Is Dixie a moderate, as he claims?

No, grammar queens are people who point out mistakes in grammar, I only pointed out what "parse" meant, and that Jarhead was a liar and a spinner.

Dixie, what's wrong with being a spinner? My wife's a spinner. Spinners are hot! Are you gay or something?
The middle pathers end up just going with things that both parties seem to agree on, like globalization and war for oil, even though those two are premised on a highly suspect view of the world.

That's a pretty jaded point of view and an erroneous one. All the major political parties are coalitions of interest groups, often disparate ones, who are willing to either compromise on certain issues in return for a quid pro quo on issues that are important to them. Even extremist in a political party must be willing to compromise on some issues important to them in order to promote the overall goals and interest of that party, that is if that political party wishes to achieve political power.
That's a pretty jaded point of view and an erroneous one. All the major political parties are coalitions of interest groups, often disparate ones, who are willing to either compromise on certain issues in return for a quid pro quo on issues that are important to them. Even extremist in a political party must be willing to compromise on some issues important to them in order to promote the overall goals and interest of that party, that is if that political party wishes to achieve political power.

True and that is what pretty much ruined both parties. Pandering to the masses. It is especially true of the Republicans.
Kinda hard to find a true fiscal conservative in their leadership now-a-days.
the dems pretty much have sold out to corporate interests as well.

the question is how much longer they (both parties) can sell their lies ?
You have probably hit the nail on the head. He is fouled up in a closet struggle.
Must have been that dodging IED's in Iraq that did it.

That or he's into auto erotica or at least he thinks I am. I have some proof of that as he keeps telling me to do something that, for me, is anatomically impossible! :eek:
True and that is what pretty much ruined both parties. Pandering to the masses. It is especially true of the Republicans.
Kinda hard to find a true fiscal conservative in their leadership now-a-days.
the dems pretty much have sold out to corporate interests as well.

the question is how much longer they (both parties) can sell their lies ?

To say they have sold out is implying that there's been a point and time in our history where the political parties have not been owned by interest groups. Money is the mothers milk of politics in a republic. It was true in Ceasar's time and it's just as true now.
Now I am a liar... You did not say above?

My words exactly as I posted them...
The word is "parsing" as to "parse" out a particular portion of a statement or commentary, which is precisely what you did. There is no spin in making that truthful statement. As I said, go read the entire thread you "parsed" that statement from, and you will find I was arguing for my position of allowing abortion in cases of rape, incest, and mother's life, with another 'pro-life' person. The "parsed" statement you used, is an illustration I made to make a point, one you apparently still can't comprehend. Now you want to claim I am spinning, which is slang for lying, but that is exactly what you have done.

Well as you can see, I did indeed say you were a liar. You misrepresented a parsed statement I made in another thread, one that has been explained several times now in several threads you've started about it. Even the fact that my position on abortion is clearly stated in the thread you parsed the statement from, you continue to try and pretend something else is true, when it simply is not true, which is what liars do.

The problem here seems to be your reading skills. You can't seem to comprehend context, you don't seem to be able to read the entire thread, and when you do read my post, you don't seem to be able to read to the end. I can't explain why you continue to tell lies, I guess liars can't help themselves, they just spew lies without thinking about it.
To say they have sold out is implying that there's been a point and time in our history where the political parties have not been owned by interest groups. Money is the mothers milk of politics in a republic. It was true in Ceasar's time and it's just as true now.

the dems used to mostly be for the working man. that is not true now.
And republicans used to be mostly fiscal conservatives and for business.

Both sides now mostly believe and follow the principle that if it is good for business it is good for America.

We used to have riots over the price of bread going up. Price of milk, etc. We are a ballless society now, controlled by the media and deserving of the crap we are dished out.
My words exactly as I posted them...

Well as you can see, I did indeed say you were a liar. You misrepresented a parsed statement I made in another thread, one that has been explained several times now in several threads you've started about it. Even the fact that my position on abortion is clearly stated in the thread you parsed the statement from, you continue to try and pretend something else is true, when it simply is not true, which is what liars do.

