Is this the best political debate forum on the web?

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Is this the best political debate forum on the web?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There have been enough battles on here, believe me. It has got a lot better since two women from the west coast were perma banned!

Yep, sometimes perma-banning is necessary, even in an environment with as much latitude as this one.

It's a tenuous balance. I've seen where other forums, in the spirit of less-is-more moderating style, have allowed their communities to deteriorate because they're loathe to boot obvious disruptors whose only purpose is to be destructive. It's a tough call sometimes.

balanced? and haiku and most of your fellow libs immediately IGNORE anyone you don't agree with it.

conclusion - this board is turning into a circle jerk for the left. and that is why legion/bijou/haiku/et it.

i remember the rumblings when the lefties complained this was a right leaning board. and damo said, no, the board isn't right or left, the membership may swing more right or left depending on who is posting, and some lefties said damo was full of it. well.............currently...........damo has been proven correct. because this board, without a doubt, leans heavily left now.

I'm sure that's due, in no small part, to the behavior of some on the right. Take PmP, for example. When shown a statement he made was incorrect he defends it by trying to define the word "ever". Then he and others insinuate the person who corrected him is a troll so, hey, that doesn't count. Whether one is left or right they can see the absurdity of such nonsense. Proof is proof regardless of who posts it and mature people acknowledge their errors.

Lies, evasions, immaturity....if that is what the Right is offering up is it any wonder the board is leaning left?
I'm sure that's due, in no small part, to the behavior of some on the right. Take PmP, for example. When shown a statement he made was incorrect he defends it by trying to define the word "ever". Then he and others insinuate the person who corrected him is a troll so, hey, that doesn't count. Whether one is left or right they can see the absurdity of such nonsense. Proof is proof regardless of who posts it and mature people acknowledge their errors.

Lies, evasions, immaturity....if that is what the Right is offering up is it any wonder the board is leaning left?

so because PMP is an idiot, the board now leans left?

you guys all have terrible memory. the that we posted on was relaunched around may 2003. before that it existed in different capacities and i lurked there, but it was a lot of different people. our crew originated 9 years ago

Yeah, I think I started posting there in June or July 2003.
There have been enough battles on here, believe me. It has got a lot better since two women from the west coast were perma banned!

But people had to lie and then others supported the lies, just to get their way and get them banned.
You were even in on that.
Got even better when Poet left and LowIQ hasn't been posting.
Now if the Kennel Klub Kabal would leave, this site would be even more civil.
But people had to lie and then others supported the lies, just to get their way and get them banned.
You were even in on that.
Got even better when Poet left and LowIQ hasn't been posting.
Now if the Kennel Klub Kabal would leave, this site would be even more civil.

I don't miss Poet but Low can be entertaining.
so because PMP is an idiot, the board now leans left?


I see you didn't comprehend all I wrote. "Then he and others insinuate the person who corrected him is a troll so, hey, that doesn't count."

I believe the shift is due to people reading the arguments put forward by both sides and seeing the logic of the left. PmP is just one recent, obvious example. The outright lies. The re-defining of words. The "we care" mantra of the right wing while opposing social programs. As "independents" see more and more illogical posts from the right the tide slowly turns. I've always said if the right wing believes the government shouldn't help people then just come out and say so. As far as I recall possibly one or two people have stated that position while many others continue to profess the right wing believes in helping while they oppose prograns designed to do so. The perfect example is ObamaCare.

Every country, without exception, that implemented government medical has kept it and the vast majorty of citizens in their respective countries insist their government keep it. While not perfect no one wants to return to the "pay or suffer" system. First the argument was a loss of jobs. Then it shifted to there being a lack of R&D. Finally, it was stated the country couldnt afford it. The richest country on the face of the planet can't afford government medical while countries considerably poorer can?? After a while even some of the most rabid right wingers see the absurdity of the arguments.

The same is true concerning other discussions. After a while one is unable to deny the truth, thus, the change.
I agree with your first sentence, not necessarily the second...

This poll is an opportunity for people like me who've participated on MANY different forums and wondered where the fuck this one was while I wasted my time on those others...

I don't know any of you guys, other than the tiny handful of exchanges I've had in the four weeks or so that I've been here.

I've never been a member of a forum that was this balanced in terms of right and left, that was able to coexist in spite of the friction - every forum I've been on prior to this one was never able to sustain a healthy balance for very long. Clearly the members here have either known each other long enough and their history as friends trumps that friction, or their perspective on politics generally is in sync with each others' - whatever it is, it works like a fucking charm here, better than I've seen it anywhere else.

I gotta stop wasting my time at DCJ, BILL is great, but it's just a mud slinging pit.
YES!!! this is the best beer around, complex texture, good insights, and good ppl.

will try to step it up more often, good to see we finally got a home.
I gotta stop wasting my time at DCJ, BILL is great, but it's just a mud slinging pit.
YES!!! this is the best beer around, complex texture, good insights, and good ppl.

will try to step it up more often, good to see we finally got a home.

Indeed - what you're doing over there is hopelessly human: going with the devil you know.

It takes a bit of willingness to let go of the familiar in order to re-plant yourself somewhere else. The sooner and more often you log in here as a matter of habit, rather than that other place, the sooner you'll realize that this is the place you've always been looking for. :)
Indeed - what you're doing over there is hopelessly human: going with the devil you know.

It takes a bit of willingness to let go of the familiar in order to re-plant yourself somewhere else. The sooner and more often you log in here as a matter of habit, rather than that other place, the sooner you'll realize that this is the place you've always been looking for. :)
understood. i was talking to a few ppl, actually BOSCO ( a RP supporter) , and I have gotten the "anti war" thing goin g on, but it's not woth the effort.

OK I promise. i'll check in here. check your PM, some sad news about a friend.
understood. i was talking to a few ppl, actually BOSCO ( a RP supporter) , and I have gotten the "anti war" thing goin g on, but it's not woth the effort.

OK I promise. i'll check in here. check your PM, some sad news about a friend.

I agree, it isn't worth it - not there, anyway.

I didn't get a PM from you. Re-send it please?
you would still have been a junior in may 2003 -_-

I was posting on P.Com for much of that school year, though. May 18th is my birthday, and for my friends, my party always kind of marked the start of summer for them, because they always had a great time (mostly because of my 16th - the other three weren't all that special), and there is only about one month to go at that point.