Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

I think Jesus would vote independent if he got involved in politics at all. He might just lead a new world order.

Or he might just get a job at your local news stand.....

It was a complex set of circumstances that arose for him to become a philosopher... If circumstances had been different, he might have just been the carpenter of the cross they used on Brian.....
Does it have "life" or a "soul"? I have no fucking idea and neither do you.

The Bible says they have a soul, so I do indeed know.

you idiot, there IS NO MALICE towards the "child" in abortion...

Here's how Webster describes "malice":

1 a : the intention or desire to cause harm (as death, bodily injury, or property damage) to another through an unlawful or wrongful act without justification or excuse b : wanton disregard for the rights of others or for the value of human life c : an improper or evil motive or purpose.

Are you saying the woman has no intention to cause harm to the fetus when she willingly has the procedure performed? Or are you saying the fetus has given her a justification to kill it? Are you saying she isn't disregarding the fetus' right to live, or that the fetus has no right to be living? In order for it to be anything other than 'malice', you have to show where the fetus did something to warrant being justifiably killed by the woman.

Yes, an abortion is the willing, intentional, and deliberate taking of innocent human life, with malice. If this sin is not repented, it will not be forgiven by God. You can make all the excuses you want, that is what God says, not me.
we should know that God will judge us as we have judged

Then you better make sure they bury you in that nice shiny Navy uniform, so you can impress him with your bullshit, because you certainly have been a judgemental prick here on earth.
The Bible says they have a soul, so I do indeed know.

Does it explain without relying on obscurum per obscurius nonsense what the buggery a 'soul' is?
Yes, an abortion is the willing, intentional, and deliberate taking of innocent human life, with malice. If this sin is not repented, it will not be forgiven by God.

How do you know? Is god giving you advice in the shower again?

Who are you to judge?
Then you better make sure they bury you in that nice shiny Navy uniform, so you can impress him with your bullshit, because you certainly have been a judgemental prick here on earth.

Ha! Ha! This from Dixie, who is going round condemning people to hell! (but not judging them..)
Does it have "life" or a "soul"? I have no fucking idea and neither do you.

The Bible says they have a soul, so I do indeed know.

you idiot, there IS NO MALICE towards the "child" in abortion...

Here's how Webster describes "malice":

1 a : the intention or desire to cause harm (as death, bodily injury, or property damage) to another through an unlawful or wrongful act without justification or excuse b : wanton disregard for the rights of others or for the value of human life c : an improper or evil motive or purpose.

Are you saying the woman has no intention to cause harm to the fetus when she willingly has the procedure performed? Or are you saying the fetus has given her a justification to kill it? Are you saying she isn't disregarding the fetus' right to live, or that the fetus has no right to be living? In order for it to be anything other than 'malice', you have to show where the fetus did something to warrant being justifiably killed by the woman.

Yes, an abortion is the willing, intentional, and deliberate taking of innocent human life, with malice. If this sin is not repented, it will not be forgiven by God. You can make all the excuses you want, that is what God says, not me.

The bible says a fetus has a soul? Where?
The bible says a fetus has a soul? Where?

Don't mess with the bible. You can justify anything with it.....

And if you can interpret something from the bible, it must be true, cos it says so in the bible.....
The bible says a fetus has a soul? Where?

Don't mess with the bible. You can justify anything with it.....

And if you can interpret something from the bible, it must be true, cos it says so in the bible.....

Thats why I want to see the place where he claims the bible says a fetus has a soul.

Dixie makes all kind of outlandish claims and unless someone calls him on it he just keeps going. He has some basis for this silly claim... but I am sure its a part of the bible he is "interperting" very liberally....
As I have said time and time again, I do not think abortions are right... I think they are wrong.

Which proves that you fully understand the living and growing human embryo inside a woman, is human life, and does have a soul, and is substantially more than a clump of cells in a petri dish.

I just do not think that laws ought to be made to outlaw everything that is wrong in this world.

So, we should abandon laws against murder too? Does God give you the right to decide what is right and wrong, or does he tell you what is right and wrong and expect you to follow his law?

I don't think there should be laws outlawing smoking or drinking or even recreational drug use... or transfat, for that matter... all wrong -

And none are the malicious taking of innocent life.

all ought to be choices that free men and women have the right to make for themselves.

Free will says that we can also make the choice to murder, we just have to pay the consequence for our action, as God will hold us accountable.

As much as I hate abortions, as much as I would take strong decisive steps to make sure that no female in my family ever felt that abortion was the preferred solution or that there were not a host of more viable alternatives available, I hate the thought of government telling women what can and cannot go on inside their uteruses.

You don't mind the government saying you can't go out and blow someones head off with a shotgun, do you? You don't mind the government saying you can't drink and drive, do you? What goes on inside a woman's uterus is entirely up to her, the government doesn't make her have unprotected sex and become pregnant.

Now, back to the pictures...


So, you don't think this "clump of cells" is a human life? You don't think God has given it a soul yet? When exactly, do you think God gives it a soul? (not that God cares what your opinion is.)