The problem here seems to be your reading skills. You can't seem to comprehend context, you don't seem to be able to read the entire thread, and when you do read my post, you don't seem to be able to read to the end. I can't explain why you continue to tell lies, I guess liars can't help themselves, they just spew lies without thinking about it.

Aw come on Dixie give the guy a break. Reading one of your rants to the end is kinda like watching a porno movie. Once you've had a happy ending you rarely watch the rest of the movie, do you?
The crap that Bush has dealt out would never have flown 30 years ago.
all the executive priviledge stuff.
Erased emails, secret energy meetings, etc.

Nixon was crucified for less. but then we actually did have a liberal media back then, and true journalists.
the dems used to mostly be for the working man. that is not true now.
And republicans used to be mostly fiscal conservatives and for business.

That's true. Social conservatives, particularly the southern variety, were mostly democrats. That paradigm changed to the present "liberal vs conservative" paradigm in our life time. Thanks to Bush I see that paradigm changing again with the Republicans being the ideological party and the Democrats being the rationalist party. It's happening right now. Those opposed to the Republicans are successfully marginalizing them as ideologues just as they successfully marginalized liberals.

Both sides now mostly believe and follow the principle that if it is good for business it is good for America.

Oh yes, I call that the Milo Minderbinder political philosophy from the famous literary character, that being "What's good for us is what's good for the country." Pretty much explains more so the current Repulbican politics, doesn't it?

We used to have riots over the price of bread going up. Price of milk, etc. We are a ballless society now, controlled by the media and deserving of the crap we are dished out.

True, look at how our servile public gave away it's rights after 9/11. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, you get the government that you deserve. That doesn't say a hell of a lot about us as a nation at the moment, does it?
That doesn't say a hell of a lot about us as a nation at the moment, does it?

No it doesn't.

And I think that the Liberal being a bad word started with Reagan.
The crap that Bush has dealt out would never have flown 30 years ago.
all the executive priviledge stuff.
Erased emails, secret energy meetings, etc.

Nixon was crucified for less. but then we actually did have a liberal media back then, and true journalists.

Only if you define objective as being liberal. Problem is, guess who owns the media outlets that employ the journalist.

I'm scathing in my contempt of Journalist. They have betrayed the American public and I'm not talking about the shils that work for Fox News. I'm talking about the mainstream journalist who abdicated their moral authority and their professional ethics by not standing up to or publishing the extent of the misdeeds of our current government. Their inability to provide accurate information to the American public about the lead up to the Iraq fiasco makes them complicit in it's failure.
That doesn't say a hell of a lot about us as a nation at the moment, does it?

No it doesn't.

And I think that the Liberal being a bad word started with Reagan.

That's correct. Liberal was a good thing until Reagan era ideologues marginalized the term. Brilliant politics on their part to define their political opponents in such a negative light.

Turn about is fair play though and Democrats are going to have a hey day portraying Republicans as ideological extremist which to a large extent is true.
Yeah and the few remaining real journalists feel the same way about the rest of the news media.

We have a propaganda mill now, fronting as a news media.
the few real journalists left are labeled as fringe loonies.
That's correct. Liberal was a good thing until Reagan era ideologues marginalized the term. Brilliant politics on their part to define their political opponents in such a negative light.

Turn about is fair play though and Democrats are going to have a hey day portraying Republicans as ideological extremist which to a large extent is true.

Naah they will get off light because of America being wussy and the media mostly on their side. We are but sheeple that follow the media.
Fringe Loonies AKA as bloggers. Thank God for the internet. Now that TV journalism has either become a propaganda mill or a dummy downed profit center more concerned about selling diapers and ipods then about reporting the news, we at least have the internet as a source of unfiltered news.

I don't hold hard feelings for Fox News. I think there a joke and I don't watch them but they are only filling a demand in the market place. CNN though I hold in utter contempt.