Is the Repub party finished?

How many did JFK get? Ad your results are based on polls. That together with the race component skews the results significantly.

Wow, is that pathetic. You're going back to JFK after saying that "young people typically vote Democratic" and that "Obama didn't change that ratio"?

Pretty sad. I understand your need to spin these election results in whatever way you can, and I do empathize with that.
Wow, is that pathetic. You're going back to JFK after saying that "young people typically vote Democratic" and that "Obama didn't change that ratio"?

Pretty sad. I understand your need to spin these election results in whatever way you can, and I do empathize with that.
Again, do keep attempting to steer our discussion towards personal insults, as it simply points to the weakness of your argument.
The bans of gay marriage was heavily promoted by the Morman chuch with their money.

Lots of voteres especailly first time voters dont even vote on propositions they just vote for the guy they signed up to vote for (Obama) in this case.

What you saw is the religious vote and the conservative vote came out for "saving" their culture.

Lots of california republicans voted for Obama and then Clung to their conservative values and voted against Gay people.

The minority vote you saw was the religious minority vote whipped into a fenzy by the Morman money.

Now they did it, they finnally saved marriage and all the gay people will disappear and the children who live in gay families will disappear from the earth. No gay person will ever be born again and straight people wont get divorced anymore. Im so gald they saved us all.

The stupidity of this stance and belief will not win out. At some point in the future all Americans will have the right to enter into this simple ,cheap means of joining their lives together for WHATEVER reason they chose and their nieghbors wont be able to say a god damned thing about how they live their lives in their own homes.

Stupidity is on the way out in this country. This breings me to the Republican party. 64% of republicans think Sarah Palin should run as president in 2012. This shows that 64% of the republican party that now exsists dont care if their candidate lies bold faced to the country, they dont care if they know nothing about the world, they dont care if they know nothing about their own country and they like them to look good and flirt with them.
Remember all the talk about how good Bush looked in his jeans, remember all the Milf talk of Palin?

Both of these people are what the Republican party wants at a rate of 64%. I sugest that the 36% of you who want more for the republican party are screwed. Either get stupid or leave this failed party with the name and make a new party that has some intelligence and honesty going forward. Your other choice is to wrestle these idiots for the name. this leads me to ask why?
Again, do keep attempting to steer our discussion towards personal insults, as it simply points to the weakness of your argument.

Well, to start with, I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is. When I say I'm laughing at your argument, or that I think it's pathetic, that's a comment on the argument you are making. It's not even close to a personal insult. If you want to see an example of what a personal insult is, check any one of a number of Dixie's posts.

Second, there is no weakness in an argument which presents actual statistics, which I see you have been unable to refute, save for desperately going back to 1960.
... At some point in the future all Americans will have the right to enter into this simple ,cheap means of joining their lives together for WHATEVER reason they chose and their nieghbors wont be able to say a god damned thing about how they live their lives in their own homes....
Keep trying to force Americans to accept this intrusion into their core value system. Please make it the centerpiece of the Democrat campaign 2010. Please keep equating it to Civil Rights and racial discrimination.
Rush and Dixie wants the (R) to expell the moderates but I don't think that is the answer if you are really honestly trying to get people elected.

You don't think it's the answer because you are a Liberal. "Moderate Republican" has now become nothing more than "Liberal Lite" and that is what isn't winning elections, because the Conservative base isn't falling for it anymore. Bush ran as a "Compassionate Conservative" which technically means, social conservative & fiscal liberal. It worked because the social conservative base is very strong, and does tend to cross party and racial/ethnic lines. However, the key to success of Ronald Reagan, was ultra-conservatism, both social and fiscal conservatism, promoting and advocating strong conservative principles, on both the social and fiscal fronts. After Reagan, the party drifted away from those principles, especially with the populist success of Bill Clinton.

Rush and I don't want to "expel" anyone, we just want them to decide if they believe in social/fiscal conservative policy, or if they don't. If they are more comfortable supporting liberal policies, they need to be in the other party, because there is no more room for liberalism here. It is what has cost us votes in this election and in the previous midterms, as well as making the 2000 and 2004 elections as close as they were. The more our party has chased down the road after "moderate" votes, the more we have gotten away from our core conservative principles and lost ground.

What are these core principles? Socially, the sanctity of life and marriage, gun ownership, strong national defense and family values. Fiscally, smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion, and reforming entitlements. Republicans need to get back on message with those things, and stop pandering to the 'moderates' who are now liberals.

