Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation?

Is the same true for time?

Yes. Well, except for all the paranoid schizos. They live in their own dimension.

Yes. Well, except for all the paranoid schizos. They live in their own dimension.
The reason string theory is still relevant as a science is because all the interesting challenges to relativity come from guys like Tryon. When spacetime is disproven, it will come from an unfunded, independent subfield of string.
The reason string theory is still relevant as a science is because all the interesting challenges to relativity come from guys like Tryon. When spacetime is disproven, it will come from an unfunded, independent subfield of string.

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone."
He's a Trumper in Libertarian clothing.

No I'm not. I despise Libertarians almost as much as I despise you.

And, in another thread you referred to the Nashville shooter as s/he. Are you so far fucking gone that you don't know a man from a woman anymore?

That's a rhetorical question, I know you do know the difference you're too much of a fucking coward to call her a she. The latest in a long line of bullshit that makes me believe you're a fucking coward...Max.
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You mean beside the fact they've been taken over by enviro-nazis? I don't think arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin is productive.

That wasn't fair, I'll go further in depth as to why I think Libertarians are absolute dogshit. My main problem with them is that they do not understand reality. You know what I always hear from Libertarians? Audit the Fed! well, that ain't happening and there's a reason for it. Another problem I have with them is their focus on national politics...politics isn't national, it's local. And, back to Econ...the Fiat Dollar is dead! We need to back the Dollar with something of value! Actually, no, we don't. The Dollar is a store of value, not a commodity and tying the Dollar to something subject to the whims of the market would be doing the exact opposite of what these morons claim they want to accomplish.

I've got more problems with them but I'll stop here for now.
Another little problem I should mention...Libertarians don't like violence. All political power emanates from the barrel of a gun so if you're giving that up all I can draw from that is that you're not serious about wielding political power.
You mean beside the fact they've been taken over by enviro-nazis? I don't think arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin is productive.
Just to be clear, you dislike the party, not those who pursue liberty, yes?
Just to be clear, you dislike the party, not those who pursue liberty, yes?

I don't believe that Party pursues Liberty, I think they became controlled opposition in the mid 1990's. I think today they appeal to loner anti-social asshats who don't know a fucking thing about anything.
One more thing about Libertarians I don't like...their non-violence pledge. Freedom isn't worth fighting for?

I think Libertarians are idiots. I also think that small "l" libertarians aren't really libertarian, they are Jeffersonian Liberals.
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone."
Unlike you, I wouldn't be on a Cypress thread if I didn't know what I'm talking about. String is no longer a bunch of grad school kids trying to unify physics. They're all old and dying now but have small teams to carry on their work. They no longer want to slay Goliath with a single stone.

Taking down spacetime would send the old guard into a frenzy. Tryon used their own rules against them which open the door for others to take a good look at the rules. I can only hope that Tryon is given credit for exposing some of the problems in science.
2+2=4 is only a convention, a construct of the base 10 numeric system we have agreed to use. It's not an eternal truth.

2+2 is equal to 11 in the base 3 system.

A quantum flux that created the universe could seemingly only have happened if the Heisenberg uncertainty principle was in place and preceded it. Which begs the question, why did the Heisenberg uncertainty principle exist before creation? You can't have quantum flux without the principle underlying it in place already. It just a chicken before the egg question

If the Uncertainty principle follows mathematicfrom the relationship between some waves and their fourier transforms how is it any different from 2+2=4?
Unlike you, I wouldn't be on a Cypress thread if I didn't know what I'm talking about.

Yet here you are, COgoat.

Just because you think you know what you are talking about like you think you know Bush blew up the WTC on 9/11 doesn't mean you do know. You are delusional, hence all the Twilight Zone references like this:

If the Uncertainty principle follows mathematicfrom the relationship between some waves and their fourier transforms how is it any different from 2+2=4?

I don't see 2+2=4 representing a real natural relationship in the universe. It is a convention based on Hindu-Arabic base 10 numerals we have agreed to use. In and of itself it doesn't represent any spatial or temporal relationships.

The underlying elements of the Heisenberg inequality, specifically Planck's constant, pi, and momentum are real inherent properties of reality that would exist as spatial relationships regardless of what human numeric convention we chose to use.

I think physical laws have to generally represent real physical relationships, typically either spatial or temporal.