Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

As I said, I wouldn't run into a burning building to save you, but that doesn't mean you aren't a human being.

Not very christian of you.

If I saw you drowning or burning, I'd try to help.

Ever gonna answer my quesiton? Its a simple yes or no question.

Well, I don't see in my Bible, where it says that I am supposed to risk my life to save you or anyone else. I'm sorry about that, I wish I could help, but it's not a part of Christianity, so far as I can tell. I would try to stop someone from setting your building on fire, just as I would try to stop someone from setting the building full of living human embryos on fire, that is my duty as a Christian. How many abortions of living human fetuses have you tried to stop? Any?
I do NOT think that a fetus is a person any more than I think a fertilized egg is a chicken.

If a fetus is not human, what kind of living organism is it? Simple question!

And YES, a fertilized chicken egg, is indeed an unborn chicken, it can't be anything else. We call it an "egg" just as we call an unborn human a "fetus" but that doesn't change what sort of life form it is.
I do NOT think that a fetus is a person any more than I think a fertilized egg is a chicken.

If a fetus is not human, what kind of living organism is it? Simple question!

And YES, a fertilized chicken egg, is indeed an unborn chicken, it can't be anything else. We call it an "egg" just as we call an unborn human a "fetus" but that doesn't change what sort of life form it is.

So a chicken egg is alive, Einstein?
Well, I don't see in my Bible, where it says that I am supposed to risk my life to save you or anyone else. I'm sorry about that, I wish I could help, but it's not a part of Christianity, so far as I can tell. I would try to stop someone from setting your building on fire, just as I would try to stop someone from setting the building full of living human embryos on fire, that is my duty as a Christian. How many abortions of living human fetuses have you tried to stop? Any?

Well, I don't see in my Bible, where it says that I am supposed to risk my life to save you or anyone else.

Well, okay, you're a chickenhawk who would never risk anything to help a human being in mortal danger. Fair enough.

Let's put it this way: We expect firemen to risk their necks to save children from a burning building.

Do you expect firement to risk their lives, to save a petri dish of embryos from a burning fertility clinic?
I do NOT think that a fetus is a person any more than I think a fertilized egg is a chicken.

If a fetus is not human, what kind of living organism is it? Simple question!

And YES, a fertilized chicken egg, is indeed an unborn chicken, it can't be anything else. We call it an "egg" just as we call an unborn human a "fetus" but that doesn't change what sort of life form it is.

can you eat a chicken "over easy"? Can you scramble up a chicken and turn it into an omelet?
can you deep fly an egg and then slather it with Buffalo sauce and blue cheese?

a pregnancy is a prelude to humanity... it is not yet human in nature, anymore than a chicken egg is a chicken
a pregnancy is a prelude to humanity... it is not yet human in nature, anymore than a chicken egg is a chicken

No, a pregnancy of a human is the incubation of a human life before birth. It is human in nature because it simply can't be any other life form, which is why you can't answer the question. The fact that you understand a chicken comes from a fertilized egg and will eventually becomes a chicken if uninterrupted, demonstrates you understand the biology of chickens. You wouldn't very well argue that a chicken egg could produce a human, or a goose, or a dolphin, because that is not the life form inside of a chicken egg. In fact, it can't be any other life form besides a chicken, it is impossible. If it has been fertilized, and it is being incubated, it is alive, a living, growing organism, and it is a chicken which has yet to be hatched.

The same is true with a fertilized human egg, incubating inside the womb. It is a life form, it is growing and developing, it is not anything other than human life, it's impossible for it to be anything else. If left uninterrupted, it will eventually be a human infant, nothing else.

Previously, you stated that "pregnancy" is what is terminated in an abortion, and this is not actually true. A woman doesn't end her ability to become pregnant through abortion... a hysterectomy would be the termination of pregnancy. An abortion is the termination of the life process of a human embryo, the ending of a human life. The fetus is what is aborted or terminated, not pregnancy.
can you eat a chicken "over easy"? Can you scramble up a chicken and turn it into an omelet?

