It won’t be thrown out.

lol.....after six years Bragg was pressed for time and had to settle for a barebones indictment which turned out to be a single incomplete charge repeated 34 people are a sad joke......

An indictment is simply an indictment. There is no 'barebones' indictment.
The Trump indictment contains no felony charges. It contains no charges at all that I can find. Yes, these people are a sad joke.
It would not have been appropriate to include it in the indictment. That would’ve been sloppy legal work. Obviously you have not done much criminal work. Look up any criminal case you can think of and the indictment will be bare bones.

There may be lots of reasons a criminal charge would not have been prosecuted. Most notably, that I can think of, because Bill Barr was the Attorney General and Donald Trump was the president. During that period of time there would not be a single chance in hell, the justice department would prosecute a federal crime against Donald Trump.

Obviously you are completely clueless about law.
You deny what an indictment is supposed to be, and you deny history.
it certainly would have been appropriate, if it was a crime Trump should have been indicted for......
It is a requirement to list the charges on the indictment. I find none listed.
Occam's Razor:
Doesn't apply here.
or there weren't facts to support it,
This is the case for the bit of history that Jarod is trying to deny.
or the statute of limitations had run,
Not the case.
or it was a misdemeanor and didn't meet the requirement of 175.10......
It was neither a crime nor a misdemeanor. The feds simply concluded there was no case. There were no fact of crime or misdemeanor in Trump's actions concerning Stormy Daniels. Indeed, Trump WON a case where Stormy tried to extort him AGAIN using the courts. She lost big time in that one, having to pay a rather large compensation to Trump. The countersuit turned out to be rather devastating to her.

Now Bragg is setting himself for a similar countersuit. These twits never seem to learn.
An incomplete charge?

You have no idea how indictments work if you fall for the conservative media screaming claims that this one is insufficient. The indictment is in fact perfect Period.

No, it is YOU that has no idea even what an indictment even IS.
An indictment that fails to specify any charges is NOT perfect (unless you could call it a perfect failure!).
The law does not require that the crime Trump was lying to avoid be prosecuted, or that a prosecution would be successful, or that the statute of limitations not have passed. The only requirement is that the fraudulent document be filed in order to conceal a criminal act.

You keep throwing, pretend and fake requirements. In front of Alvin, Bragg, pitiful.

Void argument fallacy. What criminal act? What concealment? What fraudulent document? Filed where?
The indictment is REQUIRED to list the felony charges. Trumps indictment contains none.
Nobody settles for a bare bones indictment, its how indictments are done. You are such a clown, you know what I am saying is true. Unless you are dumber than I thought.

I am sure you never did Criminal law, but I have. I prosecuted and defended.

Blatant lie. You are no lawyer. You deny and discard law.
Of course they did. See the certified electoral vote sent by Georgia to the National Archive.
No electors were ever chosen by Georgia. There is no electoral vote from Georgia.
You must thinking of the forged electoral votes the Republicans illegally submitted.
The Republicans did not choose any electors either. They can't.

If there are no electors, there is NO VOTE.

Go read the Constitution again for the procedure on electing a President.
Delusion fallacy.

No, you cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear. You cannot just synthesize what never happened. You cannot make the judgement of that evidence by the people just disappear either.

Election fraud happened AGAIN in 2022, faulting several State elections.
No electors were ever chosen by Georgia. There is no electoral vote from Georgia.

The Republicans did not choose any electors either. They can't.

If there are no electors, there is NO VOTE.

Go read the Constitution again for the procedure on electing a President.

The National Archives accepted electoral votes certified by Georgia and counted them toward the total electoral votes. That is the official count. Election deniers do not count.
Never voted for Biden or supported any of his legislative proposals. Both Biden and Trump have bankrupted the U. S.

The federal government was bankrupt long before Biden or Trump.
The President does not have that power. Only Congress does.

Go read the Constitution, dumbass.
True, to the fact that prosecutors use lies, innuendo and non-credible witnesses to convince a (liberal NY) grand jury to indict.

That must be why you were demoted to chasing ambulances.

He does it as a hobby, probably. He's no lawyer. He has already demonstrated that!
No, you cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear. You cannot just synthesize what never happened. You cannot make the judgement of that evidence by the people just disappear either.

Election fraud happened AGAIN in 2022, faulting several State elections.

If you only had some evidence. We are still waiting for one county that had more votes than it had registered voters.

Just type the name of that county (RQAA is not a county)
The Chinese Disease, Biden, and his open borders have bankrupted this country

The federal government was already bankrupt long before Biden.

The Democrats DID shut down the economy to make Trump look bad, using covid19 as the excuse (a virus that doesn't even kill). We are still in economic depression from that.

The lack of borders (Mayorkas got a good roasting over that, and deserved every bit of it!) does not itself cause bankruptcy of the federal government.

All the government can do now is print funny money and try to get people to take it. So far, it's worked, but Biden has poisoned the dollar abroad, and it's all coming apart.
They've already borrowed as much as they can. Few people want to front the federal government any more money. They just get paid back in inflated dollars.
They've already taxed as much as they can. Revolt is already rising.

The federal government is out of options.
They also use evidence and testimony.
What evidence? Where's the beef?
Trump is guilty of paying off women
Not a crime.
and hiding it through payoffs.
He didn't hide it.
He used bookkeeping tricks to hide that he was doing it
He didn't hide it.
to help his election chances.
So you are a Mind Reader as well as a Seer, are you? Even if it was, it's not a crime.
That made it a campaign expense.
Attempted proof by speculation. Not a crime. Trump can contribute anything he wants to for his own campaign.