Is an Obama/Clinton ticket beatable?

you what politicians like clintons do??? do i denote a little wind surfing here?

you sounded so strong and firm and ethical and on the higher ground on your other threads regarding why obama is the better person and why clinton is NOT....but now all that is okay....this politicing with the devil is necessary and ok if it serves a purpose for obama????



*ps am i misunderstanding?

You are indeed misinterpreting my friend. I said absolutely nothing about what's best for Obama, rather what's best for this country.

Nor did I say anyone needs to kiss the devils ass, but the very act of politics is in finding compromise.

What problems do you think are going to be solved without getting republicans to support the solution?


Bringing the troops out of Iraq?

The economy?

Additionally, there are some democrats that require nose-holding to get things done.

The "devil" doesn't always have an "R" on his cape.
Name why you belive he is a moron? One single moronic thing about this brilliant current Harvard Professor?

Brilliant current Harvard professor? LMAO. Right. What makes you think he is brilliant?

He ran a moronic campaign against Bush which resulted in his ass getting kicked all across the country.

Side note... what does this "brilliant" professor teach at Harvard? How to get your ass kicked 101?
Brilliant current Harvard professor? LMAO. Right. What makes you think he is brilliant?

He ran a moronic campaign against Bush which resulted in his ass getting kicked all across the country.

Side note... what does this "brilliant" professor teach at Harvard? How to get your ass kicked 101?

He ran an honorable campaign... V. what Bush Sr. and Lee Atwater did! The guy is brilliant, just listen to him speak.

You cant cite an example, because you fell for the fact that he is funny looking so he cant be smart trap that so many of your ignorant countrymen fell for...!
Jarod, I don’t think he’s a moron either. But the second he sat on that tank he lost any chance he had.

Here is what I have learned about Americans, and this is the most important thing you can learn about them: They never leave high school.

It took me years longer than it should have to learn this, because I’m a huge lover of nerds and assorted other geeks and eggheads. And I assumed most shared my love for them. But they don’t.

You cannot be elected in this country unless you are one of the cool kids. Period.
This is something that among many other things, makes Obama rare for a democrat. Obama is one of the cool kids. Now he can be smart and funny and he can even be a policy wonk, and I think he is all of those things, but only because first, he’s one of the cool kids. Bill Clinton, a former fat kid and decidedly NOT one of the cool kids in high school, understood this instinctively about Americans and that is why he went on MTV and answered questions about his underwear and played the sax on Arsenio. Obama does not need to do any of those things because he is not a former non-cool kid trying to get cool. He is just cool.

And you can rail against this Jarod, and lord knows I have, but you are not going to change it. So you have to know it, and you have to learn to play it to your advantage.
He ran an honorable campaign... V. what Bush Sr. and Lee Atwater did! The guy is brilliant, just listen to him speak.

You cant cite an example, because you fell for the fact that he is funny looking so he cant be smart trap that so many of your ignorant countrymen fell for...!

LMAO... right... and I can see all of your examples of how "brilliant" he is....

He ran a campaign and got completely trounced. Please explain the "brilliance" of that. It had nothing to do with his looks. That is the nice little convenient excuse hacks like you like to use to explain why he got crushed. "Oh it was because people thought he looked funny".... right. Because Bush Sr. was normal looking.

He made the moronic decision to enter that tank. He made the moronic decision to sit in his office for several weeks after getting the nomination and not campaigning. Brilliant I tell you.

Please, tell us what this current professor of Harvard teaches. I am sure we will all be amused.
Jarod, I don’t think he’s a moron either. But the second he sat on that tank he lost any chance he had.

Here is what I have learned about Americans, and this is the most important thing you can learn about them: They never leave high school.

It took me years longer than it should have to learn this, because I’m a huge lover of nerds and assorted other geeks and eggheads. And I assumed most shared my love for them. But they don’t.

You cannot be elected in this country unless you are one of the cool kids. Period.
This is something that among many other things, makes Obama rare for a democrat. Obama is one of the cool kids. Now he can be smart and funny and he can even be a policy wonk, and I think he is all of those things, but only because first, he’s one of the cool kids. Bill Clinton, a former fat kid and decidedly NOT one of the cool kids in high school, understood this instinctively about Americans and that is why he went on MTV and answered questions about his underwear and played the sax on Arsenio. Obama does not need to do any of those things because he is not a former non-cool kid trying to get cool. He is just cool.

And you can rail against this Jarod, and lord knows I have, but you are not going to change it. So you have to know it, and you have to learn to play it to your advantage.

I guess you are correct, but I want so badly to have more faith in the American people than that!
I was mistaken he was a visiting professor at Harvard, he is a full time professor at Northeastern and UCLA.

Professor of Political Sciense.