Is Anyone Surprised that a Man Won the Gold Medal in Women's Boxing?

so you didn't even read the link or you are straight up fucking retarded. gotcha
Zero intellectual curiosity. Everything is filtered through political views.

I will also add, we have no idea,unless you trust Russian news outlets, what Imane's chromosomes are. We don't know why she was banned by one boxing organization, but it doesn't matter because MAGA!
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Zero intellectual curiosity.
Yup, that's what you have.
Everything is filtered through political views.
Biology is not "political views".
I will also add, we
Is this the Marxist "we"?? Speak for yourself.
have no idea,unless you trust Russian news outlets,
RUSSIA?!?!?!!??! ⚠️🇷🇺⚠️ OH NOES!!!!! BAD!!!!! VERY BAD!!!!!!

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
what Imane's chromosomes are.
They are XY.
There's that Marxist "we" again........
don't know why she was banned by one boxing organization,
Maybe YOU don't ---> :seenoevil: :hearnoevil:
but I do ---> 🧠💡
but it doesn't matter because MAGA!
This has nothing to do with MAGA and everything to do with biology.
so you didn't even pay attention in biology class or you are a straight up fucking science denier. gotcha
Both. He denies both biology and other theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. He denies engineering too, since he is completely unaware what the N95 specification is.

He also denies logic and mathematics.

He also denies history and the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

He also likes to deny the English language.
Zero intellectual curiosity. Everything is filtered through political views.

I will also add, we have no idea,unless you trust Russian news outlets, what Imane's chromosomes are. We don't know why she was banned by one boxing organization, but it doesn't matter because MAGA!
so you didn't even pay attention in biology class or you are a straight up fucking science denier. gotcha
I literally gave you a scientific study showing people with Swyers (with XY jeans) can and do bear children and give birth through their fucking vaginas. But somehow I'm a 'straight up fucking science denier'? Little cuntflap, your syphilis must be in advanced stages given the brain issues you are showing.
Both. He denies both biology and other theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. He denies engineering too, since he is completely unaware what the N95 specification is.

He also denies logic and mathematics.

He also denies history and the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

He also likes to deny the English language.
What is your dumb cunt imagining now?
I gave up on the Olympics two decades ago.

They're a fraud, anyway. All of them are pro's, not 'amateurs', and if you're Red Chinese you can pump your teams up with all kinds of drugs and not get disqualifed, and transsexual freaks can beat up women.
Both. He denies both biology and other theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. He denies engineering too, since he is completely unaware what the N95 specification is.

He also denies logic and mathematics.

He also denies history and the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

He also likes to deny the English language.
... and on top of all that, he denies his denial.
I literally gave you a scientific study
No, you gave me a holy link. Holy links are not science.
showing people with Swyers (with XY jeans)
It is spelled 'genes', not 'jeans'. Jeans are an article of clothing. People with XY chromosomes are males.
can and do bear children and give birth through their fucking vaginas.
No, they don't have any children of their own. Such people are infertile.
But somehow I'm a 'straight up fucking science denier'?
Yes, because you are denying biology.
Little cuntflap, your syphilis must be in advanced stages given the brain issues you are showing.
You can't insult your way out of biological truth.
I literally gave you a scientific study showing people with Swyers (with XY jeans) can and do bear children and give birth through their fucking vaginas. But somehow I'm a 'straight up fucking science denier'? Little cuntflap, your syphilis must be in advanced stages given the brain issues you are showing.
Science is not a "study". Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
If you have XY chromosomes, you have no vagina.