Is Dixie a moderate, as he claims?


Well-known member

Dixie wrote....

"If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament."
Dixie is moderately retarded. Other than that I couldn't see using the word "moderate" in the same sentence with his name.

Dixie wrote....

"If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament."
Context please.

If I remember correctly he also speaks of how he knows that his personal view couldn't become law and therefore understands that it is necessary we compromise.
Context please.

If I remember correctly he also speaks of how he knows that his personal view couldn't become law and therefore understands that it is necessary we compromise.

True, but does that make him a moderate?
Dixie's entire post... 12-12-06

"Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child.

I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.
That said, we do not live in a society where Dixie is the King, and Dixie gets to mandate the law of the land. Aren't you glad for that? In any event, I understand that we live in a society where people think and believe differently, and have different parameters regarding morality and life. Because I am willing to participate in this sharing of views and opinions we call democracy, I can be tolerant enough to listen to others and accept their viewpoints in some instances, with regard to certain circumstances.

I don't agree or condone abortion under any circumstance, however, a woman who becomes pregnant through no fault or action of her own, deserves to have the right to a different view than myself, and I understand it. That is all I am saying, and nothing more. You are trying desperately, to twist my view into some hypocritical acceptance of abortion under certain conditions, and I have not articulated that point of view. This is why I have refused to respond further to you, because you aren't interested in a reasonable discussion, you just want to stick it to Dixie.

Now, I have answered your question yet again, and you are about one post away from going back on the ignore list, if you can't grow up and join the adults in a reasonable dialogue. Understood?"
Dixie does not live in the same reality as most of us. He clearly is not retarded, just delusional or demented.
True, but does that make him a moderate?
It depends on which definition of Moderate you use.

Attempting to set in stone a belief system of "Moderates" is silly. Most moderates consider themselves realists, they will compromise in order to get as close as they can to what they would like to see.
Moderates are just closet extremists without the balls to step up and speak what they believe.

My view on abortion is: Legal in cases of rape, incest, and mother's life only.
As opposed to the right-wing wacko idea of stoning those who have abortions.

DIXIE 12-12-06...

If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.

My view on abortion is: Legal in cases of rape, incest, and mother's life only.
As opposed to the right-wing wacko idea of stoning those who have abortions.

DIXIE 12-12-06...

If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.
Again, one view does not a "non-moderate" make. There is no set in stone belief system of moderates. It is a matter of degrees.
I'm not advocating the rightwing side of it. Just that moderates are a waste of skin and shouldn't be voting.
I think they just believe differently than you do on things, so you don't want them to vote. They feel as strongly in their belief that the middle path is the way to go as you do in uber-Socialism (just picking one out of thin air here, not actually thinking you are Marxist or something). Thankfully they have the right to vote regardless of whether you or I disagree.
This also illistrates his lack of internal consistancy and lack of integrity in his arguments.
And if you set him next to the Pope, he'd be right.

That was my argument eralier about context, but I was playing by Dixie rules, which say we are only talking about the American political norm, not individuals or worldwide views.
I wish Maineman had lived to see this historic owning. Dixie's past finally starts to illistrate his lack of integrity.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time.