It's Over for Letterman

Oh, look, not even the same zip code:

Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children
1319 Punahou Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826

The Queen's Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Along with a different queen:

Biography of Founder Queen Emma

ZappasGuitar pwned. :)

Correct, and since BOTH Queen Kapi'olani and Queen Emma opened hospitals it might create confusion to have BOTH referred to as the Queen's hospital, don't you think?

Might then one have changed it's name?

It sure don't take much to wipe the phony facade of civility off of ol Damo's face, now do it?
What are you talking about? It's funny when somebody gets owned that bad regardless of party, it will always be funny.

Even funnier when they come up with such a lame "answer" that it literally made me laugh out loud.

As for "civility" what part of pointing out how funny your post was wasn't civil?

And before you start in on how I'm supposed to be non-partisan you are simply wrong. I am not non-partisan, and you should not expect me to be.

You should expect me to be fair handed and not ban you for an opinion and protect your privacy as willingly as I would that of somebody on the same "side" of the political spectrum, but expecting me to pretend to have no opinion isn't going to happen. If you dislike that you need to find a different board to post on, because it isn't going to change.
Good point, I hadn't thought of that before...thx.
Oh, you were serious? Really? Can you tell me when each of the hospitals were founded?

Kapi'olani - 1890 (It was never once named Queen's nor called that because it would have been quite confusing considering another hospital already existed by that name, it opened its doors as Kapi'olani Maternity Home).

The Queen's Medical Center - Founded in 1859. (And no, it didn't change its name).
I think we can all agree by now that Dixie was *WRONG*

It is in fact not over for Letterman. Palin however...
Dixie is handy to have around. Just listen to what he is saying reverse it and you have what is actually happening or will happen as the case may be.
Letterman's ratings will INCREASE...he's not going anywhere pea brain...

The person that exploited Palin's children for gain in public was PALIN...


Of course he wont, hell he didn't bash the right type of person, what a world we live in when a man can loose his job for teasing a black man about what he will choose for dinner after winning golfs biggest tournament, but another man can tease a underage girl and it is ok, lol

Look at Imus( a idiot I might add) made a stupid ass joke about Rutgers Girls basketball team, I think he called them nappy headed hoes, that was wrong he was fined, so why should Letterman walk away with just a I am sorry, cause he was smart enough not to ruffle the wrong feathers
It's okay Jeff, the left has proven they will lie through their teeth about everything anyway, so what difference does it make? They are proud of themselves for propping this goofball up, and endorsing the stupidity which flowed from his lips. It all fits nicely with the double-standards they hold for everything else.

To the left, this is about throwing something up in MY face, to defame ME, because I said Letterman's career was over, and they believe I was wrong. But here's the dirty little secret they won't tell you... Letterman took a huge hit, that was why his network made him apologize profusely, including a personal apology to the governor herself. Even after that, his show lost one of their biggest sponsors, Olive Garden declined to renew their contract with Letterman. Several other sponsors have also said they would not renew contracts with Letterman's show. His ratings dropped like a rock when he did this, and they have never recovered. Sure, his show still remains popular, just not to the extent it was before, and it never will be again. But that won't stop the liberals from lying, they have this inner need to constantly lie about something, so this is the perfect kind of thing to lie about!

Let's take this whole episode under the microscope of scrutiny... A left-wing comedian made an inappropriate sexual joke about the minor child of a political figure. After the dust settles and he issues two public apologies and one personal apology to the governor, the leftist nit wits are lauding him as a hero who overcame the right wing attempts to bring him down! So in essence, even Letterman admits it was wrong for him to do what he did, but the left wants to cheer from the sidelines... Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah... Letterman got away with it!! I say, that is fine with me... let them applaud Letterman, let them cheer for him and condone what he did! Let them even rub it in MY face that he is still on the air! The more the left takes this sort of immature and irresponsible angle, the more they completely bury their left-wing ideology, because most NORMAL people know that WRONG is WRONG!
No Mainey, I didn't "predict" anything. I said "It's Over For Letterman" and it is over for him. He is no longer "The King" of late night, his show has slipped in the ratings, and he is losing sponsors. He has relegated himself to that of a washed-up unfunny left-wing hack, who has to make crude sick jokes about people's kids for laughs. Perhaps he can run for Senate, eh?
No Mainey, I didn't "predict" anything. I said "It's Over For Letterman" and it is over for him. He is no longer "The King" of late night, his show has slipped in the ratings, and he is losing sponsors. He has relegated himself to that of a washed-up unfunny left-wing hack, who has to make crude sick jokes about people's kids for laughs. Perhaps he can run for Senate, eh?

The master of spin; no one else even comes close...
On the birth certificate..I have a Hawaii birth certificate and it doesn't look anything like the one posted online..

and one other thing that caught my eye..for father race, the put African..when did they start doing that??

and if there was nothing to hide, all "the Obama" would have to do, is tell Hawaii to release his ORGINIAL birth certificate..but instead, he has spent over a million dollars to fight it being released..

anyone wonder why??