Is my neighbor crazy?

Do you think it's bad enough to bring serious shortages here thorn?

I don't know. The news that there are restrictions here on the amounts of rice a customer may purchase is pretty alarming in itself, and leads to speculation that this might not be just a temporary glitch. Rice needs a lot of water to grow; where do we grow it here?

We don't just grow for ourselves, either; what happens if we stop food aid to other, desperate parts of the world because of potential shortages here?
Here is the problem with going and buying some rice to hoard.

You will increase the price and decrease the world stores of rice.

I bought some extra pasta and dried beans to have hanging arround.

There are too many people in the very poor countries who live on rice. I did not like the feeling of storing it "in case" when every time I looked at it I thought ''what child may not have eaten today because I have a shit load of rice".
freak are the rioting up in teleride?

No dumbass. We are not seeing riots here because we can still afford the higher prices. The poorer countries cannot. But as (I think) UScit's article from yesterday pointed out, there are some signs of restrictions in the certain parts of the US for rice. I doubt the US sees a major shortage given that we are the largest producer of grain. We may see rice shortages, but should have abundance of the others. So long as we play nice with the countries that feed us oil (meaning we keep them supplied with grain) then we should not see as severe an effect as the parts of the world that rely upon grain imports to feed their people.
I don't know. The news that there are restrictions here on the amounts of rice a customer may purchase is pretty alarming in itself, and leads to speculation that this might not be just a temporary glitch. Rice needs a lot of water to grow; where do we grow it here?

We don't just grow for ourselves, either; what happens if we stop food aid to other, desperate parts of the world because of potential shortages here?

Yeah, that second part is a horrifying thought. Wow, I have to pay close attention to this. I have been so wrapped up in this obama/ hillary shit, I have only paid glancing attention to this.
Here is the problem with going and buying some rice to hoard.

You will increase the price and decrease the world stores of rice.

I bought some extra pasta and dried beans to have hanging arround.

There are too many people in the very poor countries who live on rice. I did not like the feeling of storing is "in case" when every time I looked at it I thought ''what child may not have eaten today because I have a shit load of rice.

Desh, if anyone on this board is going to heaven, it's going to be you.
"Desh, if anyone on this board is going to heaven, it's going to be you."

To bad there is no such thing.

Here is the problem with going and buying some rice to hoard.

You will increase the price and decrease the world stores of rice.

I bought some extra pasta and dried beans to have hanging arround.

There are too many people in the very poor countries who live on rice. I did not like the feeling of storing it "in case" when every time I looked at it I thought ''what child may not have eaten today because I have a shit load of rice".

That is a valid point Desh. I had not thought of it that way.
A 20-lb bag of rice for $60??? And she bought six of them?

That must be some fancy rice. Normally a **50-lb** bag of jasmine rice goes for around $20. My wife is Chinese, and we go through a lot of it. Usually get it at Costco.

My guess is, you're in Silicon Valley where we are hearing rumors of short supplies of rice, and she hit the panic button. And she ran into an opportunistic distributor who took advantage of her.

I've heard stories about U.S. cropland (and other places) switching from whatever they used to grow, to corn to fill the government-mandated demand for ethanol for fuel. Farmers who used to grow wheat or rice or whatever, are now growing corn to get all those nice government subsidies. And so not as much wheat, rice etc. is being grown.

But I doubt the effect is that big this suddenly, that there are now rice shortages. More likely some distributor who used to get his shipments of rice from XXX Corporation, was told that XXX is shipping less of it, and he didn't switch his order to some other company fast enough, so he shorted a few of the stores he was distributing it to. They ran out, but they'll be back in full stock in a week or three. That's my guess, anyway - a temporary hiccup, but a few people immediately assumed the sky is falling. Such as your neighbor.

Still, the long-term outlook deserves to be examined. Might domestic rice production start going down? And, how much rice does the US normally import from other countries? Mexico grows a lot, and obviously the Asian countries do. Are they affected by this govt-created demand for ethanol, enough that they,too, are cutting rice production? I don't know. But it might be interesting to find out.

Is your neighbor nutz? Short answer: Yes, a little. She might start feeling silly when the usual stores fill their shelves and go back to normal prices pretty soon.

Can I prove it? No. But if the rice supply were being totally cut off, long-term (the only circumstance that would justify her panic buying like that), you wouldn't have to guess there was a problem. There would be massive riots at every store that used to sell rice, and not just Asian people rioting. Seen any such riots?

No, but I might want to get my rice before the riots break out, so I dont have to get into a riot. I saw what it was like to try to get gas or plywood around here during a hurricane.
Hmmm, I just called the local Costco. They have plenty of the 50-lb bags of Calrose jasmine rice on the shelves, $14.99 each.
The grasshopper drop kicked the ant and stole his food or something like that???


LOL! I must have remembered it wrong! Sounds like something that a contemporary ant ought to arm himself against, though, doesn't it? Such a scenario has been well described in a few prescient sci-fi stories, as I recall.
LOL! I must have remembered it wrong! Sounds like something that a contemporary ant ought to arm himself against, though, doesn't it? Such a scenario has been well described in a few prescient sci-fi stories, as I recall.

exactly.... grasshopper sits on his ass, does nothing while ant stores up food. Once the food is needed, grasshopper mounts campaign against ant complaining that the ant is too wealthy and must share his food. Ant gives grasshopper the bird and grasshopper kicks the crap out of the ant and takes the food anyway.

Yes, your neighbor is crazy. Rice can easily be ruined by a flood or rodentia. Get something safer...

Rice can very easily be eaten by mice. I'd get something in cans to save up and grow grain.