Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

You are among about 5% of the world population who doesn't believe in any kind of afterlife or spirituality in any aspect.

Truth isn't a democracy. A few hundred years ago, the vast majority of people would have believed the Earth flat and stationary.

Humans are weak, scared little monkeys, who are only just coming to terms with existence.

We've debated this in threads before, and I have presented mounds of evidence to support belief in something greater than ourselves.

Mounds of evidence? You've presented mounds of logical fallacies, like Paley's watchmaker analogy, and Behe's fallacy of irreducible complexity. You have tried to equate ritual entirely with religion. You attempted to assert that because the majority of people believe something it must be true.

But no evidence whatsoever....

No, he will not torture you, he doesn't care what you decide to do, it's entirely up to you. He will not let you into the Kingdom of Heaven if you don't believe it, or he exists. If you aren't going to Heaven, you only have one other destination available, that was your choice, not His.

Ok, so if you creep around him, worship him like a despot, he will allow you the riches of his kingdom...

You're still not making him sound any less like Saddam....

Because hair is a physical attribute, and is not applicable to spiritual entities. That's how I know. And "spirit" is defined, it means non-physical, or not of the physical world.

That isn't explanation, it is obscurum per obscurius...

And if 'spirits' or 'soul' is not of this physical world, how do you know moustaches aren't involved? What makes you so sure?

The truth is, your definition is deliberately obscurum per obscurius, because its definition negates definition. It is an attribution. We don't fully understand the death process (or rather we do, but are too weak to accept it) and so create notions that negate our mortality, by creating falsehoods such as the notion of 'soul'.

'Soul' is very much a symptom of the human inability to deal with existence.
you would have mourned the loss of an embryo in a petri dish as much as you would your daughter?

We both know that there would be no living growing human embryo in a petri dish, in an empty burning building. A living growing and viable human embryo can not survive for very long outside of the mother's womb, and the only period of time it would have ever been in a petri dish, was to conduct the invetro-fertilization process. The technician would not have the egg introduced to the sperm in the petri dish and then just leave it in the lab overnight, that isn't how it works, and you are smart enough to know that.

Let's stop being ridiculous here, you know abortion is the intentional taking of human life, and you know that God is not okay with it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a problem with it, you wouldn't give a shit if your daughter had it done, or anyone else. The fact that you will act like you are all concerned about abortions, is all the proof we need of this.

As I said, may God have mercy on your soul.

there are thousands of EMBRYOS - not female eggs, but EMBRYOS - in freezers at fertility clinics all over America. It is YOU who don't know what you are talking about. If you believe that the moment the egg is fertilized by the sperm that the resulting life form is a HUMAN BEING, I ask you again, if a fertility clinic holding the frozen EMBRYOS created by YOUR sperm and your wife's ovum were on fire, would you risk your life to save those EMBRYOS? There would be, according to you, absolutely no different than your daughter..... they would be, according to you, little human beings who you would mourn with all the grief that you would feel if your darling poetry writing daughter were to be burned alive in a building fire. I really don't see why you are so afraid to answer this question.

Let me ask it again: If a fertility clinic where you knew embryos produced from your sperm and your wife's ovum were housed was on fire, would you risk your life to go save them?

If the house that your daughter was in was on fire, would you risk your life to go save her?
While you were doing this, approximately 200 unborn human lives were destroyed by abortion. During the time you spend posting your response again, of how you don't really like abortion, but are unwilling to speak out against it, another 30 abortions will occur. Since the last time you voted for the man who vetoed a ban on partial-birth abortion twice, approximately 12 million more souls were sucked down a tube. But then, your God only requires your "concern" and not your action, and he is okay with it because you are such a good Christian who participates in church functions, and all.

Take a look at the pictures, Maine. Answer my questions... does this look like a clump of cells with no life or soul to you? Does this not look like a human being to you? If this is not a human life, what kind of life form is it? When does it become a human life form? And what additional ingredients are required after conception, to make it human life?

Yeah, we have a huge difference of opinion here, you apparently think it's okay to intentionally and maliciously take the innocent life from what is in the picture above, and I don't think God condones it, or wants it to happen, and mandates that we do everything in our power to prevent it from happening. That's the difference, you are too wrapped up in Liberalism to stand for what God wants, and you think your piety and church work is going to get you into heaven. God makes it very clear, what your duty as a Christian is, and you intentionally ignore it because being a good Liberal is more important to you.

Does it LOOK like a human? of course. Does it have "life" or a "soul"? I have no fucking idea and neither do you. You paraphrase what you claim I "apparently think" and you are, oddly enough, dead wrong. As I have said time and time again, I do not think abortions are right...I think they are wrong. I just do not think that laws ought to be made to outlaw everything that is wrong in this world. I don't think there should be laws outlawing smoking or drinking or even recreational drug use... or transfat, for that matter... all wrong - all ought to be choices that free men and women have the right to make for themselves.

