It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Horse Shit.

The "attacks" (also known as publishing the truth)...may be unprecedented...but that is because the classless, ignorant boor in the White House is acting in an unprecedented way.

The media does not have "a candidate." It reports the news. Some are left-leaning...some are right-leaning...some are quite neutral.

Trump, and his moronic supporters simply cannot accept that much of the media "attacks" Trump the way most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job.

He is "attacked" because people realize his is ignorant, unable or unwilling to learn, incurious, venal, narcissistic, classless...and boorish.
Well, old timer, I did specify the left wing media (most of the media is left wing) and that the attacks were unprecedented. No president has been attacked like this in my memory.

What is said in the primaries is, for the most part, hyperbole in order to win the nomination.

As to being ignorant, he defeated the smartest woman on the planet.

I won't call your post horse mierda, I could but I won't, old timer.
Well, old timer, I did specify the left wing media (most of the media is left wing) and that the attacks were unprecedented. No president has been attacked like this in my memory.

No American president has been more worthy of it than that jerk-off now in the Oval MY memory. In fact, in the memory of anyone with a functioning brain.

What is said in the primaries is, for the most part, hyperbole in order to win the nomination.

I have no idea of what you are trying to say here, Earl, or how it connects with anything I said.

As to being ignorant, he defeated the smartest woman on the planet.

He is more than ignorant no matter who he defeated. He is a Republican president who apparently just discovered that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican...and tried to present it as "a lot of people don't realize Lincoln was a Republican."

He is stupid beyond imagination.

I won't call your post horse mierda, I could but I won't, old timer.

Whatever. People have called some of my posts a lot worse. It goes with the territory. No offense will be taken if you change your mind and do it.
certainly you should know.....

We don't know what information was exchanged during the meeting, because we weren't there and the only accounts are from the suspects, who have a motivation to lie. We do know that Trump Jr. solicited valuable information for the campaign from the Russian agents, because we've seen the emails where he committed that crime.
We don't know what information was exchanged during the meeting, because we weren't there and the only accounts are from the suspects, who have a motivation to lie. We do know that Trump Jr. solicited valuable information for the campaign from the Russian agents, because we've seen the emails where he committed that crime.

but either you have this or you don't........
that's all we need to know to establish they're guilty of a crime under campaign finance law

hint: everyone knows you don't......
We don't know what information was exchanged during the meeting, because we weren't there and the only accounts are from the suspects, who have a motivation to lie. We do know that Trump Jr. solicited valuable information for the campaign from the Russian agents, because we've seen the emails where he committed that crime.

Maybe my facts are wrong lol, but didn’t the Russian lawyer *offer* to meet with Junior?

And it’s baseless speculation that anything of ‘value’ was obtained. If you have evidence to the contrary—let’s see it.
Maybe my facts are wrong lol, but didn’t the Russian lawyer *offer* to meet with Junior?

Yes. Receiving that offer wasn't a crime. Arranging the meeting, though, was a solicitation of that valuable information. That was the crime, under campaign finance value.

And it’s baseless speculation that anything of ‘value’ was obtained

Agreed. All we know is that he attempted to solicit something of value. We don't know if he succeeded in getting it. But the solicitation was a crime.
Yes. Receiving that offer wasn't a crime. Arranging the meeting, though, was a solicitation of that valuable information. That was the crime, under campaign finance value.

Agreed. All we know is that he attempted to solicit something of value. We don't know if he succeeded in getting it. But the solicitation was a crime.

You’re splitting some fine hairs just to nail Junior for a civil offense [without *knowingly* breaking campaign law you pay a fine and go on your way].

The Russian lawyer made the offer—that’s the solicitation. Both parties can’t solicit. That’s standing the term on its head. So after the Russian lawyer *solicited* Junior with an offer of campaign dirt, that discussion is over.

All Junior did was arrange a meeting to where she could complete the act of soliciting.

The only way Junior could be the solicitor would be if he *made the approach* and asked for dirt from the Russian.

