Is my neighbor crazy?

Our problem is the the usa food supply of wheat, the strategic food supply,(a 6 year supply of wheat) was given away decades ago to the starving in the world like Ethiopia... and basically the only supply the usa gvt has for emergency food for our country if in dire need is the supply on grocery store shelves of which they would issue martial law and confiscate to ration out to us...and it is ONLY a three day supply, if all transportation was stopped for some reason.

I read this a few years ago, and i think i also researched it and verified the time.

Desh does have an excellent point on Rice though, hording it makes the prices go up...canned goods and dried beans and dried milk and SOME grains would be good to have in the pantry....just buy a little extra each week and set it aside.

As with Darla, Katrina scared the Pajesus out of me, I too have not gotten a gun yet or learned to shoot, but it is on the work to accomplish list....

This was outside my window yesterday morning and if food gets short, I be having matt shoot the sucker! Gobble gobble....I can't believe it was eating the sunflower seeds that we had hanging in a bird feeder on our old christmas tree for the Chickadees and squirrels? hahahaha! Cute though, I really don't think we would be able to kill it, even in dire need....though I can't say never I suppose....

Oh and excuse the mess, we were pulling out all of the summer stuff to put back in the yard and still hadn't picked up the trash blown in over the winter...

btw, anyone that knows turkeys, was this a Tom?



This is something I understand the Mormons are told to do by the church. I thought it was whacko until reciently.
Our problem is the the usa food supply of wheat, the strategic food supply,(a 6 year supply of wheat) was given away decades ago to the starving in the world like Ethiopia... and basically the only supply the usa gvt has for emergency food for our country if in dire need is the supply on grocery store shelves of which they would issue martial law and confiscate to ration out to us...and it is ONLY a three day supply, if all transportation was stopped for some reason.

I read this a few years ago, and i think i also researched it and verified the time.

Desh does have an excellent point on Rice though, hording it makes the prices go up...canned goods and dried beans and dried milk and SOME grains would be good to have in the pantry....just buy a little extra each week and set it aside.

As with Darla, Katrina scared the Pajesus out of me, I too have not gotten a gun yet or learned to shoot, but it is on the work to accomplish list....

This was outside my window yesterday morning and if food gets short, I be having matt shoot the sucker! Gobble gobble....I can't believe it was eating the sunflower seeds that we had hanging in a bird feeder on our old christmas tree for the Chickadees and squirrels? hahahaha! Cute though, I really don't think we would be able to kill it, even in dire need....though I can't say never I suppose....

Oh and excuse the mess, we were pulling out all of the summer stuff to put back in the yard and still hadn't picked up the trash blown in over the winter...

btw, anyone that knows turkeys, was this a Tom?




Taking a pistol to the range is also a nice reliever of stress. You can imagine whomever you wish as the target. :D
Uh huh. You have heard the story about the ant and the grasshopper, right?

This one?

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

News networks CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, "It’s Not Easy Being Green.”

Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome.” Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper’s sake.

Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.

The ant loses the case.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant’s food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant’s old house, crumbles around him because he doesn’t maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote.

Just asking.

Taking a pistol to the range is also a nice reliever of stress. You can imagine whomever you wish as the target. :D

People do THAT in their yards here!!!! :eek: (of course their yards are anywhere from 10 acres to 100 acres!) lol

And the next neighbor I have up the paved road is a gun n rifle range....that's his family business and he would let me practice for free if i wanted too, I am certain, the neighbor above him is a Christmas tree farmer...and also plows snow as a second job...we definately have way more turkeys than people around here...I would bet our deer population is greater than human's too in maine...though they did estimate that we lost a third of them ty with this harsh winter... :(

btw, does that big tail in the back of this turkey mean it is a Tom? Or do both male and female have the spread of beautiful feathers in the back?

Does anyone know?

how much rice does she eat?

on a side note.. if my family was starving and i knew my neighbor horded food.. look out I got an arsenal. HAHA just kidding.
People do THAT in their yards here!!!! :eek: (of course their yards are anywhere from 10 acres to 100 acres!) lol

And the next neighbor I have up the paved road is a gun n rifle range....that's his family business and he would let me practice for free if i wanted too, I am certain, the neighbor above him is a Christmas tree farmer...and also plows snow as a second job...we definately have way more turkeys than people around here...I would bet our deer population is greater than human's too in maine...though they did estimate that we lost a third of them ty with this harsh winter... :(

btw, does that big tail in the back of this turkey mean it is a Tom? Or do both male and female have the spread of beautiful feathers in the back?

Does anyone know?


LOL that reminds me. I saw a male (displaying rear feathers) standing on a females back mating the other morning. Got a phone pic of it.
Course, a "shortage" can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Say the rice supply never has a problem, stores know how much they've sold year after year, and their suppliers and the farmers that grow the rice all say No problem, we can get you that much and more, for at least the next ten years.

