Is it moral to avoid taxes?

Is it immoral to avoid paying taxes?

  • I don't pay taxes because I live in Mom's basement and use food stamps.

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  • Only losers follow the illegal tax laws, the 16th Amendment was never Ratified!

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Do you believe god promise of israel to the jews is still to be honored amongst all men? Even while worship of christ is a blashphemy in judaism?

You sure ask a lot of questinos!!

Do you believe that you're making some kind of point and that your following the teachings of "How to win friends and influence people"??
You sure ask a lot of questinos!!

Do you believe that you're making some kind of point and that your following the teachings of "How to win friends and influence people"??

Im hightlighting the one way abusiveness of the stupid root/branch noahide christian dispensationalist confusion.
Do you believe god promise of israel to the jews is still to be honored amongst all men? Even while worship of christ is a blashphemy in judaism?

Christ was the promise to all Jews, many of whom did convert. The Church is the New Jerusalem according to the NT. As to the rights of return after WW2 I have no problem with the legal rights granted to Jews. Should it have happened? I don't know Ahz...but the point is it did. The land was held by the Brits they chose to create a state of Israel and so here we are today. I acknowledge that the Jewish people think it is their right according to Jewish scripture...but as I said I believe they missed the significance of Christ as well as OT prophecy about who Messiah was.

To avoid any confusion it must be said that dispensationalist’s, teach a false Christian doctrine, it teaches that the Jews must rebuild the Temple to usher in the second coming of Christ.
Christ was the promise to all Jews, many of whom did convert. The Church is the New Jerusalem according to the NT. As to the rights of return after WW2 I have no problem with the legal rights granted to Jews. Should it have happened? I don't know Ahz...but the point is it did. The land was held by the Brits they chose to create a state of Israel and so here we are today. I acknowledge that the Jewish people think it is their right according to Jewish scripture...but as I said I believe they missed the significance of Christ as well as OT prophecy about who Messiah was.

To avoid any confusion it must be said that dispensationalist’s, teach a false Christian doctrine, it teaches that the Jews must rebuild the Temple to usher in the second coming of Christ.


The actual teachings of christ now are considered "replacement theology" and scorned as some racist form of christian degeneracy. Dispensationalists have taken over most of christianity you know.

The actual teachings of christ now are considered "replacement theology" and scorned as some racist form of christian degeneracy. Dispensationalists have taken over most of christianity you know.

You would be surprised at how many Christian's don't even know what dispensationalism is (a definite fault of the Church). The "Left Behind" series corrupted solid escatological teachings and so in a sense, you are right, that a sort of stealth take over has happened. There still exists however churches that teach according to scripture and not according popular ideas.
You would be surprised at how many Christian's don't even know what dispensationalism is (a definite fault of the Church). The "Left Behind" series corrupted solid escatological teachings and so in a sense, you are right, that a sort of stealth take over has happened. There still exists however churches that teach according to scripture and not according popular ideas.

The Dispensational Origins of Modern Premillennialism and John Nelson Darby
By Jack Van Deventer

John Neslon Darby
The twentieth century has seen a dramatic paradigm shift in prophetic perspectives, first away from and now back toward its historic roots. This shift away from historic Christianity stemmed from a novel approach to Bible interpretation called dispensationalism which was developed in the 1830s and popularized with the 1909 publication of the Scofield Reference Bible. Dispensationalism, with its unique brand of premillennialism, has been thoroughly pervasive, being prominent in many churches, in bookstores, and among radio Bible teachers.

The distinguishing features of dispensationalism are a rigidly applied literalism in the interpretation of Scripture, a compartmentalization of Scripture into "dispensations," and a dichotomy between Israel and the Church. Dispensationalists believe "this present world system . . . is now controlled by Satan" (not by God) and will end in failure and apostasy.

Dispensational premillennialists claim that their unique doctrines have been held since the early church, but these claims have been soundly refuted. Far from being the historic position of the church, premillennialism was described in 1813 by David Bogue as an oddity of Church history. Postmillennialism was the dominant eschatology from the Reformation until at least 1859.

The doctrine of a secret rapture was first conceived by John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brethren in 1827. Darby, known as the father of dispensationalism, invented the doctrine claiming there were not one, but two "second comings." This teaching was immediately challenged as unbiblical by other members of the Brethren. Samuel P. Tregelles, a noted biblical scholar, rejected Darby's new interpretation as the "height of speculative nonsense." So tenuous was Darby's rapture theory that he had lingering doubts about it as late as 1843, and possibly 1845. Another member of the Plymouth Brethren, B.W. Newton, disputed Darby's new doctrine claiming such a conclusion was only possible if one declared certain passages to be "renounced as not properly ours."

