even remotely close to that. How dare you question my patriotism! Bah blah!

It's okay though, it just shows what a bunch of two-faced hypocrites you are. How dare anyone call you unpatriotic, even when they don't, but you can outright call me non-American and a traitor? Bit of a 'double standard' there, isn't it?

No; no double standard at all, because you're an actual traitor, who has nothing but contempt for America and the troops.

Therein lies the difference.
dix the difference is we have been proven to be right about the iraq war. you are still a hopeless bush parrot.

LMAO... tell me, what in God's name do you think you've "been proven right" on? Where is this fuckin' proof? I wanna see it! You are all doing what you've done from the start, twisting and manipulating the truth to fit your lies. We can't even get a straight answer from you on what you plan to do about Iraq after you pull us out! Why? Because you don't plan to do a damn thing! You don't really give a flying shit! It doesn't matter what happens to Iraq in the wake of your stupidity, because, well they are just insignificant Iraqi's to you.... not like they can VOTE! It's amazing God still allows despicable creatures like you to slither around His planet!

If you manage to lie your way into the White House, and IF you somehow manage to extract us from Iraq (which I doubt), it will be interesting to see how you spin the chaos and horror which will follow such an action. I already know you plan to keep on blaming Bush, it's all the hell you know how to do! I just wonder how well that bullshit will play with the American public then. When the democracy in Iraq falls to radical Islam, you are going to have a very hard time selling that it was Bush's fault. When our allies in the region start dropping like flies, it will be hard to convince people it is because Bush lied to them. And when we eventually have to re-send American servicemen to war to fight this extremist enemy, that is not likely to withstand scrutiny if you try and blame it on Bush. When your feeble attempts to negotiate and appease these terror thugs fails, how the hell do you plan to spin it into Bush's fault? I know you'll find a way to do it, you always do. How much sense it will make, is another question.
No; no double standard at all, because you're an actual traitor, who has nothing but contempt for America and the troops.

Therein lies the difference.

LMAO... So your trashing and bashing of the troops non-stop for 8 years, is not contemptuous? Blaming America for the problems in the middle east, and in some cases, even blaming them for the attacks on 9/11, that shows no signs of contempt for America?

You are a two-faced lying piece of unpatriotic and unamerican dog shit!
I perdicted no WMD's or yellow cake.
I predicted no cakewalk and no roses in our path
I predected it to last far longer than you did. On any of your last throes declarations.
I predicted ti to be pretty much the mess it is today
I predicted it to cost a whole lot of money.

you are the most consistently wrong person I have ever met Dixie.
But that comes in handy. I listen to what you say and expect the opposite to happen.
LMAO... So your trashing and bashing of the troops non-stop for 8 years, is not contemptuous? Blaming America for the problems in the middle east, and in some cases, even blaming them for the attacks on 9/11, that shows no signs of contempt for America?

You are a two-faced lying piece of unpatriotic and unamerican dog shit!

Can you produce one quote where I "trashed" the troops? Just one?

You're a terrible liar, and an even worse spinner. The previous poster was spot on; we were right, and you were wrong, and it's something you'll never face up to. Just look at the list of people who you say have to have "lied" for Bush to be telling the truth. I've got bad news for you: that list is going to keep growing, and it's going to include even more Republicans & members of the admin before all is said & done.

It's going to be a slow drip-drip of denial for you, for the rest of your days. Maybe that's fitting punishment for a nutjob like you.
"members of the admin "

Sorry...I meant "disgruntled ex-employees." If that changes with any new talking points, be sure to let me know so I can update the ol' files.
I perdicted no WMD's or yellow cake.
I predicted no cakewalk and no roses in our path
I predected it to last far longer than you did. On any of your last throes declarations.
I predicted ti to be pretty much the mess it is today
I predicted it to cost a whole lot of money.

you are the most consistently wrong person I have ever met Dixie.
But that comes in handy. I listen to what you say and expect the opposite to happen.

I also predicted no WMD's or yellow cake, he had ample time to get rid of those things, and he was only shopping for yellow cake, he didn't actually purchase it.

I predicted 10 years, start to finish, and less than a year to topple Saddam and defeat his regime. Never predicted rose pedals, but I did predict a majority of Iraqi's would accept democracy, and they have.

According to every report we've had from Iraq the past 6 months, everything is going well and we are making great progress. Mess? Where?

I also predicted it would cost a lot of money, wars always do. I also predicted it would be worth any amount of money to plant democracy in the heart of radical Islam, and I stand by that.

Since you can count on my predictions being wrong, let me make a few just for you... I predict, If Obama gets elected and pulls us out of Iraq....

Al Qaeda will be so grateful, they will just disband completely and give up on their Jihad against Infidels and Jews. They will renounce terrorism and start working with Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor.

