Israeli government ; " Shoot their women and children "

They could do whatever they wanted to with it...they won it in war

Hitler gained a lot of territories in war as well. Are you suggesting the allies should have simply let him keep them?

Hitler lost the war and the land he gained

True, but you didn't answer my question.

stupid fuck

Ah, so you're one of those people who insults when confronted with questions you don't like, got it.
so if we agree that at some point in time the Arabs and Jews were NOT killing each other and we agree that at the present time they ARE killing each other, why is it so difficult to identify when WHEN they started killing each other.....

Who said it was that difficult? TAG found a Wikipedia page that pretty much says that it started in 1920. I followed up on that by saying the following:
Can we agree that the British government didn't have the right to make that declaration, considering all the arabs living in Palestine at the time? Could we further agree that it was probably that declaration that led to the beginning of serious conflicts between Jews and Arabs? After all, your Wikipedia article had the first serious fight between Jews and Arabs in 1920.

seems from here that it started about the time everyone else in the world decided that there would be an Israeli state and the Arabs responded by saying they preferred them to be dead.......

According to TAG's Wikipedia article, it started with the Battle of Tel Hei in 1920, where only a few of each died. The armed Arabs in the equation hadn't even been looking to harm Jewish people, they had been looking for French soldiers, possibly because of the Franco-Syrian war. Only 8 Jews and 5 Arabs were killed, which I think we can agree was quite a small number compared to more recent fight between Israel and Palestine.

The -second- Arab/Jewish fight in TAG's Wikipedia, the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, also had very few casualties- just 5 Jews and 4 Arabs. I find that the Palin Commission set up to investigate the incident was quite informative. Here's the reasons it gave for the riots:

(a) Arab disappointment at the non-fulfilment of the promises of independence which they claimed had been given to them during the war.

(b) Arab belief that the Balfour Declaration implied a denial of the right of self-determination and their fear that the establishment of a National Home would mean a great increase in Jewish immigration and would lead to their economic and political subjection to the Jews.

(c) The aggravation of these sentiments on the one hand by propaganda from outside Palestine associated with the proclamation of the Emir Feisal as King of a re-united Syria and with the growth of Pan-Arab and Pan-Moslem ideas, and on the other hand by the activities of the Zionist Commission supported by the resources and influence of Jews throughout the world.



The third major event, the Jaffa Rights in 1921, were more substantial, with 48 Arabs and 47 reported to have been killed. Like the Battle of Tel Hal, it appears that it was triggered because of a misunderstanding.

There followed a slew of other killings, the most notable ones prior to 1948 being the Palestine riots of August 23-29, 1929, wherein 133 Jews and 116 Arabs were killed and the 1936 Arab General Strike, wherein 314 Arabs and Jews were killed.

But the deaths -really- skyrocketed in 1948. From Wikipedia's article on the Nakba:
The 1948 Nakba

The central facts of the Nakba during the 1948 Palestine war are not disputed.[34]

About 750,000 Palestinians--over 80% of the population in what would become the state of Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees.[9] Eleven Arab urban neighborhoods and over 500 villages were destroyed or depopulated.[8] Thousands of Palestinians were killed in dozens of massacres.[35] About a dozen rapes of Palestinians by regular and irregular Israeli military forces have been documented, and more are suspected.[36] Israelis used psychological warfare tactics to frighten Palestinians into flight, including targeted violence, whispering campaigns, radio broadcasts, and loudspeaker vans.[37] Looting by Israeli soldiers and civilians of Palestinian homes, business, farms, artwork, books, and archives was widespread.[38]


Full article:
True, but you didn't answer my question.

I did answer your ?

No, you didn't. Here's the question I asked:

Hitler gained a lot of territories in war as well. Are you suggesting the allies should have simply let him keep them?

Your response was that Hitler lost the war and the land he had gained. Which is true, but was not an answer to the question I had asked.
A brave action in the face of American fascism and ignorance;


The ship should have gone to sea anyway. Let's see who wins that tug-of-war...
Can we agree that the British government didn't have the right to make that declaration, considering all the arabs living in Palestine at the time? Could we further agree that it was probably that declaration that led to the beginning of serious conflicts between Jews and Arabs? After all, your Wikipedia article had the first serious fight between Jews and Arabs in 1920.