Nope... can a 3-year-old toddler drive a car or play golf? Can a 80-year-old man nurse from his mothers breast? You are simply saying the same thing, just applying it to chicken life forms at different stages of development.
a pregnancy is a prelude to humanity... it is not yet human in nature, anymore than a chicken egg is a chicken

No, a pregnancy of a human is the incubation of a human life before birth. It is human in nature because it simply can't be any other life form, which is why you can't answer the question. The fact that you understand a chicken comes from a fertilized egg and will eventually becomes a chicken if uninterrupted, demonstrates you understand the biology of chickens. You wouldn't very well argue that a chicken egg could produce a human, or a goose, or a dolphin, because that is not the life form inside of a chicken egg. In fact, it can't be any other life form besides a chicken, it is impossible. If it has been fertilized, and it is being incubated, it is alive, a living, growing organism, and it is a chicken which has yet to be hatched.

The same is true with a fertilized human egg, incubating inside the womb. It is a life form, it is growing and developing, it is not anything other than human life, it's impossible for it to be anything else. If left uninterrupted, it will eventually be a human infant, nothing else.

Previously, you stated that "pregnancy" is what is terminated in an abortion, and this is not actually true. A woman doesn't end her ability to become pregnant through abortion... a hysterectomy would be the termination of pregnancy. An abortion is the termination of the life process of a human embryo, the ending of a human life. The fetus is what is aborted or terminated, not pregnancy.

a hysterectomy would be the termination of the ability to become pregnant in the future. An abortion is the termination of a particular pregnancy. A pregnancy that is the prelude to human life..... the egg is not the chicken, just as the fetus is not the man, but the prelude to it.

IF left uninterrupted, it will be a human infant...that is a big and essential "if".An abortion DOES interrupt that process and stop it BEFORE the fetus becomes a human infant.

IF left uninterrupted, the chicken egg will be a chicken.... if not, it will become an omelet.

That is what I believe...and beliveing that - in my opinion - does not make me any less of a Christian. Cheering the delivery of shock and awe does, in MY opinion, make you a Christian in name only. Claiming that slaughtering Iraqis is perfectly acceptable in God's eyes because they are not our next door neighbors might make you feel good today, but my opinion based upon my observation of such an attitude is that it will not play that well with Jesus when YOUR judgment day comes.
Nope... can a 3-year-old toddler drive a car or play golf? Can a 80-year-old man nurse from his mothers breast? You are simply saying the same thing, just applying it to chicken life forms at different stages of development.

are driving and golfing and nursing requirements of humanity? no. Are feet, a beak, and feathers a requirement of chickenhood? Yes.

My wife and I are planning on building a new home soon. Is the hole in the ground a home? Is it a home when the septic system is installed? Will it be a home when the foundation is poured? no. When will it be a HOME? when we move into it. A fetus becomes a human when it has the capacity of living independent of its mother's life support system. Until then, it is not really a human BEING, it is the prelude to a human being.
a hysterectomy would be the termination of the ability to become pregnant in the future.

Correct, the "termination" of pregnancy. That's what I said.

An abortion is the termination of a particular pregnancy.

Correct, the termination of the life process. The intentional and deliberate ending of innocent human life, the most innocent among us.

A pregnancy that is the prelude to human life.....

No prelude, it is life or it wouldn't require termination to cease to exist. It is human life, because it can't physically be any other form of life.

the egg is not the chicken, just as the fetus is not the man, but the prelude to it.

An egg from a chicken is not the same as an egg from a turtle, is it? Of course not, therefore, a chicken egg is chicken life form, a turtle egg is turtle life form, it's not the prelude to anything if it is already growing, developing, and alive. An infertile female egg is the prelude to a human life form, once it has been fertilized and starts to grow, it is no longer the prelude to anything, other than a more advanced form of what it already is, a human life.

IF left uninterrupted, it will be a human infant...

Correct, which is why it requires termination to not reach that stage of development. Once it is an infant, if left uninterrupted, it will become a small child, then an adolescent, then an adult, and it will be human life until it is terminated, or expires. At no point is it ever anything other than human life, once conception has begun this process. You can make all the arguments to the contrary you like, this is just simple biology.

An abortion DOES interrupt that process and stop it BEFORE the fetus becomes a human infant.

Correct, and if you put a gun to a teenager's head and pull the trigger, you effectively interrupt the process of that teenager becoming an adult.

IF left uninterrupted, the chicken egg will be a chicken.... if not, it will become an omelet.

Correct, and it can't be any other life form, except that of a chicken. Even as an egg in an omelet, it is still the matter defined as that of a chicken. Chicken eggs don't come from any other source, and there is no way to produce a chicken egg by any other means than a chicken.

That is what I believe...and beliveing that - in my opinion - does not make me any less of a Christian.

I've never stated that you were less of a Christian for your ignorance.