Here's some help from the Bible, in case you are interested...

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in your mother's womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."

Luke 1:44. "For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy."

"I knew you in the womb," Jer. 1:5

"the body apart from the spirit is dead" (Jas. 2:26)

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

Now, I would like to see any evidence you have, that a human fetus doesn't have a soul from point of conception.... I'll wait.
As I have said time and time again, I do not think abortions are right... I think they are wrong.

Which proves that you fully understand the living and growing human embryo inside a woman, is human life, and does have a soul, and is substantially more than a clump of cells in a petri dish.

I just do not think that laws ought to be made to outlaw everything that is wrong in this world.

So, we should abandon laws against murder too? Does God give you the right to decide what is right and wrong, or does he tell you what is right and wrong and expect you to follow his law?

I don't think there should be laws outlawing smoking or drinking or even recreational drug use... or transfat, for that matter... all wrong -

And none are the malicious taking of innocent life.

all ought to be choices that free men and women have the right to make for themselves.

Free will says that we can also make the choice to murder, we just have to pay the consequence for our action, as God will hold us accountable.

As much as I hate abortions, as much as I would take strong decisive steps to make sure that no female in my family ever felt that abortion was the preferred solution or that there were not a host of more viable alternatives available, I hate the thought of government telling women what can and cannot go on inside their uteruses.

You don't mind the government saying you can't go out and blow someones head off with a shotgun, do you? You don't mind the government saying you can't drink and drive, do you? What goes on inside a woman's uterus is entirely up to her, the government doesn't make her have unprotected sex and become pregnant.

Now, back to the pictures...


So, you don't think this "clump of cells" is a human life? You don't think God has given it a soul yet? When exactly, do you think God gives it a soul? (not that God cares what your opinion is.)

Here's some help from the Bible, in case you are interested...

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in your mother's womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."

Luke 1:44. "For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy."

"I knew you in the womb," Jer. 1:5

"the body apart from the spirit is dead" (Jas. 2:26)

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

Now, I would like to see any evidence you have, that a human fetus doesn't have a soul from point of conception.... I'll wait.

As I expected.
man, EINSTEIN, you are so full of religous right rhetoric its sick.

If you belive there is enough question as to if a fetus is a life and you belive in limited government in people's personal lives, then it would make sense that you could easily not personally belive in abortion but want it to remain legal so that every woman could be able to make up her own mind about the issue.

I belive that this is America and if you have something growing in your body, you should be allow to make your own mind about the morality of what to do with your body. This issue has so much moral ambiguity surrounding it, the people should be allowed to decide for themselves.
Does it have "life" or a "soul"? I have no fucking idea and neither do you.

The Bible says they have a soul, so I do indeed know.

Please provide me the Biblical quote that states that embryos have souls.

And please answer the question about YOUR frozen embryos in a burning fertility clinic.

And tell us again how you would NOT have the courage to save the embryo which, according to you, is a little person and your child, but you would mourn their loss the same as you would your daughter.
man, EINSTEIN, you are so full of religous right rhetoric its sick.

If you belive there is enough question as to if a fetus is a life and you belive in limited government in people's personal lives, then it would make sense that you could easily not personally belive in abortion but want it to remain legal so that every woman could be able to make up her own mind about the issue.

I belive that this is America and if you have something growing in your body, you should be allow to make your own mind about the morality of what to do with your body. This issue has so much moral ambiguity surrounding it, the people should be allowed to decide for themselves.
Seeing both of the lives as human changes the concept. I'll ask you, if you truly believed the fetus to be a child what would justify abortion?

The only thing I can personally think of is the likelihood of death for the mother. What justification could you find if you really believed that it was a child?

Seeing two separate entities, one must think of the rights of both. If you are thinking of the rights of both the right to Life seriously outweighs the right of privacy.
Seeing both of the lives as human changes the concept. I'll ask you, if you truly believed the fetus to be a child what would justify abortion?

The only thing I can personally think of is the likelihood of death for the mother. What justification could you find if you really believed that it was a child?

Seeing two separate entities, one must think of the rights of both. If you are thinking of the rights of both the right to Life seriously outweighs the right of privacy.

I agree that if I were sure and so sure that I belive everyone should think just like me, that the embro is a child... then it changes the way I would look at it. Then the question is, when does the life of that child supercede the womans right to do what she wants with her body. If I a random person needed to use my body for 9 months in order to survive, should the Government be allowed to force me to lend it to that person?
I agree that if I were sure and so sure that I belive everyone should think just like me, that the embro is a child... then it changes the way I would look at it. Then the question is, when does the life of that child supercede the womans right to do what she wants with her body. If I a random person needed to use my body for 9 months in order to survive, should the Government be allowed to force me to lend it to that person?
Totally different. The child is not random. Science knows what causes this, and teaches us all how to prevent it...

The creation of the life was not a "random" issue.
Totally different. The child is not random. Science knows what causes this, and teaches us all how to prevent it...

The creation of the life was not a "random" issue.

So we are introducing fault into the equasion? So if you are raped, you should be allowed to have an abortion?