Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

I do not personally believe that fetuses in the early stages of development are human life. I do not personally believe that Jesus would have thought so either...but that is, admittedly, just my own opinion. Now if you could find me something Jesus said that would prove that opinion false, I would be interested in reading it...if not, you've got an opinion about what Jesus would have thought about something and I have a different opinion. It has nothing to do with my party affiliation and it has little to do with my faith. I do not think that abortions are murder, because I do not think that fetuses are human, so I really have never felt a conflict between my faith and my begrudging acceptance of a woman's right to chose what happens within her own body. I am far from "pro-abortion". I would not recommend my daughter have one...I would prefer that women take pregnancies to term and give babies up for adoption, but I am not a woman and I am not about to tell a woman she MUST take a pregnancy to term if she is adamantly opposed to doing so. and I DO NOT find that position to be at odds with my faith.
Go read the Bible, life begins at conception. Reference after reference is found of this. Babies in the womb are referred to as "children" and several instances, the Bible indicates they were given souls by God while in the womb, not after they were born. This modern idea of "personhood" just recently emerged as an excuse to justify abortions. answer to my question, I guess I know what day YOU celebrate. I disagree. and I have not lied on this site or any other...ever.
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"you faux Christian"

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

Last Sunday I served Communion...

This is a pious statement.

last night was the board of deacon's meeting...

This is a pious statement.

tonight was choir practice...

This is a pious statement.

this Sunday I read the New Testament reading and my family lights the advent candle.

This is a pious statement.

I am a devout Christian and am insulted by your rantings that would suggest otherwise.

This is a pious statement.

I have lived amongst muslims... not on some army base guarded from them, but amongst them. I know that they are peaceful people...from years of experience...experience you do not share.

This is a pious statement.

My faith is shown in my actions.

This is a pious statement.

Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ.

This is a pious statement.

You really need to read the Bible before you preach from it. Shame on you.

This is a pious statement.


These are things I found in THIS thread alone. So, we've established, you are indeed a liar. You are as pious as the day is long, and a hypocrite who is casting judgement on others, as well. I certainly hope you will have a long talk with God about this, and repent your sins before you die. Eternity is a long time to burn in Hell.
I do not personally believe that fetuses in the early stages of development are human life. I do not personally believe that Jesus would have thought so either...but that is, admittedly, just my own opinion. Now if you could find me something Jesus said that would prove that opinion false, I would be interested in reading it...if not, you've got an opinion about what Jesus would have thought about something and I have a different opinion. It has nothing to do with my party affiliation and it has little to do with my faith. I do not think that abortions are murder, because I do not think that fetuses are human, so I really have never felt a conflict between my faith and my begrudging acceptance of a woman's right to chose what happens within her own body. I am far from "pro-abortion". I would not recommend my daughter have one...I would prefer that women take pregnancies to term and give babies up for adoption, but I am not a woman and I am not about to tell a woman she MUST take a pregnancy to term if she is adamantly opposed to doing so. and I DO NOT find that position to be at odds with my faith.

See... the problem is, God didn't say that YOU could decide what is or isn't a human. If a fetus is not human, what form of life is it? Because, it is indeed living, otherwise, it would not have to be killed.

There are a number of passages in the Bible, which relate to the taking of innocent life, and particularly, the life of children. As I said before, the references in the Bible speak of "children" in the womb, not "fetuses". Let's turn the tables... can you show us where God or Jesus condones abortion?
Go read the Bible, life begins at conception. Reference after reference is found of this. Babies in the womb are referred to as "children" and several instances, the Bible indicates they were given souls by God while in the womb, not after they were born. This modern idea of "personhood" just recently emerged as an excuse to justify abortions.

Life begins at conception. Reference after reference is found of this. Babies in the womb are referred to as "children" and several instances, the Bible indicates they were given souls by God while in the womb, not after they were born.

You redneck bible-thumper: abortions have been performed for thousands of years in all societies, including christian ones. Attempts to outlaw abortions didn't even happen until the mid 1800s.

You moron: here's the real test to see if you think a fertilized embryo is a "human child":

-All of us might run into a burning building to save a human child.

-We all KNOW you wouldn't run into a burning fertility clinic, risking your life, to save a petri dish of fertilized blastocysts. Ergo, you're full of shit.
I do not personally believe that fetuses in the early stages of development are human life. I do not personally believe that Jesus would have thought so either...but that is, admittedly, just my own opinion. Now if you could find me something Jesus said that would prove that opinion false, I would be interested in reading it...

I'll repost this, since you obviously missed it the first time...

The very idea of intentionally killing an unborn child—or even worse, killing them by the hundreds and thousands,—is totally foreign to the lives of God's people in the Bible, and so it is never mentioned. However, the Bible, as well as Jesus, makes it very clear this is forbidden in the eyes of God.

"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."—Matthew 18:2-5.

"Whosoever shall receive this child in My name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me. For he that is least among you all, the same shall be greatest."—Luke 9:48.

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person."—Deuteronomy 27:24.

"These . . things doth the Lord hate: . . A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood."—Proverbs 6:1617.

The prophet Amos condemns the Ammonites "because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).

"Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3).

"You knit me in my mother’s womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15).

"God… from my mother’s womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15).

"Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) and Christ reaffirms it (Matthew 19:18 - notice that He mentions this commandment first). The Book of Revelation affirms that (unrepentant) murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 22:15).

"They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18)

Genesis 9:6 - Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.