Granted, times have changed since Reagan, and we can't go back to 1980, nor should we try. Our nation faces a whole new set of challenges, and those need to be addressed in a conservative way, with conservative ideas. Education is a good example of where this is evident, Republicans need to articulate the benefits of a voucher program, and address the cost of college tuition. As for the "youth" of America, there are a whole LOT of conservative youth, and they are the best source for mining ideas of how to address their own issues in a conservative way. Republicans should certainly be interested in listening and learning from them, but the core conservative principles are the key to turning the party around for the future.

The 'kiss of death' is to remain on this path of chasing the moderates to the left and trying to out-liberal the liberals. In recent years, it seems the Republicans think that dangling a "tax cut" promise out there, is enough to gain the conservative vote, and it's not. It will take a fundamental return to core conservative values... moderates need to decide which side of that coin they are on, and if they aren't on the side of conservatism, they need to go.
1) No, the Republicans are not 'dead'... not even close.

2) The length of time they spend in the minority will be determined by how Obama governs. If he pulls a Clinton, then it may only be a couple of years. Though I think he is intelligent enough to learn from that mistake.

3) Obama most certainly altered the youth vote. Without question. He added a significant margin among the young voters.
Keep trying to force Americans to accept this intrusion into their core value system. Please make it the centerpiece of the Democrat campaign 2010. Please keep equating it to Civil Rights and racial discrimination.

You are a dinosuar, have you even had any contact with people under 30?

This will happen and you will have no choice.
Well, to start with, I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is. When I say I'm laughing at your argument, or that I think it's pathetic, that's a comment on the argument you are making. It's not even close to a personal insult. If you want to see an example of what a personal insult is, check any one of a number of Dixie's posts.

Second, there is no weakness in an argument which presents actual statistics, which I see you have been unable to refute, save for desperately going back to 1960.
It's plain to any cognizant reader that I'm keeping the discussion civil and factual while you're attempting to steer it towards disparagement and emotion.
It's plain to any cognizant reader that I'm keeping the discussion civil and factual while you're attempting to steer it towards disparagement and emotion.

Well, let's set aside the fact that you have a very thin skin; do you have any refutation at all for the stats I provided regarding the youth vote, or are you willing to admit that you were a bit off in saying that Obama "hasn't changed the ratio"?
Repeat response post 29.

Oh dont be a whinner SM.

You can whine all day long about having the true facts place in front of your face but the wont change what the American people overwhelmingly want in this country and that is FREEDOM to live their lives and not have YOUR life forced down their throats.

You can dream and you can play the "it will never happen " game all you want. Some said that we would never have a black president also.
The bans of gay marriage was heavily promoted by the Morman chuch with their money.

Lots of voteres especailly first time voters dont even vote on propositions they just vote for the guy they signed up to vote for (Obama) in this case.

What you saw is the religious vote and the conservative vote came out for "saving" their culture.

Lots of california republicans voted for Obama and then Clung to their conservative values and voted against Gay people.

The minority vote you saw was the religious minority vote whipped into a fenzy by the Morman money.

Now they did it, they finnally saved marriage and all the gay people will disappear and the children who live in gay families will disappear from the earth. No gay person will ever be born again and straight people wont get divorced anymore. Im so gald they saved us all.

The stupidity of this stance and belief will not win out. At some point in the future all Americans will have the right to enter into this simple ,cheap means of joining their lives together for WHATEVER reason they chose and their nieghbors wont be able to say a god damned thing about how they live their lives in their own homes.

Stupidity is on the way out in this country. This breings me to the Republican party. 64% of republicans think Sarah Palin should run as president in 2012. This shows that 64% of the republican party that now exsists dont care if their candidate lies bold faced to the country, they dont care if they know nothing about the world, they dont care if they know nothing about their own country and they like them to look good and flirt with them.
Remember all the talk about how good Bush looked in his jeans, remember all the Milf talk of Palin?

Both of these people are what the Republican party wants at a rate of 64%. I sugest that the 36% of you who want more for the republican party are screwed. Either get stupid or leave this failed party with the name and make a new party that has some intelligence and honesty going forward. Your other choice is to wrestle these idiots for the name. this leads me to ask why?

they all want to talk about the gay marriage vote, but none of them want to talk about south dakota voting down a ban on abortion. much like obama's win and the democratic sweeps, it doesn't fit their delusional narrative.
You don't think it's the answer because you are a Liberal. "Moderate Republican" has now become nothing more than "Liberal Lite" and that is what isn't winning elections, because the Conservative base isn't falling for it anymore. Bush ran as a "Compassionate Conservative" which technically means, social conservative & fiscal liberal. It worked because the social conservative base is very strong, and does tend to cross party and racial/ethnic lines. However, the key to success of Ronald Reagan, was ultra-conservatism, both social and fiscal conservatism, promoting and advocating strong conservative principles, on both the social and fiscal fronts. After Reagan, the party drifted away from those principles, especially with the populist success of Bill Clinton.

