I't's time to take the car keys away

I notice Trump hasn't taken a cognitive exam in the last 4 years. Maybe if he were to take one, then Biden might be willing to.
Trump can't even remember that he promised to testify in his trial and then refused when given the opportunity.
Trump took one now it is Biden's turn even White House staff are saving Joe is slipping. Joe's memory is SO BAD that he can't even stand trial for smuggling classified documents out of a SCIF when he was a Senator.
Trump took one now it is Biden's turn even White House staff are saving Joe is slipping. Joe's memory is SO BAD that he can't even stand trial for smuggling classified documents out of a SCIF when he was a Senator.
I guess you need to take a cognitive test because you are out of touch with reality. Biden didn't smuggle classified documents out of SCIF when he was a Senator. I'll bet you have no clue as to what documents were actually found from his time as a Senator or what their markings were.

I'll give you some hints -
11 of them were simply biographies of members of a foreign delegation in 1979
1 was 2 power point slides
6 of them were written by Senate staffers for members of certain committees
3 of them were letters written by Senators
3 of them were agendas for Senate committee meetings.

Can you tell us which ones were kept in a SCIF?
Another hint - None of them were top secret or created by the military, CIA or NSA.
In fact, Hur admits that it is likely that some of the confidential markings have to do with legislative confidentiality and were marked by the Legislature and have nothing to do with being secret under national security laws.

Prove you aren't lacking cognitive skills and tell us which of the 38 documents Biden had from when he was a Senator that would have required being kept in a SCIF because they are so top secret.
Trump took one now it is Biden's turn even White House staff are saving Joe is slipping. Joe's memory is SO BAD that he can't even stand trial for smuggling classified documents out of a SCIF when he was a Senator.
Cognitive tests are given to someone that is likely starting to show signs of cognitive loss. They are then given another test later to see if their is loss over time. That means that Trump should take another one to prove he doesn't have dementia of some kind.
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
I wouldn't let him drive a golf cart in a retirement neighborhood in his condition.
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
Is something like this what you had in mind?
Cognitive tests are given to someone that is likely starting to show signs of cognitive loss. They are then given another test later to see if their is loss over time. That means that Trump should take another one to prove he doesn't have dementia of some kind.
Not necessarily. When you reach 65 they are a standard part of the yearly physical that Obamacare provides for seniors. Rightys hate preventative care. Obama was trying to get early diagnosis for the aged.
The test is simple on purpose. It is not trying to see how smart you are, but if you are having beginning brain problems like Alzheimer's. When Trump kept bragging about passing it with flying colors, it showed he needs another one. I was embarrassed for him. That is one of many things he cannot feel.
Not necessarily. When you reach 65 they are a standard part of the yearly physical that Obamacare provides for seniors. Rightys hate preventative care. Obama was trying to get early diagnosis for the aged.
The test is simple on purpose. It is not trying to see how smart you are, but if you are having beginning brain problems like Alzheimer's. When Trump kept bragging about passing it with flying colors, it showed he needs another one. I was embarrassed for him. That is one of many things he cannot feel.
Biden will not take a cognitive exam because he cannot pass one.