Israeli government ; " Shoot their women and children "

Well, look at this way. After WW 1, the Jews were promised a homeland in the area that is now Israel (the Balfour Declaration).

Can we agree that the British government didn't have the right to make that declaration, considering all the arabs living in Palestine at the time? the end of the war and occupation by the Nazis

Hold it right there. The Balfour Declaration was declared at the end of WWI, not WWII. Apparently you're unaware that the British essentially betrayed the Arabs by first creating a secret agreement in 1916 and then by Arthur Balfour's declaration the following year. I believe this is a subject covered by the film "A Dangerous Man", which covers T.E. Lawrence's life after his time in the middle east. I believe it's a film that's a lot less known then Lawrence of Arabia, but what happened then is perhaps just as important as what Lawrence did while playing an integral part in the Arab uprising in World War I. Wikipedia explains:

During the First World War the Ottomans sided with the German Empire and the Central Powers. As a result, they were driven from much of the region by the British Empire during the dissolution phase of the Ottoman Empire.[citation needed]

Under the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, it was envisioned that most of Palestine, when conquered from the Ottoman empire, would become an international zone not under direct French or British colonial control. Shortly thereafter, British foreign minister Arthur Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration, which promised to establish a "Jewish national home" in Palestine,[524] but appeared to contradict the 1915–16 Hussein-McMahon Correspondence, which contained an undertaking to form a united Arab state in exchange for the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire in World War I. McMahon's promises could have been seen by Arab nationalists as a pledge of immediate Arab independence, an undertaking violated by the region's subsequent partition into British and French League of Nations mandates under the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 1916, which became the real cornerstone of the geopolitics structuring the entire region.


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Other sources such as.....? Info Wars? Gateway Pundit?

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir reportedly demanded that the army shoot Palestinian women and children in the Gaza Strip to protect the Israeli forces.

According to Israeli media reports this came in response to Israeli army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Halevi Halevi saying: “Firing orders in the border area are modified according to the instructions of officers in the field on a daily basis.”

Ben-Gvir responded: “You know how our enemies work. They will test us, they will send women and children, and in the end they will prove to be saboteurs. If we continue like this, we will reach October 7 again.”

“The soldiers know the complexities, and if we do not coordinate orders, we will witness harsh events with soldiers shooting at other soldiers,” Halevi replied.

However, Ben Gvir insisted [twitter link in original]: “There cannot be a situation in which children and women approach us from the wall. Anyone who approaches in order to harm security must receive a bullet, otherwise we will see October 7 again.”


Ben-Gvir calls on Israel army to shoot Gaza’s children, women | Middle East Monitor
Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir reportedly demanded that the army shoot Palestinian women and children in the Gaza Strip to protect the Israeli forces.

According to Israeli media reports this came in response to Israeli army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Halevi Halevi saying: “Firing orders in the border area are modified according to the instructions of officers in the field on a daily basis.”

Ben-Gvir responded: “You know how our enemies work. They will test us, they will send women and children, and in the end they will prove to be saboteurs. If we continue like this, we will reach October 7 again.”

“The soldiers know the complexities, and if we do not coordinate orders, we will witness harsh events with soldiers shooting at other soldiers,” Halevi replied.

However, Ben Gvir insisted [twitter link in original]: “There cannot be a situation in which children and women approach us from the wall. Anyone who approaches in order to harm security must receive a bullet, otherwise we will see October 7 again.”


Ben-Gvir calls on Israel army to shoot Gaza’s children, women | Middle East Monitor

It's odd that something that appears to be so inflammatory isn't picked up by the pro-palestinian news outlets like CNN or MSNBC. Probably because he didn't say anything inflammatory. Hamas, like most/all Muslim terrorists, use civilian women and children as either shields (hence the use of hospitals and schools as military locations) or use them as fighters/suicide bombers in war.

