Is this the best political debate forum on the web?

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Is this the best political debate forum on the web?

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    Votes: 6 100.0%
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are you actually claiming he doesn't troll? :rolleyes:

btw, showing that PMP is wrong is nothing to be proud of. i wouldn't use that as a measure of whether someone is a troll or not.

It's not just the point he's wrong. In fact I assumed he merely made a mistake which we all do. However, in Pmp's case he decided to redefine "ever" and argue the point and then bring up something I wrote as if anything I write would be reason for him to lie. I have suggested a number of times a simple acknowledgement would clear it up.

(Excerpt) troll definition

An electronic mail message, Usenet posting or other (electronic) communication which is intentionally incorrect, but not overtly controversial (compare flame bait), or the act of sending such a message. (End) (

It has become apparent Pmp intentionally wrote something incorrect, otherwise, he would admit it was incorrect. Not only has he refused to admit it but he keeps trying to defend it to the point of blaming his lie on something I wrote.

Can it get any more absurd? Yes, it can by him trying to deflect his lies by accusing \\()// of being a troll. Whether or not \\()// is a troll has nothing to do with PmP lying just as what I wrote has nothing to do with PmP lying. It's like a kid saying, "He made me do it!"

As for \\()// being a troll he posts questions in order to facilitate discussion or, more to the point, to get some folks to actually THINK. He notes the errors or misconceptions people have and rather than being grateful having brought them to their attention we have people like PmP who tries to defend their ignorance by changing the definition of words or shifting the conversation. Granted, PmP is certainly the most obvious. Others are more subtle.

In a sense \\()// could be considered playing devil's advocate, on occasion. It's to get people to THINK.
It's not just the point he's wrong. In fact I assumed he merely made a mistake which we all do. However, in Pmp's case he decided to redefine "ever" and argue the point and then bring up something I wrote as if anything I write would be reason for him to lie. I have suggested a number of times a simple acknowledgement would clear it up.

(Excerpt) troll definition

An electronic mail message, Usenet posting or other (electronic) communication which is intentionally incorrect, but not overtly controversial (compare flame bait), or the act of sending such a message. (End) (

It has become apparent Pmp intentionally wrote something incorrect, otherwise, he would admit it was incorrect. Not only has he refused to admit it but he keeps trying to defend it to the point of blaming his lie on something I wrote.

Can it get any more absurd? Yes, it can by him trying to deflect his lies by accusing \\()// of being a troll. Whether or not \\()// is a troll has nothing to do with PmP lying just as what I wrote has nothing to do with PmP lying. It's like a kid saying, "He made me do it!"

As for \\()// being a troll he posts questions in order to facilitate discussion or, more to the point, to get some folks to actually THINK. He notes the errors or misconceptions people have and rather than being grateful having brought them to their attention we have people like PmP who tries to defend their ignorance by changing the definition of words or shifting the conversation. Granted, PmP is certainly the most obvious. Others are more subtle.

In a sense \\()// could be considered playing devil's advocate, on occasion. It's to get people to THINK.

wow apple. i actually had respect for your intellect before this post. legiontroll doesn't debate with questions. all he does is ask questions in order to troll his point. he never takes a stand. he claims he doesn't lean left, do you buy that? i would hope you don't. he also claims he is not anti gun, yet he posts LITERALLY , YES LITERALLY thousands of anti gun posts. he posts racist hate from n**ggermania quite often. he claims the right doesn't want to reelect obama simply because he is black.

give me a break apple. step out of your left wing shell for just 2 minutes. think about is not about his left wing views, if that was the case, i would call you a troll, but i never have and never will. because you DEBATE the point. you don't ask stupid questions in order to AVOID the debate.
The truth hurts but calling someone a troll when they show the occasional right wing poster is either a liar or they twist the truth like a knot shaped pretzel does little to help your cause. Someone noted the board was starting to lean left. Is it any wonder considering the absurd arguments and statements coming from those who claim to be on the right?
1 good statement in 1000 statements made does not make someone good or informed. If a writer wants to be called a good writer, 1000 shitty stories and 1 good one aren't going to cut it. In fact, that ratio is rather complimentary to Legion, because calling PMP a retard who is wrong isn't a challenge, he's not the only person to realize it, and his post count is MUCH MUCH higher than 1000. So in essence he can't even compare to the 1/1000 ratio.
wow apple. i actually had respect for your intellect before this post. legiontroll doesn't debate with questions. all he does is ask questions in order to troll his point. he never takes a stand. he claims he doesn't lean left, do you buy that? i would hope you don't. he also claims he is not anti gun, yet he posts LITERALLY , YES LITERALLY thousands of anti gun posts. he posts racist hate from n**ggermania quite often. he claims the right doesn't want to reelect obama simply because he is black.

give me a break apple. step out of your left wing shell for just 2 minutes. think about is not about his left wing views, if that was the case, i would call you a troll, but i never have and never will. because you DEBATE the point. you don't ask stupid questions in order to AVOID the debate.

