Is killing animals wrong?


I dare you to stop us GL
Like killing them and making them food. We kill and harvest all of these living creatures because we are superior to them. Doesn't that concern you at all?

I suppose if you are a vegetarian it would be considered wrong...but then again they eat living I would say no...I love a good steak,chicken,turkey,fish,crab,lobster,squid,shrimp,and alot of veggies...God put them here for us to I don't feel bad at all...if he did not give us canines...then you would have a argumewnt against meat!

also I love is made from live grains,hops and yeast!:D
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It doesn't matter what you eat, until we can synthesize all nourishment we will always have to kill to eat.

What would be morally wrong would be to kill for pleasure without regard to the waste of life.

That is wrong. We don't need meat to survive.

I do...and most people who lack meat in their diet have way more medical problems...just a fact! Of course those who are gluttonous with meat products also have way more medical problems too!
"It doesn't matter what you eat, until we can synthesize all nourishment we will always have to kill to eat."

But we don't have to kill animals now.

"I do...and most people who lack meat in their diet have way more medical problems...just a fact! Of course those who are gluttonous with meat products also have way more medical problems too!"

That is not a fact!
"It doesn't matter what you eat, until we can synthesize all nourishment we will always have to kill to eat."

But we don't have to kill animals now.

"I do...and most people who lack meat in their diet have way more medical problems...just a fact! Of course those who are gluttonous with meat products also have way more medical problems too!"

That is not a fact!
Animals are not the only form of life. In order to eat, whether vegetable or animal products one must take life.
Yeah, but now we don't have to kill animals. And plants are way different than animals.
Different may mean varelse, not necessarily unintelligent life. The idea that all intelligence will be found in meat creatures may just be an arrogance that we may find woefully incorrect.
Plants don't feel pain or resemble us at all.
This may be incorrect. Some studies show they even have memories for specific people.

Shoot, there is a book speaking on this subject that actually uses many different tests to show that they are not only feeling, but some may be intelligent.

Get [ame=""]The Secret Life of Plants[/ame]. This book was published in 1973 and used many different tests some of the more interesting ones used the polygraph machine to test plant reactions.

There are also more recent studies using biometric reaction to being cut or pulled. One of the tests even resulted with the plants reacting to a specific human, but not all humans.
What type of response Battleborne?

"So only things that can scream and make us feel bad have feeling?"

Until you prove that plants are aware of their surroundings like an animal or feel physical pain, then no.