Ahmadenejad will abandon his nuclear program and sign a non-aggression pact with Israel. All it will take is a chat with Obama, and he will see the light.

In 2010, radical Muslim clerics will endorse a Gay Marriage initiative, in return for us withdrawing our military from the region. They will also give rights to women at this time, since it makes sense to do this if you are going to give gays the right to marry.

The War on Terror will end! All terrorists will be so impressed with how good Obama looks in a suit, and how well he speaks, they will no longer be compelled to terror! Instead, the Jihadists will all open "Free Stores," plant daisies, and make tie-die shirts.

The whole middle east will be so transformed, they will just start giving us oil for free. This will lower gas prices to a nickel a gallon, which will prompt Republicans to want to add a huge tax on gas, but the Democrats will refuse any new tax, unless it goes to pay down the national debt.

Now... going by your theory, these predictions should be spot on!
"I predicted 10 years, start to finish"

That's a flat out lie; Jarod has been bumping posts - which you've been ignoring - that are very much to the contrary. You should check 'em out.
I also predicted no WMD's or yellow cake, he had ample time to get rid of those things, and he was only shopping for yellow cake, he didn't actually purchase it.

I predicted 10 years, start to finish, and less than a year to topple Saddam and defeat his regime. Never predicted rose pedals, but I did predict a majority of Iraqi's would accept democracy, and they have.

According to every report we've had from Iraq the past 6 months, everything is going well and we are making great progress. Mess? Where?

I also predicted it would cost a lot of money, wars always do. I also predicted it would be worth any amount of money to plant democracy in the heart of radical Islam, and I stand by that.

Since you can count on my predictions being wrong, let me make a few just for you... I predict, If Obama gets elected and pulls us out of Iraq....

Al Qaeda will be so grateful, they will just disband completely and give up on their Jihad against Infidels and Jews. They will renounce terrorism and start working with Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor.

Ahmadenejad will abandon his nuclear program and sign a non-aggression pact with Israel. All it will take is a chat with Obama, and he will see the light.

In 2010, radical Muslim clerics will endorse a Gay Marriage initiative, in return for us withdrawing our military from the region. They will also give rights to women at this time, since it makes sense to do this if you are going to give gays the right to marry.

The War on Terror will end! All terrorists will be so impressed with how good Obama looks in a suit, and how well he speaks, they will no longer be compelled to terror! Instead, the Jihadists will all open "Free Stores," plant daisies, and make tie-die shirts.

The whole middle east will be so transformed, they will just start giving us oil for free. This will lower gas prices to a nickel a gallon, which will prompt Republicans to want to add a huge tax on gas, but the Democrats will refuse any new tax, unless it goes to pay down the national debt.

Now... going by your theory, these predictions should be spot on!

You never predicted no WMD, in fact you claimed for a very long time that we found WMD! Do I have to go dig that up also?
Honestly, Dixie was always a spinner's spinner, but I don't remember flat out lying coming so easily to that traitorous, America-hating redneck before.

He's a real psycho now....
I also predicted no WMD's or yellow cake, he had ample time to get rid of those things, and he was only shopping for yellow cake, he didn't actually purchase it.

I predicted 10 years, start to finish, and less than a year to topple Saddam and defeat his regime. Never predicted rose pedals, but I did predict a majority of Iraqi's would accept democracy, and they have.

According to every report we've had from Iraq the past 6 months, everything is going well and we are making great progress. Mess? Where?

I also predicted it would cost a lot of money, wars always do. I also predicted it would be worth any amount of money to plant democracy in the heart of radical Islam, and I stand by that.

Since you can count on my predictions being wrong, let me make a few just for you... I predict, If Obama gets elected and pulls us out of Iraq....

Al Qaeda will be so grateful, they will just disband completely and give up on their Jihad against Infidels and Jews. They will renounce terrorism and start working with Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor.

Ahmadenejad will abandon his nuclear program and sign a non-aggression pact with Israel. All it will take is a chat with Obama, and he will see the light.

In 2010, radical Muslim clerics will endorse a Gay Marriage initiative, in return for us withdrawing our military from the region. They will also give rights to women at this time, since it makes sense to do this if you are going to give gays the right to marry.

The War on Terror will end! All terrorists will be so impressed with how good Obama looks in a suit, and how well he speaks, they will no longer be compelled to terror! Instead, the Jihadists will all open "Free Stores," plant daisies, and make tie-die shirts.

The whole middle east will be so transformed, they will just start giving us oil for free. This will lower gas prices to a nickel a gallon, which will prompt Republicans to want to add a huge tax on gas, but the Democrats will refuse any new tax, unless it goes to pay down the national debt.

Now... going by your theory, these predictions should be spot on!