Cheering the delivery of shock and awe does, in MY opinion, make you a Christian in name only.

And I pray that you seek forgiveness for casting judgement on my faith.

Claiming that slaughtering Iraqis is perfectly acceptable in God's eyes because they are not our next door neighbors might make you feel good today, but my opinion based upon my observation of such an attitude is that it will not play that well with Jesus when YOUR judgment day comes.

I didn't make that decision, so I doubt I will be held personally accountable for it, if in fact, Jesus sees things your way.
are driving and golfing and nursing requirements of humanity? no. Are feet, a beak, and feathers a requirement of chickenhood? Yes.

Chickenhood? ...that's a good one!

Nope. The fact that you understand an egg will hatch into a chicken proves this. The fertilized and incubating egg, can't be defined as any other life form, besides that of a chicken, nor would anyone attempt to so foolishly define it as such. Do infants have beards or breasts? What about an infant born with no legs or arms, are they less of a human life form?

The fetus is a living thing, you can't dispute this, it has its own nervous system, heartbeat, DNA, and brain function. It simply can't be defined as anything other than living, and anything other than human life. Because it has not fully matured, or reached independent capacity, doesn't mean it's something different than human life, any more than a chicken egg is an apple.
A fetus becomes a human when it has the capacity of living independent of its mother's life support system. Until then, it is not really a human BEING, it is the prelude to a human being.

This is not true, a fetus is a living human life form, with its own DNA, nervous system, brain function and heartbeat. It will develop into an infant human being, at which time it will still be dependent on the mother, or someone, to nourish it, support its life, and allow it to reach its next stage of development. It can be no other form of living being, other than human, we've established this through simple biology already.

You can keep arguing that a growing and living human fetus is something other than human life, all you like... you've given me NO supporting evidence for this opinion, and without any supporting evidence, your argument fails. Sorry.

Here... let me make it easier for you... Once conception has occurred, other than time, what other elements or ingredients are needed to make it a human life? You keep saying it's not human life or a human being, but you need to indicate, what is needed or required after conception to transform it into human life. How can it change what it is, if there is no change in properties?

As for your house building analogy, it really doesn't apply to what we're discussing with regard to physical biology of living things, but I thought of this and wanted to throw it in the mix... IF I came along and filled your hole full of water, making it impossible for you to build your house, would you consider that I had destroyed your future home, or merely built you a swimming pool? Would you sue me or thank me? I think we know the answer!
dixie...we have a difference of opinion... which mirrors the difference of oipinion society has about abortion.

I for one think that the lives of LIVING BREATHING WALKING TALKING humans for which there is no such difference of the lives of the thousands of innocent iraqis slaughtered by our display of shock and awe which you enthusiastically cheered, are way more valuable and meaningful than a handful of cells which may or may not make it all the way through the gestation process to become a human want to make a huge deal about what a great person you are championing the "life" of zygotes, yet you think absolutely nothing about enthusiastically cheering the death of real human lives..... your hypocrisy is infinite and profound.
A fetus becomes a human when it has the capacity of living independent of its mother's life support system. Until then, it is not really a human BEING, it is the prelude to a human being.

This is not true, a fetus is a living human life form, with its own DNA, nervous system, brain function and heartbeat. It will develop into an infant human being, at which time it will still be dependent on the mother, or someone, to nourish it, support its life, and allow it to reach its next stage of development. It can be no other form of living being, other than human, we've established this through simple biology already.

You can keep arguing that a growing and living human fetus is something other than human life, all you like... you've given me NO supporting evidence for this opinion, and without any supporting evidence, your argument fails. Sorry.

Here... let me make it easier for you... Once conception has occurred, other than time, what other elements or ingredients are needed to make it a human life? You keep saying it's not human life or a human being, but you need to indicate, what is needed or required after conception to transform it into human life. How can it change what it is, if there is no change in properties?

As for your house building analogy, it really doesn't apply to what we're discussing with regard to physical biology of living things, but I thought of this and wanted to throw it in the mix... IF I came along and filled your hole full of water, making it impossible for you to build your house, would you consider that I had destroyed your future home, or merely built you a swimming pool? Would you sue me or thank me? I think we know the answer!

and if you came along and ripped the fetus from the belly of my daughter against her will, I would find you and kill you...what a ridiculous analogy..... swimming pool...HA.... now if I chose to fill in the hole with water and make it a swimming would be MY hole and MY water and MY pool and none of your concern.