Is killing animals wrong?

well it's getting late..........

This may be incorrect. Some studies show they even have memories for specific people.

Shoot, there is a book speaking on this subject that actually uses many different tests to show that they are not only feeling, but some may be intelligent.

Get The Secret Life of Plants. This book was published in 1973 and used many different tests some of the more interesting ones used the polygraph machine to test plant reactions.

There are also more recent studies using biometric reaction to being cut or pulled. One of the tests even resulted with the plants reacting to a specific human, but not all humans.

and I do believe damo just squashed this thread with this I bid y'all a good night! Think I'll have a turkey sandwich and a cold beer before bed!:D
How is this thread squashed? Even if he's right and plants do feel pain, that just proves that you approve of killing things that feel pain. We have to eat plants but we don't have to eat animals, but you're still for eating them. Where does it end? Only humans? Why? Because we can? Do you not see how wrong that is to kill other creatures because you want to?
"Jellyfish do not actually have any means of propulsion (at least no more than plants). They eat and capture prey by reflex, similar to venus flytraps (oversimplifying, of course)."

Then I guess I don't care.

"I guess because you seem to only be looking for conflict."

I wanna know why people think it's ok to kill an animal they don't have to.
Like killing them and making them food. We kill and harvest all of these living creatures because we are superior to them. Doesn't that concern you at all?

You know it's kind of confusing, you came on as a conservative troll, and you're now playing a liberal troll. Make up your mind.
It does not matter whether one believes God made us the way we are, or whether it is the result of millions of years of unguided evolution that made us this way, the base fact is humans have certain nutritional requirements that are best met in the consumption of animal flesh.

It is not possible to eat plant proteins in the right combination and balance of amino acids and stay within a reasonable amount of caloric intake. First of all plant matter has a lower protein content, and no single plant source has complete protein, which is the full spectrum of amino acids in the correct ratios. The claim that mixing nuts with cereal grains or bread grains yields complete protein is only partly true. The combination does have all amino acids, but the ratio is wrong unless you very carefully calculate the amount of nuts to grains. And by the time you do that you've eaten more than is good for you in the way the of carbohydrates that are also locked up in cereal grains.

Also, certain minerals requirements of the human body are best met in the consumption of animals. Iron can be found in quite large quantities in plants, hence the myth about spinach being such a good source of iron. But the iron in plant matter is locked up in chemical bonds the human digestive system was not designed to break down. So all that good iron ends up coming right back out when we take a crap. But the iron found in animal flesh is already in a form the human body deals with. It is very easy for the human digestive system to break down hemoglobin found in animal flesh and use it to build its own hemoglobin. There are similar problems with other mineral absorbtion from plant sources.

The difficulty in balancing protein requirements and other nutritional needs in the absence of animal consumption does lead to health problems. This is especially true if a person decides to go vegetarian without adequate research of what is needed to maintain a reasonably nutrition-complete vegetarian diet. It is, indeed, true that vegetarians tend to have more health problems that those who maintain a reasonable diet that includes animal flesh.

The design of the human body from its nutritional requirements to its digestive system point to an organism that is meant to be sustained by a combined diet of animal and plants. Even our teeth indicate the design to have animal flesh in our diets. As such, then whether it was God who made us this way, or whether it was a random and uncaring, unconscious nature that made us this way, the fact that we we made to eat animal flesh must therefore indicate it is morally acceptable to kill animals to eat their flesh.
perhaps we should ask how we would feel if a superior intelligent life form decided that we were 'good eating'

on another tentacle (or lance) all life on this planet lives on the death of other lifeforms

the only real difference between other predators and us, is that we can take the life of food that we eat more humanely and if we do not then we are no better than other predators

a fully balanced vegetarian diet of organically produced food can be healthy, but it requires a great deal of effort and is difficult to maintain

a diet of organically produced food that only grows above the ground is considered best - some say only food that grows on trees is best
Like killing them and making them food. We kill and harvest all of these living creatures because we are superior to them. Doesn't that concern you at all?

Nope, many of them are quite tasty.

Killing them for sport now bothers me a bit.

Anyway we are killing ME people because we feel superior to them, we just don't eat em.
Its not wrong depending on how you do it. As long as the process does not result in needless suffering or is done for no good reason.