Rush and I don't want to "expel" anyone, we just want them to decide if they believe in social/fiscal conservative policy, or if they don't. If they are more comfortable supporting liberal policies, they need to be in the other party, because there is no more room for liberalism here. It is what has cost us votes in this election and in the previous midterms, as well as making the 2000 and 2004 elections as close as they were. The more our party has chased down the road after "moderate" votes, the more we have gotten away from our core conservative principles and lost ground.

What are these core principles? Socially, the sanctity of life and marriage, gun ownership, strong national defense and family values. Fiscally, smaller government, lower taxes, less government intrusion, and reforming entitlements. Republicans need to get back on message with those things, and stop pandering to the 'moderates' who are now liberals.

Granted, times have changed since Reagan, and we can't go back to 1980, nor should we try. Our nation faces a whole new set of challenges, and those need to be addressed in a conservative way, with conservative ideas. Education is a good example of where this is evident, Republicans need to articulate the benefits of a voucher program, and address the cost of college tuition. As for the "youth" of America, there are a whole LOT of conservative youth, and they are the best source for mining ideas of how to address their own issues in a conservative way. Republicans should certainly be interested in listening and learning from them, but the core conservative principles are the key to turning the party around for the future.

The 'kiss of death' is to remain on this path of chasing the moderates to the left and trying to out-liberal the liberals. In recent years, it seems the Republicans think that dangling a "tax cut" promise out there, is enough to gain the conservative vote, and it's not. It will take a fundamental return to core conservative values... moderates need to decide which side of that coin they are on, and if they aren't on the side of conservatism, they need to go.

So you think the (R) party should throw away fiscal conservatives if they aren't also social conservatives? You do realize that being fiscally conservative and socially conservative is the hypocritical anti freedom group right? These are the only people you want in your party? If so great but don't expect to get elected to anything.
So you think the (R) party should throw away fiscal conservatives if they aren't also social conservatives? You do realize that being fiscally conservative and socially conservative is the hypocritical anti freedom group right? These are the only people you want in your party? If so great but don't expect to get elected to anything.

Bingo. Fiscal conservatism has much broader appeal than the kind of social conservatism/intrusion currently being espoused by the leaders of the GOP's right wing.
By the way Dixie. You already purged the modererates. Which is why me and a bunch of others went and voted for Obama. If you want to somehow purge more and lose by more. Go right ahead but I don't think that will get (R)s elected.
they all want to talk about the gay marriage vote, but none of them want to talk about south dakota voting down a ban on abortion. much like obama's win and the democratic sweeps, it doesn't fit their delusional narrative.

Then they all better join the Morman church because it was the Morman churchs money that caused this outcome.
So you think the (R) party should throw away fiscal conservatives if they aren't also social conservatives? You do realize that being fiscally conservative and socially conservative is the hypocritical anti freedom group right? These are the only people you want in your party? If so great but don't expect to get elected to anything.

This is your answer BF, they want the power to themselves.

This is the sidelining fo teh Dixies of the country. They will now lead the republican party. They are 64% of what is left as the base. They are an albatros arround the neck of this party.

They are the Retardlican party. They will reduce their numbers and place idiots at the top who are "godly" and incapable of getting elected to dog catcher.
Then they all better join the Morman church because it was the Morman churchs money that caused this outcome.

Why do you insist upon blaming small groups for the outcome. The black population voted against gay marriage by a two to one margin. To pretend that they are not a large part of the reason Prop 8 passed is ignorant at best. Not to mention that Prop 8 passed every single group... white, hispanic, black, asian etc...

To blame the Mormon church is nothing more than ignorance on your part.
Why do you insist upon blaming small groups for the outcome. The black population voted against gay marriage by a two to one margin. To pretend that they are not a large part of the reason Prop 8 passed is ignorant at best. Not to mention that Prop 8 passed every single group... white, hispanic, black, asian etc...

To blame the Mormon church is nothing more than ignorance on your part.

I think she is just saying it was funded and pushed by them which is true. Same thing happened in AZ. It was for the most part funded by them.