I't's time to take the car keys away

If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
What a stupid thread. Biden has reconnected with our allies. They told him they were happy to have America back, but with people like Trump, can they rely on us?
Our crime rates are very low. They were topped in the 1990s. They have dripped ever since. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-r...BI data, the,nonnegligent manslaughter (-34%).
You repeat that lie because Trump says it so often.
Trump's entire life is based on lies and felonies.
Trumpys question nothing Trump says. They have the tools available to check him out, but they dare not. Maybe you should find a home that will take you.
Doucehbag thinks poopiehead is a coherent argument. :laugh:

(ĭn′fən-tīl′, -tĭl)

Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; childish: infantile behavior; an infantile remark.
Poopiehead is an accurate description of your avatar since it shows your round head being outside the cow's ass is not happening. We all notice you are flailing and not addressing the simple fact that -

Trump is a rapist!!

Why would you possibly be ignoring that fact about Trump? Is it because you are a sociopath? Or is it because you are a member of a cult that can't believe anything bad about your dear leader?
So do you think a bear or a monkey should run the country because they can ride bikes? They are both smarter than Dementia Joe after all.
I think a bear or a monkey are more qualified to run the country than Trump because they can ride a bike and because they would understand if someone told them that -

Trump is a rapist!!
Biden is standing up to Putin along with NATO. Trump wants to pull the US out of NATO.
It seems you think we would be better off with Trump rolling over and doing Putin's bidding.
Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was VP AND when Biden is pResident. Putin was too afraid to invade while Trump was President.
Interesting that you think adults never crash their bikes. Do you not live in the real world?
I guess all these athletes must be old and feeble.

Why have we never seen Trump on a bike? Is it because only athletes and people with a good sense of balance that even attempt to ride a bike?
Do they make seats that support that kind of weight?
Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was VP AND when Biden is pResident. Putin was too afraid to invade while Trump was President.
Putin had no need to protect Trump since Trump was doing his bidding and trying to weaken NATO.
If anything, Putin thought Trump had weakened NATO enough that he could invade all of Ukraine and they would lie there and take it. He was surprised by their reaction and support for Ukraine.
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
Are you still sobbing????