Sandeen writes, "this is precisely what Darby was prepared to do. Too traditional to admit that biblical authors might have contradicted each other, and too rationalist to admit that the prophetic maze defied penetration, Darby attempted a resolution of his exegetical dilemma by distinguishing between Scripture intended for the Church and Scripture intended for Israel. . . . Darby's difficulty was solved by assuming that the Gospels were addressed partly to Jews and partly to Christians."

Thus, the doctrine of the separation of Israel and the Church, the foundation of dispensationalism, was born out of Darby's attempt to justify his newly fabricated rapture theory with the Bible. Dispensationalists believed justification for carving up the Scriptures came from 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) "rightly dividing the word of truth." Subsequent dispensationalists divided the Scriptures in terms of categories of people: Jew, Gentile, and Christian. Chafer taught that the only Scriptures addressed specifically to Christians were the gospel of John, Acts, and the Epistles! Pettengill taught that the Great Commission was for the Jews only.

Scofield taught that the Lord's prayer was a Jewish prayer and ought not be recited by Christians. Along with much of the New Testament, the Old Testament was described as "not for today." Ryrie dismissed the validity of the Old Testament commands to non-Jews because "the law was never given to Gentiles and is expressly done away for the Christian." Christians were even mocked as legalists for believing in the Ten Commandments! As other critics have observed, this segmentation of the Bible makes dispensationalism a Christianized version of cultural relativism.

Snowden and others traced the rise of modern premillennialism to a variety of religious splinter groups: the Plymouth Brethren (developed dispensationalism), the Millerites (became the Adventists), Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Pentecostals. Dispensational premillennialism was marketed the same way as the cultic groups.

First, historic Christianity was discredited by the claim that all the prominent commentaries, all the church fathers, and even the Reformers were deluded by "man-made doctrines." Second, new revelation was claimed. Darby claimed to have received "new truth" or at other times "rediscovered truth" that had been lost since the apostles. Third, enthusiasm was whipped up on the pretense that Christ's coming was imminent. Frequent false predictions did not seem to deter this enthusiasm.

Snowden cited increasing prophetic fervor in the early 1900's rising from (1) a "fresh interest and zeal" in interpreting the "signs of the times," (2) the Great War (WWI) which started a wave of prophetic speculation, and (3) "the fall of Jerusalem out of Mohammedan into Christian hands [which] has whipped the millennarian imagination up to its highest pitch of foresight and prognostication." This background explains the widespread popularity of the Scofield Reference Bible, published in 1909, which had a dramatic influence in spreading dispensationalism. Many well-known scholars warned that the teachings of dispensationalism were "unscriptural" (Spurgeon), "heterodox" (Dabney), "bizarre doctrine" and "grievous error" (Warfield), but the warnings went largely unheeded.

Today, dispensationalism is in a theological turmoil, having declined sharply since the 1970's because of mounting criticism. Grenz notes, "Dispensationalism today is in a state of fluidity. No longer are the rigid distinctives of the past held to with unswerving certainty. Many progressive dispensationalists are no longer certain as to exactly what are the defining tenets of the system that commands their allegiance." [Permission Graciously Given by The Foundation for Biblical Studies]

Historically there are actually 3 escatological views that are held. The 4th one Dispensational Premillennialism as you point out, arose in the latter part of the 19th century along with such things like alter calls. It is this movement that birthed pentacostalism and is the root of much of the emotionalism in the evangelical movement.

That said there is a histroic Premillennialism that was corrupted by Dispensationalist's

Historic Premillennialism or Post-Tribulation View: The rapture of the church (the body of true believers) happens after a period of great tribulation, with the church being caught up to meet Christ in the air and will accompany him to earth to share in his (literal or figurative) thousand year rule.

Postmillennialism: Christ's Second coming is seen as occurring after the one-thousand years, which many in this school of thought believe is ushered in by the church. This view is also divided into two sub-schools of interpretation:
Revivalist Postmillennialism: the millennium represents an unknown period of time marked by a gradual Christian revival, followed by widespread successful evangelism. After these efforts is the return of Christ foreseen.
Reconstructionist Postmillennialism: the Church increases its influence through successful evangelism and expansion, finally establishing a theocratic kingdom of 1,000 years duration (literal or figurative) followed by the return of Christ.

Amillennialism: Non-literal "thousand years" or long age between Christ's first and second comings; the millennial reign of Christ as pictured in the book of Revelation is viewed now as Christ reigning at the right hand of the Father. It can be hard to draw a fine line between Amillenialism and Revivalist Postmillenialism. Amillenialism tends to believe society will, through growing rebellion, continue to deteriorate, while Postmillenialism believes the Church will influence the world producing greater righteousness.