The bottom line here, without all the lengthy finger pointing, argument, blame, and whatever, is that every faction in the region has an axe to grind. The true adults in this are smart enough to realize when fighting no longer will achieve any useful objective and they turn to alternatives that are productive. The Palestinians still have a long way to go in that direction.
Can we agree that the British government didn't have the right to make that declaration, considering all the arabs living in Palestine at the time? Could we further agree that it was probably that declaration that led to the beginning of serious conflicts between Jews and Arabs? After all, your Wikipedia article had the first serious fight between Jews and Arabs in 1920.

The bottom line here, without all the lengthy finger pointing, argument, blame, and whatever, is that every faction in the region has an axe to grind. The true adults in this are smart enough to realize when fighting no longer will achieve any useful objective and they turn to alternatives that are productive. The Palestinians still have a long way to go in that direction.

I can certainly agree that both sides have resentments with the other, but the Israeli government has a lot more capacity to do harm than the Palestinians and they aren't restraining themselves much if at all. This has been true ever since 1948. I notice that you haven't responded to the chilling facts of what happened then, despite me quoting Wikipedia twice on this, but perhaps a third time will finally get you to. I can hope anyway. Here we go:

The 1948 Nakba

The central facts of the Nakba during the 1948 Palestine war are not disputed.[34]

About 750,000 Palestinians--over 80% of the population in what would become the state of Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees.[9] Eleven Arab urban neighborhoods and over 500 villages were destroyed or depopulated.[8] Thousands of Palestinians were killed in dozens of massacres.[35] About a dozen rapes of Palestinians by regular and irregular Israeli military forces have been documented, and more are suspected.[36] Israelis used psychological warfare tactics to frighten Palestinians into flight, including targeted violence, whispering campaigns, radio broadcasts, and loudspeaker vans.[37] Looting by Israeli soldiers and civilians of Palestinian homes, business, farms, artwork, books, and archives was widespread.[38]


Full article:

Israel is once again doing what it did then, that being the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. If you were to say that the Palestinians would do the same if they had the same weapons, I'd say you may be right. But they don't. There's a proverb popularized by Stan Lee in his Spider Man comic book that I think is very important here:
"With great power comes great responsibility"

The U.S. and Israel clearly have the power. The problem is that they're not acting very responsibly with it. They are essentially acting as if might is right. There's another proverb that is apt here, namely, live by the sword, die by the sword. I think it can be said that the Jewish leadership in Israel learned the wrong lesson from those who tormented them in Europe, such as the Nazis, that being that with enough military power, you can temporarily suppress having to find diplomatic solutions with people who don't agree with your politics and religion. In the end, though, the other shoe always drops. Any nation or empire that leans too heavily on its military prowess is only teaching its opponents that military prowess is the only thing that they'll listen to. That never ends well for the nations and empires in question.
No, you didn't. Here's the question I asked:

Hitler gained a lot of territories in war as well. Are you suggesting the allies should have simply let him keep them?

Your response was that Hitler lost the war and the land he had gained. Which is true, but was not an answer to the question I had asked.

My God

.....Hitler didnt have control of land to keep in 1945
I can certainly agree that both sides have resentments with the other, but the Israeli government has a lot more capacity to do harm than the Palestinians and they aren't restraining themselves much if at all. This has been true ever since 1948. I notice that you haven't responded to the chilling facts of what happened then, despite me quoting Wikipedia twice on this, but perhaps a third time will finally get you to. I can hope anyway. Here we go:

The 1948 Nakba

The central facts of the Nakba during the 1948 Palestine war are not disputed.[34]

About 750,000 Palestinians--over 80% of the population in what would become the state of Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees.[9] Eleven Arab urban neighborhoods and over 500 villages were destroyed or depopulated.[8] Thousands of Palestinians were killed in dozens of massacres.[35] About a dozen rapes of Palestinians by regular and irregular Israeli military forces have been documented, and more are suspected.[36] Israelis used psychological warfare tactics to frighten Palestinians into flight, including targeted violence, whispering campaigns, radio broadcasts, and loudspeaker vans.[37] Looting by Israeli soldiers and civilians of Palestinian homes, business, farms, artwork, books, and archives was widespread.[38]


Full article:

Israel is once again doing what it did then, that being the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. If you were to say that the Palestinians would do the same if they had the same weapons, I'd say you may be right. But they don't. There's a proverb popularized by Stan Lee in his Spider Man comic book that I think is very important here:
"With great power comes great responsibility"

The U.S. and Israel clearly have the power. The problem is that they're not acting very responsibly with it. They are essentially acting as if might is right. There's another proverb that is apt here, namely, live by the sword, die by the sword. I think it can be said that the Jewish leadership in Israel learned the wrong lesson from those who tormented them in Europe, such as the Nazis, that being that with enough military power, you can temporarily suppress having to find diplomatic solutions with people who don't agree with your politics and religion. In the end, though, the other shoe always drops. Any nation or empire that leans too heavily on its military prowess is only teaching its opponents that military prowess is the only thing that they'll listen to. That never ends well for the nations and empires in question.