Is anyone surprised that IDF doesn't want to wait until it's too late to realized that terrorists are again violating the norms of military battle? Are they supposed to get close enough to the woman/kid to see if they're armed or wearing bombs?
Once again, you're missing the point. I guess I'll just have to spell it out- might is not the same thing as right. Hitler had the military might to take over a lot of countries in World War II. What he -didn't- have was the moral authority to do so. Similarly, Israel had the might to kill thousands of Palestinians in 1948 and displace hundreds of thousands, and they are doing the same again now, but most of the world agrees that what they're doing is downright evil. I'm sure you know how most stories end for the bad guys, regardless of how powerful they are at some point in time.

Should the United States give California and New Mexico back to Mexico we had no moral authority to take it

Should the United States give Montana back to the Crow Indians we had no moral authority to take it
The dumbass genocidal freak allowed his crime to be videoed.

Of course they can shoot women and children...

What do u expect them to do if a woman is coming towards them refusing to stop

You do know they love suicide bombers..right..u are a terrorist and should know that
Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir reportedly demanded that the army shoot Palestinian women and children in the Gaza Strip to protect the Israeli forces.

According to Israeli media reports this came in response to Israeli army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Halevi Halevi saying: “Firing orders in the border area are modified according to the instructions of officers in the field on a daily basis.”

Ben-Gvir responded: “You know how our enemies work. They will test us, they will send women and children, and in the end they will prove to be saboteurs. If we continue like this, we will reach October 7 again.”

“The soldiers know the complexities, and if we do not coordinate orders, we will witness harsh events with soldiers shooting at other soldiers,” Halevi replied.

However, Ben Gvir insisted [twitter link in original]: “There cannot be a situation in which children and women approach us from the wall. Anyone who approaches in order to harm security must receive a bullet, otherwise we will see October 7 again.”


Ben-Gvir calls on Israel army to shoot Gaza’s children, women | Middle East Monitor

It's odd that something that appears to be so inflammatory isn't picked up by the pro-palestinian news outlets like CNN or MSNBC.

Where are you getting this notion that CNN and MSNBC are "pro-palestinian"?

Probably because he didn't say anything inflammatory.

No, he did. The main issue is that he didn't actually say "Shoot Palestinian women and children". I think we can agree that a lot of media outlets will sometimes somewhat distort what someone says as it can make a difference in attracting attention. I suspect sometimes news outlets aren't even aware that they're doing it, but it happens just the same. What the news outlet quoted from Ben Givr's twitter was the following:
However, Ben Gvir insisted [twitter link in original]: “There cannot be a situation in which children and women approach us from the wall. Anyone who approaches in order to harm security must receive a bullet, otherwise we will see October 7 again.”

They had a link in the original article, so I dutifuly clicked on it to ensure that it was what he said. The link is dead now. I think we can agree that after this firestorm, Ben Gvir decided that what he said was beyond the pale politically speaking and so he removed it. The quote from the New Arab essentially had him saying the same thing. It was earlier, so it was even less politically correct, but the same idea:
“We cannot have women and children getting close to the border... anyone who gets near must get a bullet [in the head],” Ben-Gvir said during a debate with Israeli military chief Herzi Halevi on the army’s “open-fire” rules at the cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Hamas, like most/all Muslim terrorists, use civilian women and children as either shields (hence the use of hospitals and schools as military locations) or use them as fighters/suicide bombers in war.

Mondoweiss just published and article yesterday that delves into a recent UN report that gets into Israel's frequent use of the term "Human shield" to get away with genocide. Quoting from the article:


New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza

A new report by UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese shows how Israel has subverted international law to provide a legal cover for genocide.

Last week, the UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese issued a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide,” concluding that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide has been met.


Human shields

The history of the general usage of this term as a pretext for indiscriminate attacks is mentioned, particularly in the 2008-2022 aggressions. But on October 7 this rose to a new level:

“After 7 October, this macro-characterization of Gaza’s civilians as a population of human shields has reached unprecedented levels, with Israel’s top-ranking political and military leaders consistently framing civilians as either Hamas operatives, ‘accomplices’, or human shields among whom Hamas is ‘embedded’… International law does not permit the blanket claim that an opposing force is using the entire population as human shields en bloc… The accusation of using human shields has thus become a pretext, justifying the killing of civilians under a cloak of purported legality, whose all-enveloping pervasiveness admits only of genocidal intent.”


