Is the Repub party finished?


Junior Member
Serious question.

How does the Republican party come back from this or can they?

2/3 of people under 30 voted for Obama. A large majority of college grads voted for him.

How does the (R) get that voting bloc back?

Rush and Dixie wants the (R) to expell the moderates but I don't think that is the answer if you are really honestly trying to get people elected.

It seems like the (R) is the party of old dying people and religious extremists. Is this always going to be the case or is Obama a fluke?
Serious question.

How does the Republican party come back from this or can they?

2/3 of people under 30 voted for Obama. A large majority of college grads voted for him.

How does the (R) get that voting bloc back?

Rush and Dixie wants the (R) to expell the moderates but I don't think that is the answer if you are really honestly trying to get people elected.

It seems like the (R) is the party of old dying people and religious extremists. Is this always going to be the case or is Obama a fluke?

I honestly don't know. Many of us that have chosen GOP over Libertarian Party says more about the Libertarian candidates than ourselves. If there were motivated people locally to groom some candidates for 2010, then 2012 it's possible to have a good run, of course splitting those votes for a Democrat walk in, regardless of performance. If nothing really bad happens before 2010, it's possible.

In actuality I think the easier road would be if the GOP recognized that there is a serious need to define itself on the issues, not the evangelical pandering they've been doing. Stop slamming the American people. That's just not good politics.
Consider this, Blackflag:

1. Conservatism won last week. You can see that in the gay marriage votes, especially among minorities. Even in pro-gay California! Many of us stayed home rather then vote for Mickey. If the conservatives can take back to GOP from the country-club types then we'll be in high cotton 2012 if not sooner.

2. In spite of unprecedented spending, Obama didn't get the young voter turnout that he had bet on. Taking into account population growth since 2004, He got less votes than Bush got in 2004.

3. Once Obama policies take effect and the recent college grads are faced with no jobs, high fuel costs and inflation, many will see that they've been lied to by the Democrat Party and will come home to the GOP. That's exactly what happened in 1980 with a GOP landslide.
1. Conservatism won last week. You can see that in the gay marriage votes, especially among minorities. Even in pro-gay California! Many of us stayed home rather then vote for Mickey. If the conservatives can take back to GOP from the country-club types then we'll be in high cotton 2012 if not sooner.

2. In spite of unprecedented spending, Obama didn't get the young voter turnout that he had bet on. Taking into account population growth since 2004, He got less votes than Bush got in 2004.

3. Once Obama policies take effect and the recent college grads are faced with no jobs, high fuel costs and inflation, many will see that they've been lied to by the Democrat Party and will come home to the GOP. That's exactly what happened in 1980 with a GOP landslide.

Ah, i see.

The real winner last Tuesday was Conservatism. How stupid does Barack Obama feel now? One can only imagine.
1. Conservatism won last week. You can see that in the gay marriage votes, especially among minorities. Even in pro-gay California! Many of us stayed home rather then vote for Mickey. If the conservatives can take back to GOP from the country-club types then we'll be in high cotton 2012 if not sooner.

2. In spite of unprecedented spending, Obama didn't get the young voter turnout that he had bet on. Taking into account population growth since 2004, He got less votes than Bush got in 2004.

3. Once Obama policies take effect and the recent college grads are faced with no jobs, high fuel costs and inflation, many will see that they've been lied to by the Democrat Party and will come home to the GOP. That's exactly what happened in 1980 with a GOP landslide.

1. Okay yeah it is obvious alot of people don't like gay marriage. I don't care either way. I really don't think any marriages should be sanctioned by the govt. so it isn't my fight but yes that is an issue that Dems vote against also, especially blacks. That doesn't mean that these people are going (R). Blacks overwhelmingly vote against gay marriage. Do you really see them switching to the (R)? I don't.

2. He really counted on more than 2/3rds? That is what he got. If he thought he'd get more than that then it was probably a mistake and overestimate on his part. You ignored the fact that he won 2/3rds. The (R) needs those back. Obama's personal expectations don't matter.

3. This is always possible but it didn't happen during the Clinton era. I can't comment on this because you are trying to predict the future. Of course if he goes crazy then things will shift but I think he will be more smart about it. Again, I can't predict the future as it relates to what Obama will or will not do and what the effect will be.
I'm sure he feels elated, as you do. I noticed, however, that you did not address my points.

No i didn't, i think you're absolutely correct in your analysis and the Democrats are right where you want them. I'm looking forward to a decade of Republican resurgence.
It's not dead, god... every election the other side is talking about how the losing side is dead. It's so annoying.

