Is my neighbor crazy?


Well-known member
She was telling me last night that she ordered 5- 20lb bags of Rice on the internet at $60 a bag. She belives a severe food shortage is on the way and she is protecting her family...

I thought she was crazy, but today as I read the news I wonder... Am I loosing my mind?

What is your perspective?
It's hard to predict, but the idea of a food shortage in the near future is certainly not implausible. She's only crazy until she's the smartest one in the neighborhood.
Many places have restricted the amount of rice you can buy. I don't think it will become unavailable just more expensive. Or does the law of supply and demand no longer work ?

Btw I have 50 lbs of rice, 100 lbs or flour, 100 lbs of sugar, etc in the food closet.
What was that ip she ordered the rice from ?
HOw long is rice good for.. It cant hurt to buy a couple bags and put them in the closet.
HOw long is rice good for.. It cant hurt to buy a couple bags and put them in the closet.

Loong time if dry and no bugs or rodents. My food storage closet is lined with sheet metal.
Of course sometimes the stuff comes with bugs included :(
Many places have restricted the amount of rice you can buy. I don't think it will become unavailable just more expensive. Or does the law of supply and demand no longer work ?

Btw I have 50 lbs of rice, 100 lbs or flour, 100 lbs of sugar, etc in the food closet.
What was that ip she ordered the rice from ?

It's only crazy if you can't store it safely, away from infestation by insects and rodents and moisture. This situation is pretty disturbing; it's one of those I didn't expect to see for decades yet.
Many places have restricted the amount of rice you can buy. I don't think it will become unavailable just more expensive. Or does the law of supply and demand no longer work ?

Btw I have 50 lbs of rice, 100 lbs or flour, 100 lbs of sugar, etc in the food closet.
What was that ip she ordered the rice from ?

I dont know the ip. I might just order some for the family.
yes she is
you might want to protect your house against nuclear bombs while your buying rice.
Turbo-libs love the alarm bells. 3 weeks after Obama is elected they will declare woodstock 2009. Hopefully
HOw long is rice good for.. It cant hurt to buy a couple bags and put them in the closet.

If you’re starving it’s good until it develops weevils. But if we run into a true food shortage, I doubt a couple of bags will save anyone. And too, if your neighbors find out you have it, they’ll murder you and steal it. I am going to stockpile Hershey bars, vodka, and get myself a gun. I said after Katrina, and this is totally serious, to myself, that I had to get a damned gun and learn how to use it. That was when I clearly saw what the rich will do to your ass when emergency conditions hit and you are trying to feed yourself. You either kill them, or you die. And since they can afford to bring in KBR guards and former Mossad, you better be a good shot and know something about guerilla tactics.

And yeah I know I sound like AHZ now. Don’t think I feel good about it.
Many places have restricted the amount of rice you can buy. I don't think it will become unavailable just more expensive. Or does the law of supply and demand no longer work ?

Btw I have 50 lbs of rice, 100 lbs or flour, 100 lbs of sugar, etc in the food closet.
What was that ip she ordered the rice from ?

I dont know the ip. I might just order some for the family. How long will 20 lbs last?
She was telling me last night that she ordered 5- 20lb bags of Rice on the internet at $60 a bag. She belives a severe food shortage is on the way and she is protecting her family...

I thought she was crazy, but today as I read the news I wonder... Am I loosing my mind?

What is your perspective?

Depends on what the resident idiots in DC do. Currently demand outweighs supply for grain due in large part to increased consumption in China and India coupled with increases in the use of grain for biofuel by the US, Europe and China.

If we cease using grain for biofuel, then we avert the continuing shortages. If we continue using grain for biofuel, we are screwed.

The resident idiots in DC continue to mandate biofuel production and the bulk of this is being met by using corn and will continue to be met by using corn until we demand that only cellulosic biofuels be produced or none at all.
yes she is
you might want to protect your house against nuclear bombs while your buying rice.
Turbo-libs love the alarm bells. 3 weeks after Obama is elected they will declare woodstock 2009. Hopefully

I'm going to somethign called the Clearwater festival in upstate NY in June.
yes she is
you might want to protect your house against nuclear bombs while your buying rice.
Turbo-libs love the alarm bells. 3 weeks after Obama is elected they will declare woodstock 2009. Hopefully

Tell me toppy... how is this alarmist if the riots are already actually occuring? Not to mention restrictions in certain parts of the US on how much rice one can buy?
It's only crazy if you can't store it safely, away from infestation by insects and rodents and moisture. This situation is pretty disturbing; it's one of those I didn't expect to see for decades yet.

Do you think it's bad enough to bring serious shortages here thorn?
I wont tell anyone about it. I would be afraid they would think I was crazy.

I would suggest that it is more prudent than crazy. Provided, as mentioned by others, that you can store it in a dry place that is bug/rodent free.

While you are not going to be able to store enough to withstand a long term supply problem, you will likely be able to store enough to withstand the short term problem. I say short term, because sooner or later people are going to realize that using food to produce fuel is a dumb idea.
A 20-lb bag of rice for $60??? And she bought six of them?

That must be some fancy rice. Normally a **50-lb** bag of jasmine rice goes for around $20. My wife is Chinese, and we go through a lot of it. Usually get it at Costco.

My guess is, you're in Silicon Valley where we are hearing rumors of short supplies of rice, and she hit the panic button. And she ran into an opportunistic distributor who took advantage of her.

I've heard stories about U.S. cropland (and other places) switching from whatever they used to grow, to corn to fill the government-mandated demand for ethanol for fuel. Farmers who used to grow wheat or rice or whatever, are now growing corn to get all those nice government subsidies. And so not as much wheat, rice etc. is being grown.

But I doubt the effect is that big this suddenly, that there are now rice shortages. More likely some distributor who used to get his shipments of rice from XXX Corporation, was told that XXX is shipping less of it, and he didn't switch his order to some other company fast enough, so he shorted a few of the stores he was distributing it to. They ran out, but they'll be back in full stock in a week or three. That's my guess, anyway - a temporary hiccup, but a few people immediately assumed the sky is falling. Such as your neighbor.

Still, the long-term outlook deserves to be examined. Might domestic rice production start going down? And, how much rice does the US normally import from other countries? Mexico grows a lot, and obviously the Asian countries do. Are they affected by this govt-created demand for ethanol, enough that they,too, are cutting rice production? I don't know. But it might be interesting to find out.

Is your neighbor nutz? Short answer: Yes, a little. She might start feeling silly when the usual stores fill their shelves and go back to normal prices pretty soon.

Can I prove it? No. But if the rice supply were being totally cut off, long-term (the only circumstance that would justify her panic buying like that), you wouldn't have to guess there was a problem. There would be massive riots at every store that used to sell rice, and not just Asian people rioting. Seen any such riots?
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