I see it as a case of \\()// having a different debating style. That does not mean he's a troll. As I said before he asks questions in order to prompt people to THINK. While you may perceive his questions to be stupid they could very well be a way of having people explain themselves so they can actually read their own explanation.

It's like that expression, "Just listen to yourself" said to someone who is uttering absurd statements. Maybe by a person actually writing out the defence of their position something may click. Maybe they'll see the absurdity of their position as they try to explain it.

Asking questions is an invaluable tool used not just to debate but to educate people. It prompts people to think things through. Take, for example, two people discussing the quickest way to travel somewhere. MapQuest may show the shortest route but not the quickest. Does the shortest route have the longest stretch of two lane highway resulting in one being unable to pass a slow driver? Are there more hills and curves resulting in slower driving? Does the route take one through a town at rush hour?

Being a right wing board it's natural \\()// will be asking questions that appear to be from the left as any right winger, when confronted, will perceive it that way. It's less of a confrontation and more of wanting the person to explain their reasoning. Thinking it through. On occasion, I will do the same thing especially when discussing abortion. It's the rare cases, the exceptions that have to be accounted for. If one states "this" is their belief how do they account for "that"?

Furthermore, I have yet to see \\()// post any false information or deliberately lie which is more than I can say about some others here, PmP being the most recent example. It appears their anger towards \\()// is due to them discovering their own faulty reasoning and rather than learn something they perceive it to be a "gotcha" moment. Their goal is to win an argument, not to learn anything. Once they start to lie and distort things they flush their credibility.
1 good statement in 1000 statements made does not make someone good or informed. If a writer wants to be called a good writer, 1000 shitty stories and 1 good one aren't going to cut it. In fact, that ratio is rather complimentary to Legion, because calling PMP a retard who is wrong isn't a challenge, he's not the only person to realize it, and his post count is MUCH MUCH higher than 1000. So in essence he can't even compare to the 1/1000 ratio.

The point is not about PmP being wrong. We all make mistakes. The point is PmP's continued defence of his mistake by trying to redefine "ever".

"No law has ever been passed"

What does that mean?

\\)(//'s response was, "In Massachusetts, anyone disseminating contraceptives -- or information about contraceptives -- faced stiff fines and imprisonment."

That is a fact.

There is no defence of PmP's statement. It was wrong but rather than admit it he attacks \\()// by trying to redefine "ever". That is the point. Are you or anyone else going to debate PmP when he pulls a tactic like that? What would be the point? What credibility do we put on anything he says because if he's wrong he'll lie and distort words just to claim he won the debate. It's outrageous childish behavior.
A debating style which consists of proxie servers, numerous user accounts (a number of which have been banned), spamming the boards with news stories which he refuses to actually discuss or defend, bandwaggoning, opportunism, flaming, and stalking. Yes, Apple, I'd say that's normal poster behavior right there.
The point is not about PmP being wrong. We all make mistakes. The point is PmP's continued defence of his mistake by trying to redefine "ever".

let's be honest......the point is your claim that conservatives want to prohibit birth control.....the rest is all your attempt to divert.....
so apple's theory is, numerous user accounts, often copying other user's names to mock them, stalking other users on the internet, posting their personal information, creating a YURT username at two different political boards and copying my posts from here and pasting them there with minor changes to mock not trolling

get real apple. wake up.
I see it as a case of \\()// having a different debating style. That does not mean he's a troll. As I said before he asks questions in order to prompt people to THINK. While you may perceive his questions to be stupid they could very well be a way of having people explain themselves so they can actually read their own explanation.

It's like that expression, "Just listen to yourself" said to someone who is uttering absurd statements. Maybe by a person actually writing out the defence of their position something may click. Maybe they'll see the absurdity of their position as they try to explain it.

Asking questions is an invaluable tool used not just to debate but to educate people. It prompts people to think things through. Take, for example, two people discussing the quickest way to travel somewhere. MapQuest may show the shortest route but not the quickest. Does the shortest route have the longest stretch of two lane highway resulting in one being unable to pass a slow driver? Are there more hills and curves resulting in slower driving? Does the route take one through a town at rush hour?

Being a right wing board it's natural \\()// will be asking questions that appear to be from the left as any right winger, when confronted, will perceive it that way. It's less of a confrontation and more of wanting the person to explain their reasoning. Thinking it through. On occasion, I will do the same thing especially when discussing abortion. It's the rare cases, the exceptions that have to be accounted for. If one states "this" is their belief how do they account for "that"?

Furthermore, I have yet to see \\()// post any false information or deliberately lie which is more than I can say about some others here, PmP being the most recent example. It appears their anger towards \\()// is due to them discovering their own faulty reasoning and rather than learn something they perceive it to be a "gotcha" moment. Their goal is to win an argument, not to learn anything. Once they start to lie and distort things they flush their credibility.

Apple I have an enormous amount of time for you but I find your defence of the troll to be just wayward in the extreme.