In the meantime, some distributor is caught making illegal campaign contributions or something, and gets abruptly shut down. The stores (all nearby in Silicon Valley) that the distributor used to supply, suddenly find theycan't get any rice from him, and all the other distributors are already selling their full supply to their own customers. They can spare a few extra bags, but nothing like what the other distributor supplied. So a few of those stores run out, and others start limiting what their customers can buy (sound familiar?)

Meantime, the farmers that used to sell to the shut-down distributor, find the doors padlocked when they deliver this month's shipments. They bring their rice to the other distributors who are going just fine, but the others can't take it all right now because they are maxed out with their normal stock. Some start buying a few more trucks, conveyors, etc., and soon can handle the extra inflow, and after a while the hiccup in supply is ironed out as the stores start buying the expanded rice production of the distributors that are still left.

BUT.... when people found a few of their stores empty or restricting how much rice they could buy, they freaked. Some called the newspapers, who blindly started screaming about rice shortages. The rest decided that they had better stock up. A family that normally buys one 50-lb bag every six months, now buy five today (all their car can hold) and five more tomorrow. And LOTS of families, who have the same idea, follow suit.

And the stores see a gigantic spike in demand, and every one of them runs out of rice in about three days. Never mind that demand will be far BELOW normal levels for the next few years as families eat up the tons of rice they bought. The stores are out of rice NOW... all of them, as panicked customers scour every last one trying to find more to store away.

And all this without ANY lessening in the normal supply of rice from farms. They are growing as much rice as they ever did, and have been expanding their crops as the population slowly grows, so there hasn't been a single "real" problem at all. Just a slight glitch as one distributor fell on his face and supplies were routed around until other distributors were able to take up the slack. In fact, there never was a rice shortage at all, and still isn't.

But try telling that to the media who is now gleefully covering the riots outside the stores that have suddenly run out.

I wonder how much of this, has been happening recently? I don't know how to tell. Demnd for corn IS going up, thanks in part to government subsidies for ethanol production. But what has happened to the rate at which farmers have actually been planting and harvesting rice? Any change at all?
LOL that reminds me. I saw a male (displaying rear feathers) standing on a females back mating the other morning. Got a phone pic of it.

I think they have done the "naughty" around here already, cuz I swear I hear a bunch of gobble gobbles, almost sound like the ducks, down in the wetland, pond area....then yesterday, this turkey just walked right out of the pond area, came on to my lawn, went to the tree with the sunflower seeds and proceeded to dig the ground with his foot eating the seeds that had fallen to the ground....

Lots and lots of gobbles in the woods/wetland...unless it is a flock of adults in there, i think they have had their chicks and that's what I am hearing...

ok, so the males spread the feathers in to that gorgeous circle?

I think they have done the "naughty" around here already, cuz I swear I hear a bunch of gobble gobbles, almost sound like the ducks, down in the wetland, pond area....then yesterday, this turkey just walked right out of the pond area, came on to my lawn, went to the tree with the sunflower seeds and proceeded to dig the ground with his foot eating the seeds that had fallen to the ground....

Lots and lots of gobbles in the woods/wetland...unless it is a flock of adults in there, i think they have had their chicks and that's what I am hearing...

ok, so the males spread the feathers in to that gorgeous circle?


That circle is also known as a TARGET.... :burn:
People do THAT in their yards here!!!! :eek: (of course their yards are anywhere from 10 acres to 100 acres!) lol

And the next neighbor I have up the paved road is a gun n rifle range....that's his family business and he would let me practice for free if i wanted too, I am certain, the neighbor above him is a Christmas tree farmer...and also plows snow as a second job...we definately have way more turkeys than people around here...I would bet our deer population is greater than human's too in maine...though they did estimate that we lost a third of them ty with this harsh winter... :(

btw, does that big tail in the back of this turkey mean it is a Tom? Or do both male and female have the spread of beautiful feathers in the back?

Does anyone know?


Toms have a "beard" hanging down under their chin. Also more ugly red wrinkly on the head. from what I saw in the pics looked like a Hen to me. But I did not zoom in.
Toms have a "beard" hanging down under their chin. Also more ugly red wrinkly on the head. from what I saw in the pics looked like a Hen to me. But I did not zoom in.
it did not have that ugly thing under the chin that i could see, so must be female...a hen :)
What do they eat? last year there was about 10 of them that continually grazed the meadow in front of my house? the meadow only had different variety of wild flowers at different times and then tall grass, untill the tractor gets put to it...

So, is it bugs that they eat or something from the flowers?
What do they eat? last year there was about 10 of them that continually grazed the meadow in front of my house? the meadow only had different variety of wild flowers at different times and then tall grass, untill the tractor gets put to it...

So, is it bugs that they eat or something from the flowers?

Bugs, grass, acorns etc. They will eat basically anything that other wild, herbivore critters eat.
I'm not much of a turkey hunter though they are delicious.....and distinctly different from tame turkeys. When it is turkey season I am concentrating on the right now.