It's not just lack of God in schools

I keep hearing people say the problem is, we have taken God out of the schools, that's why we have tragedies like CT. I can't agree with this, because it wouldn't have mattered if these children had been praying and reading bibles, the monster who killed them would have still done what he did. This wasn't about a lack of God in schools.

This was about a lack of God everywhere in society, and our culture of bashing and trashing God at every turn, and those who believe in God. It's about a whole generation, maybe two, who have been raised up with no God and no moral upbringing. Surrounded by misfits and miscreants who think it's "COOL" to bash and trash God and religious people.

At the same time, these same degenerates want to legalize all drugs! Knock down all laws based on morality! No, we can't lock people away against their will anymore, that's forbidden now! Forget trying to do that, it's not going to happen, so we have all these mentally unstable people running around with no moral guidance and no sense of decent moral value, and certainly, no religious or "Godly" guidance in their lives. It's the "IN" thing now, for young people to run around making fun of God, making fun of people who believe in God, and constantly attacking morality. THAT is the culture, THAT is the world we find ourselves in... the kind of world where a 20-year-old doesn't think a thing in the world about killing innocent kindergartners.

this was about the worship of guns

Mom of suspected school shooter -- first to die -- was avid gun enthusiast, friend says

Nancy Lanza, in a 2012 photo that a relative saved from Facebook.

By Michael Isikoff and Hannah Rappleye
NBC News

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The mother of the suspected Sandy Hook Elementary School gunman, herself slain at the outset of the murderous rampage, was an avid gun enthusiast who liked to take her sons to the shooting range to practice their marksmanship, a friend tells NBC News.

Dan Holmes, a local landscaper and a friend of Nancy Lanza, mother of 20-year-old suspected gunman Adam Lanza, said she also was a collector.

“She had a pretty extensive gun collection,” Holmes said. “She was a collector, she was pretty proud of that. She always mentioned that she really loved the act of shooting.”
You have no idea what she taught. You are exploiting the tragedy to push your political agenda of gun control. The perpetrator was not a legal gun owner, he did not adhere to gun laws in one of the most strict gun-control places in America. What was missing in his life, was moral upbringing and God. But you don't want to acknowledge that.
yes we do know what she taught.

the police have full on evidence of her training her kids to shoot all her guns which included all sorts including semis
Bushmaster .223-caliber semi-automatic assault-style rifle

the head autopsy Dr said all the injuries he saw were from a long gun
she worshiped guns.

she tried to teach her kids to worship guns

then she didnt seek any mental healthcare for a child she was very concerned about according to her friends.
There are cultures who do not worship any god.

None of them have produced so many gun nutters like we do
she worshiped guns.

she tried to teach her kids to worship guns

then she didnt seek any mental healthcare for a child she was very concerned about according to her friends.

Do you have evidence of what you claim?

This is why your side will lose the debate.

First you are lying. Second there are too many democrats from gun states
she worshiped guns.

she tried to teach her kids to worship guns

then she didnt seek any mental healthcare for a child she was very concerned about according to her friends.

She was a prepper and didn't secure her weapons. She obviously had some issues of her own don't you think? Why all the kneejerk reaction to rational regulation and a ban on assault rifles? Why? It makes no rational sense. If the NRA is so proud of it's promotion of gun ownership why wouldn't they go on TV and represent their point of view? The same people that squeal about gun ownership and the second amendment are the same ones that want to force their religion on all of us...religion or a lack of it in our schools has nothing to do with what happened in this school. To suggest it does is just more useless propaganda from the right.
She was a prepper and didn't secure her weapons. She obviously had some issues of her own don't you think? Why all the kneejerk reaction to rational regulation and a ban on assault rifles? Why? It makes no rational sense. If the NRA is so proud of it's promotion of gun ownership why wouldn't they go on TV and represent their point of view? The same people that squeal about gun ownership and the second amendment are the same ones that want to force their religion on all of us...religion or a lack of it in our schools has nothing to do with what happened in this school. To suggest it does is just more useless propaganda from the right.

I believe lack of God in our culture and society played a major role. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

No one is "squealing" about anything, except LIBERALS who want to use this tragedy to remove more liberty from the people. You should ALL be ashamed of yourselves, you couldn't even wait until the dead bodies were removed from the premises before you started with your agenda and exploitation of the tragedy... never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
I believe lack of God in our culture and society played a major role. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

No one is "squealing" about anything, except LIBERALS who want to use this tragedy to remove more liberty from the people. You should ALL be ashamed of yourselves, you couldn't even wait until the dead bodies were removed from the premises before you started with your agenda and exploitation of the tragedy... never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

Are you not able to see the irony of this statement, seeing as how you are all over the board advocating for arming our schools and putting God back in academia?

Are those things not "an agenda" in Dixieland?
Are you not able to see the irony of this statement, seeing as how you are all over the board advocating for arming our schools and putting God back in academia?

Are those things not "an agenda" in Dixieland?

If you bothered to read the OP, the very first line indicates that I do not believe "God in schools" would have solved this problem. So we start by correcting your dishonest assertions and then we can possibly have an honest discussion. As long as we allow you to be dishonest and make dishonest points, we can't ever reach a level of rational discourse. So it all begins there, and if you aren't willing to not be dishonest, and you insist on continuing to lie and distort things, we are stuck and can't move forward. It's really all up to you.
You have no idea what she taught. You are exploiting the tragedy to push your political agenda of gun control. The perpetrator was not a legal gun owner, he did not adhere to gun laws in one of the most strict gun-control places in America. What was missing in his life, was moral upbringing and God. But you don't want to acknowledge that.

Obviously his mother wasn't a responsible gun owner. There's no such thing.