Is killing animals wrong?


it has said that man is the only species that kills for sport and not necessity
It is said, but not quite accurate. A number of large cat species are known to kill for sport.

But humans are the only ones known definitively to have hunted another species to extinction.
It is said, but not quite accurate. A number of large cat species are known to kill for sport.

But humans are the only ones known definitively to have hunted another species to extinction.

the large cat species and most cats play with their food to teach their young how to hunt
the large cat species and most cats play with their food to teach their young how to hunt
True. But various wild cat species have been observed killing without need (ie: they did not eat it nor did they return later to eat) even without young to teach. South American jaguars and the lynx are best known for killing for sport.

That does not mean I approve of sport hunting for men. As caretakers of the Earth, we should be above such mundane activities. Killing for food, or killing destructive animals to protect property and food stores are a necessity. Killing just to mount a trophy on the wall is an activity I personally despise.


nah, too many humans so far

now where i live, there still are predators, but the sissies have the local authorities hunt them down and kill them when they get too close to more populated areas...or schools - we have had mountain lion sightings near the local elementary school - about 1/2 mile from where i live...

oh well

Mountain Lions prefer liberals riding mountain bikes...or jogging the trails in their cute polyestor shorts and funny helmets...they taste like chicken!:D
Why is it ok to kill a cow for food?
Are you implying it is NOT okay to kill a cow for food?

If that be the case, do we need to protect cows (and all other herbivorous animals) from all predators? And how do we do that? Kill the predators (but that would be killing, too wouldn't it?

Maybe we can convince lions to eat vegetables.
Answer the question. Is it wrong to kill a cow or any other animal for food when we don't need it.

Answer the question. Is it wrong to kill a cow or any other animal for food when we don't need it.

The truck and jeep got washed,the BBQ cleaned....taking a couple minutes of break before taking a shower and hitting the Bucket of suspected King Rawl is still trying to get approval for killing human beings...I think he needs professional help....or should stop watching 'Silence of the Lamb' and acting like Hannibal Lector...:dunno:
How is killing and eating animals different than killing and eating a human?
Killing another human is not a good idea. Ignoring the morality code, from a practical standpoint a society would not stand long if homicide were an acceptable practice. If nothing else there'd be damned few congress critters who'd make it to work on a daily basis. Not many bosses would survive turning down a raise either.

Also, from a practical standpoint, canibalism is not a good idea either. Too many diseases one can catch even if well cooked.

But you talk about wrong and right. So we'll do the moral stuff, too. Morally it is wrong to kill another human being except in self defense. This is a moral code that has both practical and religious roots, and is as old as the first stable society. (It has to be that old since a society that allows random homicide would not have survived for more than a few days.)

Killing another species for food, however, is morally acceptable behavior. Whether you believe in God, in which case He gave Man dominion over the Earth, or whether you believe humans are evolved without any divine intervention, the entire world is based on one life form killing other life forms for food. It is the way the world is put together. There is nothing at all immoral about killing for food, clothing or shelter.

There are many who make vegetarianism their life style. That's fine for them. I have nothing against them unless they show hostility toward my meat-eating lifestyle. Those that want to question my morality, I'll respond by eating a nice big piece of firm, red meat.

I might even cook it first.