Dispensational Premillennialism: The rapture of the church occurs just prior to the seven-year tribulation, where Christ returns for his saints to meet them in the air. This is followed by the tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist to world-rule, the return of Christ to the Mount of Olives and Armageddon, resulting in a millennial reign of Messiah over the Jews, centered in restored Jerusalem.
Historically there are actually 3 escatological views that are held. The 4th one Dispensational Premillennialism as you point out, arose in the latter part of the 19th century along with such things like alter calls. It is this movement that birthed pentacostalism and is the root of much of the emotionalism in the evangelical movement.

That said there is a histroic Premillennialism that was corrupted by Dispensationalist's

Historic Premillennialism or Post-Tribulation View: The rapture of the church (the body of true believers) happens after a period of great tribulation, with the church being caught up to meet Christ in the air and will accompany him to earth to share in his (literal or figurative) thousand year rule.

Postmillennialism: Christ's Second coming is seen as occurring after the one-thousand years, which many in this school of thought believe is ushered in by the church. This view is also divided into two sub-schools of interpretation:
Revivalist Postmillennialism: the millennium represents an unknown period of time marked by a gradual Christian revival, followed by widespread successful evangelism. After these efforts is the return of Christ foreseen.
Reconstructionist Postmillennialism: the Church increases its influence through successful evangelism and expansion, finally establishing a theocratic kingdom of 1,000 years duration (literal or figurative) followed by the return of Christ.

Amillennialism: Non-literal "thousand years" or long age between Christ's first and second comings; the millennial reign of Christ as pictured in the book of Revelation is viewed now as Christ reigning at the right hand of the Father. It can be hard to draw a fine line between Amillenialism and Revivalist Postmillenialism. Amillenialism tends to believe society will, through growing rebellion, continue to deteriorate, while Postmillenialism believes the Church will influence the world producing greater righteousness.

Dispensational Premillennialism: The rapture of the church occurs just prior to the seven-year tribulation, where Christ returns for his saints to meet them in the air. This is followed by the tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist to world-rule, the return of Christ to the Mount of Olives and Armageddon, resulting in a millennial reign of Messiah over the Jews, centered in restored Jerusalem.

in Dispnestional premillennialism. Are the christians on earth when The messiah is ruling over the jews centered in israel?
in Dispnestional premillennialism. Are the christians on earth when The messiah is ruling over the jews centered in israel?

No, this is supposedly the Jews opportunity to accept Christ. The dispensation is that one set of cirucmstances is proscribed for Jews and the other for's pure nonsense.
No, this is supposedly the Jews opportunity to accept Christ. The dispensation is that one set of cirucmstances is proscribed for Jews and the other for's pure nonsense.

but I mean according to the theory. the church gets raptured and then the messiah come back down to rule over th jews.

Where are the christians that got RAPTURED. Maybe im confused about what being raputured is. Do they come back down with christ when it's time to rule over the jews? or are they just in heaven?
oh. You said no. they're not on earth. They're in heaven i guess. Just like when the dogs get run over and you tell the children it's in heaven.
but I mean according to the theory. the church gets raptured and then the messiah come back down to rule over th jews.

Where are the christians that got RAPTURED. Maybe im confused about what being raputured is. Do they come back down with christ when it's time to rule over the jews? or are they just in heaven?

What I understand is that Christians are to be raptured up before the tribulation and that the reign of Christ is to destroy anti Christ and to give Jews and any remianing unbelievers a last opportunity to accept Christ before He brings judgement to all the unbelieving world~~~

As I said, I think this hooey.
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What I understand is that Christians are to be raptured up before the tribulation and that the reign of Christ is to destroy anti Christ and to give Jews and any remianing unbelievers a last opportunity to accept Christ before He brings judgement to all the unbelieving world~~~

As I said, I think this huey.

I think a trick to get the christians to stand out in open fields when they send the body grabbing ray to whisk them up, put collars on them, and turn them into the borg.
Ok, so what's your all time favorite episode?

In the episode "The Nth Degree," Barclay's brain is taken over by an ancient race from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Cytherians, radically increasing his intellect. Under their influence, Barclay seizes command of the Enterprise-D and brings the ship to a confrontation with the Cytherians, who explain to Picard that they only desire an exchange of information with the Federation. After the exchange, the Cytherians return the Enterprise-D to Federation space, leaving Barclay with the memory of his interaction and an enhanced ability in chess. This episode also sees Barclay try his hand at acting, performing the title role in Dr Crusher's production of Cyrano de Bergerac