In the Bible, our worth as a human being or our "personhood" does not depend on how far along on life’s journey we have come. Instead, we are beings who are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Each person is valuable because God created him or her that way. It doesn’t matter whether a person is still in his mother’s womb, a newborn, a toddler, an adolescent, or a senior citizen. Only quite recently has the concept of "personhood" surfaced. There are some in our society who want to find a developmental stage where they can justify that the fetus is only a collection of organs, not really a person. Carl Sagan put that fetal stage at perhaps 6 months, when the cerebral cortex is in place. Only then, he feels, should we confer "personhood" on a fetus.4 Such ideas are clearly subjective. It would seem that these discussions of personhood only arose from a need to justify the act of abortion. Certainly, they are not expressed in the Bible. Quite to the contrary, the Bible story shows that "personhood", or reaching one’s full potential, comes from knowing God. A person develops and is preserved through his communion with a personal God who reveals Himself to us in love. The Bible consistently links our "personhood" to the time we are formed (conception), or even before in God’s "mind".
Prissy, I posed a question above, and I would like you to answer it... If a fetus is not human life, what sort of life is it? It's not a plant, it's not another form of animal, it's not a bacteria or fungus, it is definitely living, otherwise, it wouldn't need to be killed. So, answer the question, what kind of life is a fetus, in your profound opinion?
Excuse me, I need to see the actual quote, so I can see what context it was presented. I think you've misconstrued something I said, as usual. Jesus never spoke out against the punishment ordained by God in the Old Testament, to stone people to death, if they were guilty of murder. I'm not trying to "get out of" anything, I just need to see what you're talking about before I can comment fully on it.

Ohhh, now you are adding "if they are guilty of murder."

I know your game Einstein!
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Prissy, I posed a question above, and I would like you to answer it... If a fetus is not human life, what sort of life is it? It's not a plant, it's not another form of animal, it's not a bacteria or fungus, it is definitely living, otherwise, it wouldn't need to be killed. So, answer the question, what kind of life is a fetus, in your profound opinion?

It's not a "life". It's a fetus, potentially capable of developing into a human life.

Would you run into a burning fertitility clinic, risking your life, to save a petri dish of embryos?
Prissy, I posed a question above, and I would like you to answer it... If a fetus is not human life, what sort of life is it? It's not a plant, it's not another form of animal, it's not a bacteria or fungus, it is definitely living, otherwise, it wouldn't need to be killed. So, answer the question, what kind of life is a fetus, in your profound opinion?

Many people belive Its not a life.
abortions have been performed for thousands of years in all societies, including christian ones.

Oh, I know... "They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18)

God has always opposed the intentional and malicious taking of innocent human life, and actually mandates a severe punishment of death by stoning, for doing so. In one instance, he instructed his followers to kill off an entire civilization of people, because they were sacrificing their children.

Abortion clinics, and partial birth abortions, or abortion on demand, was not a part of Biblical life, and I don't imagine they could even fathom such inhumane cruelty and evil. In the few instances of people who harmed children, or killed the innocent, God was swift and severe in his punishment. That is a fact that can't be refuted.
Ohhh, now you are adding "if they are guilty of murder."

I know your game Einstein!

No, I didn't "add" it, you subtracted it when you quoted me, go back and read my original comment, it's in the part of the sentence preceeding what you posted. I'm sure this was just an oversight on your part, right?
It's not a "life". It's a fetus, potentially capable of developing into a human life.

Would you run into a burning fertitility clinic, risking your life, to save a petri dish of embryos?

I see you keep avoiding answering this: because the answer is NO. You wouldn't run into a burning fertility clinic, potentially leaving your kids fatherless, to save a petri dish of embryos

Which means, either you've been lying, or you are full of shit when you claim that a soul and a human life is created at the moment of conception. Because you'd let those embryos burn, and you wouldn't lift a finger to run in and save the petri dish.
I see you keep avoiding answering this: because the answer is NO. You wouldn't run into a burning fertility clinic, potentially leaving your kids fatherless, to save a petri dish of embryos

Which means, either you've been lying, or you are full of shit when you claim that a soul and a human life is created at the moment of conception. Because you'd let those embryos burn, and you wouldn't lift a finger to run in and save the petri dish.

I'm sorry, but science doesn't determine things based on hypothetical scenarios or what people would do in given circumstance. I wouldn't go into a burning building to save you, and I think we can conclude you are a human. So, your little experiment fails the test of logic and scientific accuracy.
Well, if it's not alive, why does it need to be killed or aborted?

If it IS alive, what form of life is it? There is no such thing as something that is alive, yet not living, that is a contradiction of logic.

1) Aborted and killed are not the same thing.
2) I never said it needed to be aborted.

IT needs to be aborted if someone who believes its not alive yet wants to prevent it from becoming alive, EINSTEIN.
1) Aborted and killed are not the same thing.
2) I never said it needed to be aborted.

IT needs to be aborted if someone who believes its not alive yet wants to prevent it from becoming alive, EINSTEIN.

Abortion means to terminate something, doesn't it? It's my understanding, abortion is the termination of the life process of a human fetus, am I mistaken on that? If it's not alive, it wouldn't need to be aborted.

You can believe it's not alive just like I can believe you are not alive, that doesn't make it so. There is proof that a fetus is a living organism, just as there is proof you are alive, so I don't know where you get that it isn't, a fetus is most certainly alive. You seem to be denying reality here, and contradicting logic.