Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11

How does one person write these 2 lines in consecutive posts, one before the other?

"I predicted 10 years, start to finish"

"I never made a prediction on how long the US would have a military presence in Iraq"

Do you just say whatever you want, whenever it's convenient to say it?

Again, maybe too much for the simple-minded. We still have a military presence in Germany, yet the end of WWII was over 60 years ago. Having military presence is not the same as fighting a war. I predicted the Iraq WAR would take about 10 years, start to finish. We may have military presence there the next 100 years, hell maybe 200!
Again, maybe too much for the simple-minded. We still have a military presence in Germany, yet the end of WWII was over 60 years ago. Having military presence is not the same as fighting a war. I predicted the Iraq WAR would take about 10 years, start to finish. We may have military presence there the next 100 years, hell maybe 200!

We have posted your quotes from 2005, when you explicity said the troops were coming home SOON, and that the job was ALMOST COMPLETE.

Which time were you lying?
We have posted your quotes from 2005, when you explicity said the troops were coming home SOON, and that the job was ALMOST COMPLETE.

Which time were you lying?

Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there.

According to every report we have gotten, from every source inside Iraq, things are improving, and the violence is going away. We aren't going to leave now, that would be utterly stupid beyond belief. Why can't you people accept that? Yaaa, I understand the war was a farce, never shoulda gone, Bush lied, blah blah blah... but we did it, we are there, it is working. Do you not feel some sense of obligation to the people of Iraq to see this through? What kind of nightmare are you willing to unleash on the citizens of Iraq who have put their faith in democracy, and stood with us against the enemy? Do you even care? Does it bother you that, upon US withdrawal, millions... MILLIONS... will be slaughtered and killed by radicals from Iran who WILL take over? History will be sure we remember, the blood is on YOUR hands for that.
Millions. Someone bookmark that quote so 3 years from now when Obama brings them home and things go swimmingly Dixie can be called upon to spin his way out of it.

(This is assuming he hasn't been shamed into leaving AGAIN.)
"Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there. "

So...when you said the troops would be home soon, you meant the specific soldiers who were there in 2004-05, and not "the troops" in general?

Jesus Christ, Dixie. I mean, Jesus friggin' Christ.
Dixie, in your opinion, what difference (if any) would it have made if Turkey had allowed us to launch an attack on Baghdad from the North at the start?
"Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there. "

So...when you said the troops would be home soon, you meant the specific soldiers who were there in 2004-05, and not "the troops" in general?

Jesus Christ, Dixie. I mean, Jesus friggin' Christ.

This would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
Millions. Someone bookmark that quote so 3 years from now when Obama brings them home and things go swimmingly Dixie can be called upon to spin his way out of it.

(This is assuming he hasn't been shamed into leaving AGAIN.)

Unless Israel nukes Iran out of existence, I doubt things will go swimmingly. But I will make sure to record your 3-year-prediction of things going swimmingly, and I will make sure to remind you of it often. Assuming you aren't shamed into changing your name again.
Unless Israel nukes Iran out of existence, I doubt things will go swimmingly. But I will make sure to record your 3-year-prediction of things going swimmingly, and I will make sure to remind you of it often. Assuming you aren't shamed into changing your name again.

Three years was of course a guess, and not meant to be taken as a prediction. I don't claim to know the future, unlike Dicksie.

But I do predict when the drawdown happens, things will be just fine because all the hype about Turkey or Iran invading is just rhetoric from your empty noggin and those of your freunde.

The fact that you took the effort to emphasize "MILLIONS" is a pretty clear indication that you were making one of your famously wrong predictions.
For the record: I'm one of the few who didn't change their names when they came to this site, unlike some notable right-wingers (like Write).
"Most all of the troops who saw heavy combat in 2002~2005 are home, and have been home for a year. The few who remain, chose to go back because they believe in what we are doing over there. "

So...when you said the troops would be home soon, you meant the specific soldiers who were there in 2004-05, and not "the troops" in general?

Jesus Christ, Dixie. I mean, Jesus friggin' Christ.

We had already announced the building of US bases in Iraq. Part of the reason for Iraq was to establish strategic stability in the region, why do you think that I ever said we wouldn't have a military presence at all, in Iraq?

The cries to bring home the troops was due to the fact they were getting killed, sometimes by hundreds daily, and it was horrible to keep them there! They are no longer being killed there, and most of the ones who were being attacked back then, have been home for over a year. Now you want to claim you meant "US Military Presence" instead of "the troops" who were fighting a combat war with terrorists. That is a horse of a different color.

We can't withdraw US Military Presence from Iraq at this time. Not unless you want to deal with the aftermath of such an action. So far, Mr. Obama hasn't told us what that plan would be, but there has to be one before we can even think about removing our military completely from Iraq. You nutbags might win the White House, and you may control Congress, but you will not be able to convince the people who are faced with the problem, that we need or want to leave Iraq completely. If you actually think this, you are off your rocker.
Oh lord. This one is classic.

Dixie, you really think that "the troops" meant send in fresh ones instead of ending the war (another commonly espoused opinion on the left, usually happening within or near the same sentence as the one containing "the troops)?


This is 1/3 believable. I'd give up my missing dollar to know the future as well as Dixie does.
Backtracking now, huh?

WOW, that didn't take long, what happened?

It's not backtracking to set the record straight on a mischaracterization of my opinion. And, unlike yourself, I like to set the record straight BEFORE I'm proven wrong.

[ame=""]DIXIE, August 10, 2005... - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
This IS classic; it deserves to be in a signature. I'd love to see Bush say, "We're bringing the troops home!", and then come out a year later & try to explain that he only meant the soldiers on that particular tour.

And Dixie - please don't lecture me on what is & isn't best for our foreign policy & national security; your right to do that has been permanently revoked. You don't get "mulligan #57" on Iraq...
ib1's Prediction ...3 years from now when Obama brings them home and things go swimmingly...

Doesn't sound like a guess to me, sounds amazingly like a prediction. You didn't say "IF" Obama brings them home, that would be a speculation, you also didn't say "things might go swimmingly" either, that would have been a guess. You were pretty clear in your prediction from what I read. What's the matter, don't want to stand by your predictions?