Obama didn't win because of some mystical power and platform the democrats have. He won because of the current economic crisis and everyone freaking out for change, along with having george bush the last eight years.

There is still plenty of demand for fiscal conservatism, but perhaps they could help themselves if they started embracing science and intellectualism again. I know a girl that is originally from texas. They ACTUALLY talk about creationism in their textbooks.

Another idea would be to cater to the social conservatism that many of minority communities share, (catholic hispanics, blacks). Repubs don't really bother with those groups too often because they probably think they are a lost cause. They probably wouldn't get the bulk of them but if they could siphon 3-5% that could be big.
The republicans can go with the old definition of conservative and regain a LOT of ground.

Make the priorities:

1) Smaller Government
2) Less intereference from government
3) Fiscal responsibility
4) Tax Reform
It's not dead, god... every election the other side is talking about how the losing side is dead. It's so annoying.

Obama didn't win because of some mystical power and platform the democrats have. He won because of the current economic crisis and everyone freaking out for change, along with having george bush the last eight years.

There is still plenty of demand for fiscal conservatism, but perhaps they could help themselves if they started embracing science and intellectualism again. I know a girl that is originally from texas. They ACTUALLY talk about creationism in their textbooks.

Another idea would be to cater to the social conservatism that many of minority communities share, (catholic hispanics, blacks). Repubs don't really bother with those groups too often because they probably think they are a lost cause. They probably wouldn't get the bulk of them but if they could siphon 3-5% that could be big.
Just going in and speaking to them about those issues coupled with school vouchers (both are popular among those groups) would siphon off that 3 to 5%.
1. Okay yeah it is obvious alot of people don't like gay marriage. I don't care either way. I really don't think any marriages should be sanctioned by the govt. so it isn't my fight but yes that is an issue that Dems vote against also, especially blacks. That doesn't mean that these people are going (R). Blacks overwhelmingly vote against gay marriage. Do you really see them switching to the (R)? I don't.

2. He really counted on more than 2/3rds? That is what he got. If he thought he'd get more than that then it was probably a mistake and overestimate on his part. You ignored the fact that he won 2/3rds. The (R) needs those back. Obama's personal expectations don't matter.

3. This is always possible but it didn't happen during the Clinton era. I can't comment on this because you are trying to predict the future. Of course if he goes crazy then things will shift but I think he will be more smart about it. Again, I can't predict the future as it relates to what Obama will or will not do and what the effect will be.

1. No I don't see blacks switching over to the GOP, and this is an issue which continues to stump conservatives of all color. As we see, most are socially conservative, but apparently this is overridden by the handouts reaped upon them by liberals. Bush made a small dent in the bloc by addressing "soft bigotry", but by increasing support of Africa may have actually reversed his gain.

2. Young folks typically vote Democrat. Obama didn't effect that ratio, and he didn't increase their participation.

3. Clinton was smart enough to ignore his wife and instead listen to Uncle Greenspan and continue the Reagan economic plan. In fact he did better on that in some ways than Bush 41. The country was tired of his social liberalism though and especially the Hillary scandals.
"Young folks typically vote Democrat. Obama didn't effect that ratio, and he didn't increase their participation."

Kerry got 54% of the youth vote.

But whatever you say.
The republicans can go with the old definition of conservative and regain a LOT of ground.

Make the priorities:

1) Smaller Government
2) Less intereference from government
3) Fiscal responsibility
4) Tax Reform

I think that you are dead on. I'd make it even simpler and roll 1 and 2 together.

I think if the GOP embraces the fair tax and gets rid of the income tax altogether you'll see a lot of people jump on the wagon.
Clinton garnered 43% of the youth vote in '92, and 53% in '06. Gore got 48%, and Kerry got 54%.

Obama changed the ratio, and the dynamic, significantly.
You said "Obama didn't change the ratio," based on nothing.

Clearly, he did. In other words, you're talking out of your arse.

I'm still laughing over "conservatism won", btw...
Obama didn't change the ratio over historical values. Kerry turned off a lot of people with his east coast elitism, especially young folk, so its not a valid example of a trend.

And of course, taking into account population growth, Obama got no more votes than Bush, a fact that is undeniable.

But do keep attempting to steer our discussion towards personal insults, as it simply points to the weakness of your argument.
Clinton garnered 43% of the youth vote in '92, and 53% in '06. Gore got 48%, and Kerry got 54%.

Obama changed the ratio, and the dynamic, significantly.
How many did JFK get? Ad your results are based on polls. That together with the race component skews the results significantly.