As much as I hate abortions, as much as I would take strong decisive steps to make sure that no female in my family ever felt that abortion was the preferred solution or that there were not a host of more viable alternatives available, I hate the thought of government telling women what can and cannot go on inside their uteruses.
And Prissy... save your keystrokes, you are back on ignore again. When you can objectively have a conversation like a rational adult, I might give you another chance, but I have no need to play your little juvenile word-parsing games.

that's funny and oh so typical.... Cypress throws your own words back in your face and rather than own up to your own blatant inconsistencies, you make it about HIM and put him on Ignore.

There is a difference between pointing out unChristian-like behavior, and casting judgement on someone and their faith. Examining the fruit is somewhat a judgement, but it doesn't cast judgement. This illustrates the subtle difference between me telling Lummox he apparently doesn't know how a true Christian should behave, and Maineman telling me I am a fake Christian. Although judgements have to be made in both cases, one is a judgement of fruit, the other is a judgement of soul. We are not supposed to judge a person's soul, that is God's place. I can't tell you that you are "not the right kind" of Christian, I can witness to you and share my own understandings of what the "right kind of Christian" is, and I can observe your actions and make the determination you bear rotten fruit, but I can never speak for what is truly in your heart, or the relationship between you and God.

I pretty much agree with that.... but there does reach a point where the fruit is soooooooooooo rotten that you must speak up and question what the heck is this supposed Christian thinking or doing? And setting them straight by questioning their rotten fruit actions is a necessity to being a good Christian who loves their fellow brothers in Christ....

God repremanded out of love, if He did not care about us, then why would he bother?

But as far as a judgement of salvation, it can be done or permitted, but KNOW that your own salvation will be judged in the same manner by the almighty, if you do will be done to you, with the same measure you dish out, by God himself.

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And Prissy... save your keystrokes, you are back on ignore again. When you can objectively have a conversation like a rational adult, I might give you another chance, but I have no need to play your little juvenile word-parsing games.

I merely made two points, and all you needed to do was clarify:

1) You just wrote that embryos "aren't a living, growing human being". But, you've previously wrote that embryonic stem cell research kills "an innocent life", and that a soul and a human life are created at the MOMENT of conception. These are inconsistent statements, and its perfectly reasonable to ask if you would run through fire and flame to save YOUR embryo in a fertility clinic that was on fire - that is, if you really think an embryo in a petri dish is a human life, with a soul.

2) You said embryos aren't viable in a petri dish for long; that they must be implanted in short order. I pointed out that your knowledge is way out of date. Many couples who use fertitiliy clinics have they're embryos frozen.
you idiot, there IS NO MALICE towards the "child" in abortion...ask those YOU KNOW and are close to you.... that have had one.....see what they you think that she maliciously killed her baby....? Well, I don't, and I don't even know your "friends"....

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exactly care, we should know that God will judge us as we have judged... and He will forgive us as we have forgiven.

Dixie's suggestions that my commenting on his faulty and self-serving brand of "Christianity" earns me a one way trip to Hell is flawed theology..... but I consider the source.
There is a difference between pointing out unChristian-like behavior, and casting judgement on someone and their faith. Examining the fruit is somewhat a judgement, but it doesn't cast judgement

Oh, jeez. Logic for beginners....

If you point out what you percieve to be unchristian behaviour, you are making a judgement.

You are observing the acts of others, comparing them against your ideal of what behaviour should be and then casting judgement.

You can't judge someone, whilst at the same time be not judging them. Law of the excluded middle.....
Not aggording to a clip I saw of Benny Hinn (televangelist) . He was wishing Jesus would come back and use a machine gun on we sinners :D
No, I'm sorry. If Jesus were alive he wouldn't own a gun and vote Republican.
He told some of his followers to carry swords, the assumption there he likely would have had a couple of guys with guns...

I don't think he would vote at all though. He was more concerned with the eternal and not the physical aspects of life.
Yeah, Peter cut off a guys ear with his sword in Gethsemanie. But he was not Jesus, The only timeI know of when Jesus used anykind of weapon was when he ran the moneychangers from the temple, and that was an impromptu whip.
Yeah, Peter cut off a guys ear with his sword in Gethsemanie. But he was not Jesus, The only timeI know of when Jesus used anykind of weapon was when he ran the moneychangers from the temple, and that was an impromptu whip.
Yeah, but he specifically told people to carry swords. That is why I said he likely would have had a couple of guys with weapons. He didn't say that living by the sword was evil, just that you would die that way too....
I always considered the living by the sword to mean more than just having a weapon for self defense. Remember those were rough times, no cellphones to call a cop if trouble arose ;)
I always considered the living by the sword to mean more than just having a weapon for self defense. Remember those were rough times, no cellphones to call a cop if trouble arose ;)
I have always thought of it as being a soldier. It is a difficult calling, but it isn't necessarily an evil one.
No, I'm sorry. If Jesus were alive he wouldn't own a gun and vote Republican.

Who knows.... We are all a product of our environment.

If JC had been brought up in a traditionally conservative part of America, there is a good chance he would be a gun-toting bullethead....
I think Jesus would vote independent if he got involved in politics at all. He might just lead a new world order.