Not only are you wrong you are not very truthful.
I also predicted no WMD's or yellow cake, he had ample time to get rid of those things, and he was only shopping for yellow cake, he didn't actually purchase it.

I predicted 10 years, start to finish, and less than a year to topple Saddam and defeat his regime. Never predicted rose pedals, but I did predict a majority of Iraqi's would accept democracy, and they have.

According to every report we've had from Iraq the past 6 months, everything is going well and we are making great progress. Mess? Where?

I also predicted it would cost a lot of money, wars always do. I also predicted it would be worth any amount of money to plant democracy in the heart of radical Islam, and I stand by that.

Since you can count on my predictions being wrong, let me make a few just for you... I predict, If Obama gets elected and pulls us out of Iraq....

Al Qaeda will be so grateful, they will just disband completely and give up on their Jihad against Infidels and Jews. They will renounce terrorism and start working with Jimmy Carter to build houses for the poor.

Ahmadenejad will abandon his nuclear program and sign a non-aggression pact with Israel. All it will take is a chat with Obama, and he will see the light.

In 2010, radical Muslim clerics will endorse a Gay Marriage initiative, in return for us withdrawing our military from the region. They will also give rights to women at this time, since it makes sense to do this if you are going to give gays the right to marry.

The War on Terror will end! All terrorists will be so impressed with how good Obama looks in a suit, and how well he speaks, they will no longer be compelled to terror! Instead, the Jihadists will all open "Free Stores," plant daisies, and make tie-die shirts.

The whole middle east will be so transformed, they will just start giving us oil for free. This will lower gas prices to a nickel a gallon, which will prompt Republicans to want to add a huge tax on gas, but the Democrats will refuse any new tax, unless it goes to pay down the national debt.

Now... going by your theory, these predictions should be spot on!

Dixie - September 11, 2006 - ..."So, Americans in Iraq have found 500 sarin- and mustard-gas-filled artillery shells, live botulinum toxin, cyanide salt, and nearly two tons of uranium. Yet, no, Virginia, there were no WMDs in Iraq."
Ya, go dig it up, pinhead! I never made a prediction on how long the US would have a military presence in Iraq. I predicted when the heavy combat fatalities would end, when we eliminated Zarqawi, and I was correct. I also stated that we would lose fewer soldiers in the Iraq war than some single battles of other wars, and it appears I will be correct about that as well.

What we found in Iraq is documented. The fact that you don't want to acknowledge it, is not my problem, but we did indeed find some WMD's inside Iraq. We also know from the UN, Saddam had over 80k liters of bad shit, and this has never been recovered or accounted for, so it's possible it still resides inside the nation of Iraq. Warehouses full of fresh WMD's? Never predicted that, and one would have to be an utter fool to think we would have found such a thing.
Ya, go dig it up, pinhead! I never made a prediction on how long the US would have a military presence in Iraq. I predicted when the heavy combat fatalities would end, when we eliminated Zarqawi, and I was correct. I also stated that we would lose fewer soldiers in the Iraq war than some single battles of other wars, and it appears I will be correct about that as well.

What we found in Iraq is documented. The fact that you don't want to acknowledge it, is not my problem, but we did indeed find some WMD's inside Iraq. We also know from the UN, Saddam had over 80k liters of bad shit, and this has never been recovered or accounted for, so it's possible it still resides inside the nation of Iraq. Warehouses full of fresh WMD's? Never predicted that, and one would have to be an utter fool to think we would have found such a thing.

So, you claim that you correctly predicted that we would not find WMD in Iraq, yet you claim we did find WMD in Iraq? I am confused, how is that possable?
How does one person write these 2 lines in consecutive posts, one before the other?

"I predicted 10 years, start to finish"

"I never made a prediction on how long the US would have a military presence in Iraq"

Do you just say whatever you want, whenever it's convenient to say it?
Same ol' Dixie, Spin Spin Spin! Makes ya dizzy!

The only way to hold Dixie's conservative belifes and still respect yourself is to be in denial about all of these inconsistant views you have to hold.
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So, you claim that you correctly predicted that we would not find WMD in Iraq, yet you claim we did find WMD in Iraq? I am confused, how is that possable?

Yes, I realize this might seem confusing to a simple-minded idiot like yourself. I will explain...

The former is referring to viable and active WMD Stockpiles, the later is referring to WMD's in general. We did indeed find old WMD's in Iraq, it is documented, and whether you believe reality is not at issue. We didn't find stockpiles of new WMD's and weren't likely to, in my opinion. Saddam was not stupid enough to get caught with fresh WMD's after swearing he didn't have them. In fact, any new WMD's he might have had, were probably spirited out of Iraq before he allowed UN inspectors in.