It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

I have noted that liberals are a melancholy group. Always complaining and angry about something. Perhaps a bit of Thoreau's "Walden" ("simplify, simplify, simplify") would soothe the savage beast or Beethoven.
Liberals can't hold a candle to conservatives in that. Constantly complaining and angry, tossing insults around instead of facts or reason. Conservatives are the ones who are stressed out. Probably because their world has no depth to it.

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Divine Providence is raining down on America. Jobs, jobs, jobs...not mobs. Food on the table. "It's a Wonderful Life."
All of which is a fading leftover from the Obama administration. Which Trump is eagerly tearing down.

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You appear to be a racist. Are you a racist?

My esposa is Latina.
It's typically conservatives who are racists, though I have run into a few blacks and organizations, such as Twitter, that are racists.

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"What a bullshit statement considering how Cons (generally a good ole boys club for white men) speak of women and other minorities who also happen to be Americans. You don't love Americans, you love people just like you. Period."

Sounds racist to me.

I do belong to a Country Club and I am on the Board...along with three black lawyers. Lol
Your creating racism where there was none indicates that you are a racist, of the type that tries to get others in trouble by accusing them of racism.

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Well, you infer that there are no black conservatives...there are many. The three on the board at my club are more conservative than I.

Did I mention that my esposa is Latina?
You really are an idiot. Nobody 'infer'red anything. I pity su esposa.

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When the words "stupid and uneducated" are flung my way, I respond with my resume and ask for theirs, old timer.

Have you calmed down yet?
Your posts certainly don't support the idea that you have any kind of education.

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Do you get there free? Do they offer degrees? What help did he get?

Trumpf lied himself into being President, despite being rejected by the majority of electors, and I expect some crook or other held his hand and showed him which bit of Washington it was!
The GOP also cheated by preventing thousands of legitimate voters from voting in key electoral districts.

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Do you get there free? Do they offer degrees? What help did he get?

Trumpf lied himself into being President, despite being rejected by the majority of electors, and I expect some crook or other held his hand and showed him which bit of Washington it was!
One of Trump's professors called him the dumbest student he ever had. He apparently only got in because his older brother knew one of the admissions officers.

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Well, no, it is not a valid comparison. It is an incongruous comparison. Those who supported A.H. supported the murder of 6 million Jews and the illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world.

Self-discipline and moderation are virtues, old timer.

Do you get out of bed on the wrong side every day?

The fried pork tenderloin, grits and biscuits and gravy were outstanding.
IOW, just the sorts of things that Trump would be trying if the Constitution didn't limit him. As it is, he's using his office to enrich himself.

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The moral here is to be rich.

The 12th Amendment to the Constitution mandates the Electoral College.

There was proof that crooked Hillary exposed classified state secrets, a crime.
Funny. The GOP conducted a massive witch hunt against Hillary, wasting millions of dollars, and came up with exactly nothing.

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Just curious. Why do you and most other dims consider anybody not supporting 100% of democratic party principles a supporter of Trump? I just don't follow that logic.
You don't follow because it's something you just made up, something that has no basis in reality.

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Not only that but I'm Hitler except more racist because I don't "oppose Trump sufficiently".
I understand TDS. Frank definitely has TDS .
Actually, it's you and Darth who don't understand TDS. It's Trump's cultists who suffer from TDS. To them, every word that comes out of his mouth is holy writ, and cannot be doubted. Facts are irrelevant. Trump is doing God's work.

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He is as demented an individual as I can imagine...and presents, in my opinion, an existential threat to our Republic...and by extension, to humanity.

That is why I feel as I do about the people who actually continue to support him. contempt and scorn are not, as you want to suppose, because of a lack of total agreement (or disagreement)...but because you are not opposing this abomination with sufficient energy and dedication.
You don't need to have TDS to oppose Trump, you clearly have it if you continue to support him.

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Umm...Frank, I don't believe that you are a happy camper. At your advanced age (though you have aged well), I would have thought that you would have developed more restraint and self-discipline. Most of us use these forums as entertainment. It's not the end of the world if someone supports a president that you don't. Most conservatives felt the same way about Obama but we suffered through it for eight (8) long and agonizing years and we did so without rioting, assaulting and going bonkers on an internet forum. We did not support Obama's policies and thought he was the most divisive, destructive and the worst president in history. Decorum, moderation, propriety and appropriate behavior...these are the characteristics of a civilized and civil human being.

How about Clemson? They destroyed Alabama. Lots of money lost on that game.
The right spent 8 years constantly spewing lies about Obama. There was no restraint or decorum. Just lie after lie. Trump continues that behavior. Lie after lie, no restraint or decorum, and the right applauds each and every lie.

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