In 1948 Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria—attacked Israel. And fucking LOST
Can we agree that the British government didn't have the right to make that declaration, considering all the arabs living in Palestine at the time? the end of the war and occupation by the Nazis, the region had NO government, NO boundaries.......the UN created Lebanon, Jordan, Israel.......have you complained about displacement for those who didn't want to live under the governments of the other states they created.....

Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir demanded the army shoot Palestinian women and children in Gaza during a cabinet meeting, according to the Israeli media on Monday.

“We cannot have women and children getting close to the border... anyone who gets near must get a bullet [in the head],” Ben-Gvir said during a debate with Israeli military chief Herzi Halevi on the army’s “open-fire” rules at the cabinet meeting on Sunday.


Palestinian savages, Jerusalem, 1940- 8 years before there was an Israel. :laugh:
No, you didn't. Here's the question I asked:

Hitler gained a lot of territories in war as well. Are you suggesting the allies should have simply let him keep them?

Your response was that Hitler lost the war and the land he had gained. Which is true, but was not an answer to the question I had asked.

My God

.....Hitler didnt have control of land to keep in 1945

Once again, you're missing the point. I guess I'll just have to spell it out- might is not the same thing as right. Hitler had the military might to take over a lot of countries in World War II. What he -didn't- have was the moral authority to do so. Similarly, Israel had the might to kill thousands of Palestinians in 1948 and displace hundreds of thousands, and they are doing the same again now, but most of the world agrees that what they're doing is downright evil. I'm sure you know how most stories end for the bad guys, regardless of how powerful they are at some point in time.
I can certainly agree that both sides have resentments with the other, but the Israeli government has a lot more capacity to do harm than the Palestinians and they aren't restraining themselves much if at all. This has been true ever since 1948. I notice that you haven't responded to the chilling facts of what happened then, despite me quoting Wikipedia twice on this, but perhaps a third time will finally get you to. I can hope anyway. Here we go:

The 1948 Nakba

The central facts of the Nakba during the 1948 Palestine war are not disputed.[34]

About 750,000 Palestinians--over 80% of the population in what would become the state of Israel--were expelled or fled from their homes and became refugees.[9] Eleven Arab urban neighborhoods and over 500 villages were destroyed or depopulated.[8] Thousands of Palestinians were killed in dozens of massacres.[35] About a dozen rapes of Palestinians by regular and irregular Israeli military forces have been documented, and more are suspected.[36] Israelis used psychological warfare tactics to frighten Palestinians into flight, including targeted violence, whispering campaigns, radio broadcasts, and loudspeaker vans.[37] Looting by Israeli soldiers and civilians of Palestinian homes, business, farms, artwork, books, and archives was widespread.[38]


Full article:

Israel is once again doing what it did then, that being the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. If you were to say that the Palestinians would do the same if they had the same weapons, I'd say you may be right. But they don't. There's a proverb popularized by Stan Lee in his Spider Man comic book that I think is very important here:
"With great power comes great responsibility"

The U.S. and Israel clearly have the power. The problem is that they're not acting very responsibly with it. They are essentially acting as if might is right. There's another proverb that is apt here, namely, live by the sword, die by the sword. I think it can be said that the Jewish leadership in Israel learned the wrong lesson from those who tormented them in Europe, such as the Nazis, that being that with enough military power, you can temporarily suppress having to find diplomatic solutions with people who don't agree with your politics and religion. In the end, though, the other shoe always drops. Any nation or empire that leans too heavily on its military prowess is only teaching its opponents that military prowess is the only thing that they'll listen to. That never ends well for the nations and empires in question.

In 1948 Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria—attacked Israel. And fucking LOST

Indeed. Do you know -why- all those nations attacked Israel? I'll give you a hint- I quoted a large part of the reason why above. As to Israel's military prowess, there's a similar scenario that played out just a decade earlier, when Hitler conquered many nations as well. The allies attacked him soon after. How'd that end for him?
so if we agree that at some point in time the Arabs and Jews were NOT killing each other and we agree that at the present time they ARE killing each other [snip]

Who said it was that difficult?

you are proof that with a running start it is possible to leap clearly over another person's point without even touching it.......

Alright, what is this point that you're trying to make?