It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Okay. It would be. But the Republican establishment was attacking him for being unsuited for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities and skills necessary for the presidency.

Boy...were they ever right back then.

Now they are reduced to kissing his ass, because NOT kissing his ass means big trouble for a Republican.

Sorry you have to do it, Earl. You seem like a decent guy. Doing a Kim Jung Un or a Saddam Hussein for Donald Trump must be excruciating.

The Primaries involve a lot of hyperbole. The Republicans were saying that Hillary wasn't suited for the presidency, a bit too cavalier with State Secrets.

There's a lot that I don't like about President Trump but he won and I believe that he is a better choice than Hillary. I don't see anyone in either party that measures up to that job. There is no one like John Kennedy (even with his philandering while in office) or Ronald Reagan (with his flaws). We have to accept what we have and hope that someone will run who can bring the country together. The far left and the far right are destroying our country.

Near 60 degrees here today. Why do you live up in the Arctic, Frank?
The Primaries involve a lot of hyperbole. The Republicans were saying that Hillary wasn't suited for the presidency, a bit too cavalier with State Secrets.

There's a lot that I don't like about President Trump but he won and I believe that he is a better choice than Hillary. I don't see anyone in either party that measures up to that job. There is no one like John Kennedy (even with his philandering while in office) or Ronald Reagan (with his flaws). We have to accept what we have and hope that someone will run who can bring the country together. The far left and the far right are destroying our country.

I agree with most of what you said here...except for the part that Donald Trump was a better choice than Hillary Clinton. In my opinion, she was by far the better choice...and still is.

Near 60 degrees here today. Why do you live up in the Arctic, Frank?

Ahhh...just used to New Jersey. At 82, to move now would be to commit suicide by change. And I would miss the tomatoes and corn starting in late July...through September.
I agree with most of what you said here...except for the part that Donald Trump was a better choice than Hillary Clinton. In my opinion, she was by far the better choice...and still is.

Ahhh...just used to New Jersey. At 82, to move now would be to commit suicide by change. And I would miss the tomatoes and corn starting in late July...through September.

We can agree to disagree about Hillary and President Trump.

I understand about moving at age 82. We had a home in Costa Rica until last year. Sold it and our home here and built a new home on a golf course close to our daughter and grandson.

Tomatoes and corn here from June to October. Peaches and pecans are plentiful. Life is good.
The quote was Frank's. I claimed no such thing. Straw-men don't work on these forums.
Actually, the quote was yours. But I understand that you can't deal with reality. That's a constant of the righties on these forums.

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Actually, the quote was yours. But I understand that you can't deal with reality. That's a constant of the righties on these forums.

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Actually, the quote was Frank Apisa's in Post No. 781:

"Trump, and his moronic supporters simply cannot accept that much of the media "attacks" Trump the way most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job."

But I understand that you can't deal with reality. That's a constant of the lefties on these forums.
Actually, the quote was Frank Apisa's in Post No. 781:

"Trump, and his moronic supporters simply cannot accept that much of the media "attacks" Trump the way most of the Republican establishment "attacked" him before he was elected. He was called inappropriate for the job...lacking the political, personal, mental and ethical qualities for the job."

But I understand that you can't deal with reality. That's a constant of the lefties on these forums.
You really need to learn how to use the quote facility.

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Well, no, quotation marks suffice for most educated posters.

Actually, using quotes as you did in your #797...can lead to confusion, Earl.

Especially if you combing use of the quote function in some areas (as you did) and then switch to "quotation marks."

There are Internet forum protocols for quoting (using the quote function correctly) makes sense to use them.
rjhenn was not accurate...:)
Neither was Earl. The post #781 that he referred to as Frank's was actually his own post, though he did quote Frank there. But that wasn't Frank's original post.

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Neither was Earl. The post #781 that he referred to as Frank's was actually his own post, though he did quote Frank there. But that wasn't Frank's original post.

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Frank's original post was #778. In post 781, I quoted Frank.

I don't see a problem here. Whether quotation marks or a quotation box, someone is being quoted. As I said earlier, I have been posting on Topix for years and they did not have a quotation box feature and there were no problems.
Frank's original post was #778. In post 781, I quoted Frank.

I don't see a problem here. Whether quotation marks or a quotation box, someone is being quoted. As I said earlier, I have been posting on Topix for years and they did not have a quotation box feature and there were no problems.

If you quote something, you need to attribute the quote to someone. Otherwise you're just trying to distance yourself from your own statements.

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If you quote something, you need to attribute the quote to someone. Otherwise you're just trying to distance yourself from your own statements.

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When I reply to a poster and use his words (with quotation marks) he and everyone who reads the post knows who is being quoted. As I said before, I used Topix for years and they had no quotation box and there was no confusion. I stand behind my statements. Why would anyone make a statement and then try to deny that he made it?

You posted that I did quote Frank so you knew who was being quoted.
When I reply to a poster and use his words (with quotation marks) he and everyone who reads the post knows who is being quoted. As I said before, I used Topix for years and they had no quotation box and there was no confusion. I stand behind my statements. Why would anyone make a statement and then try to deny that he made it?

You posted that I did quote Frank so you knew who was being quoted.

Again there's nothing to show who you're replying to or who you're quoting. Yes I did finally figure out that you quoted Frank, but you certainly didn't make it easy.

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Again there's nothing to show who you're replying to or who you're quoting. Yes I did finally figure out that you quoted Frank, but you certainly didn't make it easy.

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"Life is hard, it's really hard if you are stupid." (Attributed to John Wayne).
"My takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him. That he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time," Schiff, a former prosecutor and the incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on "Face the Nation" on CBS.