Full article:
New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza | Mondoweiss

Is anyone surprised that IDF doesn't want to wait until it's too late to realized that terrorists are again violating the norms of military battle?

I'm not sure what you consider to be the "norms of military battle". What I do know is that Israel has been killing Palestinian civilians at a much higher rate than Palestinians have been killing Israelies for decades now. The following article makes this clear:

Charts show a stark difference in the human cost of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts over the years | CNBC
Should the United States give California and New Mexico back to Mexico we had no moral authority to take it

I don't know about that. I imagine you know that serious issues between the United States and Mexico began with Texas and I'm pretty sure that the match there that lit the fire was Battle of the Alamo. It was during the siege of the Alamo that elected Texas delegates declared their independence from Mexico. Santa Ana's general mercilessness towards those at the Alamo also didn't help. From Wikipedia:

Santa Anna assumed that knowledge of the disparity in troop numbers and the fate of the Texian soldiers at the Alamo would quell the resistance,[154] and that Texian soldiers would quickly leave the territory.[155] News of the Alamo's fall had the opposite effect, and men flocked to join Houston's army.[154] The New York Post editorialized that "had [Santa Anna] treated the vanquished with moderation and generosity, it would have been difficult if not impossible to awaken that general sympathy for the people of Texas which now impels so many adventurous and ardent spirits to throng to the aid of their brethren".[156]

On the afternoon of April 21 the Texian army attacked Santa Anna's camp near Lynchburg Ferry. The Mexican army was taken by surprise, and the Battle of San Jacinto was essentially over after 18 minutes. During the fighting, many of the Texian soldiers repeatedly cried "Remember the Alamo!" as they slaughtered fleeing Mexican troops.[157] Santa Anna was captured the following day, and reportedly told Houston: "That man may consider himself born to no common destiny who has conquered the Napoleon of the West. And now it remains for him to be generous to the vanquished." Houston replied, "You should have remembered that at the Alamo". Santa Anna's life was spared, and he was forced to order his troops out of Texas, ending Mexican control of the province and bestowing some legitimacy on the new republic.[158]



Around a decade later, Texas agreed to be annexed by the U.S. in 1845, which led the following year to the war between the U.S. and Mexico.

Should the United States give Montana back to the Crow Indians we had no moral authority to take it

I think you're on the right track in terms of moral authority. As to your specific example, I don't know enough about the Crow people to know what the U.S. should do. I know they have a reservation in Montana. What I do know is that the U.S. isn't currently slaughtering thousands of them.
The dumbass genocidal freak allowed his crime to be videoed.

Perhaps, but the above video doesn't actually have him speaking at all. Your New Arab article in your opening post does though, and I would be greatly surprised if they didn't quote him properly. Here's what he was quoted as saying:

“We cannot have women and children getting close to the border... anyone who gets near must get a bullet [in the head],” Ben-Gvir said during a debate with Israeli military chief Herzi Halevi on the army’s “open-fire” rules at the cabinet meeting on Sunday.

So it seems clear that he didn't actually say "Shoot Palestinian women and children", but rather that if Palestinian women and children got close to the border, they should be shot. Still terrible, but not quite as bad.
Of course they can shoot women and children...

What do u expect them to do if a woman is coming towards them refusing to stop

Perhaps said women would be hoping for a bit of food before she and/or her children starve to death?

You do know they love suicide bombers..right..

I think suicide bombers are a sign of desperation, something which I'm sure people who are starving to death could relate to. Recently, though, I haven't heard of any in Palestine, just thousands being slaughtered by Israel.
We're still discussing this?

The jihadist sympathizers just won't quit, it appears.

I'd -like- to think that you're being sarcastic, but it's hard to tell with you. Surely you don't support the slaughtering of thousands of women and children, do. you?
Authoratitive casualty monitoring

The Zionist terrorists must be held to account.