There just isn’t anything there. I’ll be very surprised if Mullet has anything on it.
Whether a free-for-all or formal debate, the score, using the Rubric Template, was low due to responding with "Hitler" instead of refutation with reputable links.

President Trump has been attacked by the left wing media, unmercifully. It's unprecedented. He has a right to consider them to be his enemies, not because they don't support his ideas, but because they can not accept the fact that their candidate lost.

"...they can not accept the fact that their candidate lost."
This is nothing but a right wing talking point. We don't support trump because he's a nasty, incurious, narrow-minded, unqualified narcissist who doesn't have the first idea about how to govern. Not to mention he doesn't understand that "We, the people" doesn't mean "We, the trump supporters."

If he had any people skills to speak of, he'd work on trying to persuade us that we should support his ideas, rather than constantly castigating us for not falling in line like lemmings.

Horse Shit.

The "attacks" (also known as publishing the truth)...may be unprecedented...but that is because the classless, ignorant boor in the White House is acting in an unprecedented way.

The media does not have "a candidate." It reports the news. Some are left-leaning...some are right-leaning...some are quite neutral.

Trump, and his moronic supporters simply cannot accept that much of the media "attacks" Trump the way most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job.

He is "attacked" because people realize his is ignorant, unable or unwilling to learn, incurious, venal, narcissistic, classless...and boorish.

Holy moly, I just repeated your words in my post without reading this first!
You’re splitting some fine hairs just to nail Junior for a civil offense [without *knowingly* breaking campaign law you pay a fine and go on your way].

Establishing whether he knew it was breaking campaign law would be difficult, unless he was dumb enough to leave a smoking gun in his communications. But given how dumb he was, that's entirely possible. Communications concerning such meetings should be subpoenaed, if they haven't already been.

the Russian lawyer made the offer—that’s the solicitation. Both parties can’t solicit.

They can.

It's similar to prostitution. If a hooker offers to have sex for money, and you tell her yes, pick her up, and bring her back to your hotel room, you're both going to be guilty of solicitation:

There just isn’t anything there. I’ll be very surprised if Mullet has anything on it.

Who is Mullet?
Well, old timer, I did specify the left wing media (most of the media is left wing) and that the attacks were unprecedented. No president has been attacked like this in my memory.

What is said in the primaries is, for the most part, hyperbole in order to win the nomination.

As to being ignorant, he defeated the smartest woman on the planet.

I won't call your post horse mierda, I could but I won't, old timer.

No American president has been more worthy of it than that jerk-off now in the Oval MY memory. In fact, in the memory of anyone with a functioning brain.

I have no idea of what you are trying to say here, Earl, or how it connects with anything I said.

He is more than ignorant no matter who he defeated. He is a Republican president who apparently just discovered that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican...and tried to present it as "a lot of people don't realize Lincoln was a Republican."

He is stupid beyond imagination.

Whatever. People have called some of my posts a lot worse. It goes with the territory. No offense will be taken if you change your mind and do it.
"... most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job."

Before he was elected would be in the Primary, old timer.
"... most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job."

Before he was elected would be in the Primary, old timer.

Okay. It would be. But the Republican establishment was attacking him for being unsuited for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities and skills necessary for the presidency.

Boy...were they ever right back then.

Now they are reduced to kissing his ass, because NOT kissing his ass means big trouble for a Republican.

Sorry you have to do it, Earl. You seem like a decent guy. Doing a Kim Jung Un or a Saddam Hussein for Donald Trump must be excruciating.
"... most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job."

Before he was elected would be in the Primary, old timer.

So you're claiming that before the election "most of the Republican establishment" had some claim to sanity and morals, both of which they've totally abandoned since. He keeps demonstrating how accurate that evaluation was.

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So you're claiming that before the election "most of the Republican establishment" had some claim to sanity and morals, both of which they've totally abandoned since. He keeps demonstrating how accurate that evaluation was.

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The quote was Frank's. I claimed no such thing. Straw-men don't work on these forums.